尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

Tori Coffee 》鳥兒咖啡 | 大安區有插座咖啡甜點店

有著鳥造型甜點熱壓吐司Tori Coffee 就位於大安捷運站附近, 不同於其他下午茶甜點店, 甜點通常都需要預約為求新鮮.
Tori Coffee, which has bird theme design desserts and toasts, is located near Da’an MRT station. Different from other coffee shops, its dessert would need to call to reserve.


日式木質系的文青裝潢店面沒有門而是布簾, 店內擺放跟鳥有關主題的畫與裝飾品, 室內座位並不多, 店家有提供Wifi跟插座, 老闆提到若平常沒有太多客人是不會限時. 我先請朋友幫我預約兩項甜點- 蘋果派與白葡萄起士塔, 至於我朋友則是熱愛他們的熱壓三明治.
Surprisingly, Tori’s Coffee has curtain instead of the front door. The interior design and decoration are mostly related to bird. There aren’t much seats inside. The store offers wifi and wall socket. The owner mentioned that if there isn’t much customers, the customers can sit as long as they want. My friend assisted me ordering two desserts – Apple Pie and White Grape Cheese Tart. As for my friend, she likes their hot sandwiches.



菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article



English Name: Cinnamon Apple Pie
Set Price: $95
Foodelicious 美味程度: 5/5

Tori Coffee 採用跟小驢館咖啡店相似皆是長方型木質托盤, 由於是現點現烘烤, 需要約20~25分鐘, 還沒端上桌時就已聞到蘋果與酥皮香味, 蓬鬆酥皮中央有著撒上肉桂粉與白色糖粉的新鮮進口蘋果切片, 右方則是用奶油和巧克力做成小鳥的造型點綴.
Tori coffee uses the same wooden tray as “Little Donkey”. Because apple pie is made upon order, it will take approx. 20 ~ 25 minutes. There are several sliced apples on the pie crusts with fair amount of cinnamon powder.


切開派時的酥脆聲響連別桌都聽得到, 蘋果香氣遠遠蓋過肉桂風味, 蘋果的清脆口感, 店家自製的杏仁醬內餡也是甜得恰到好處, 一口接著一口都不會膩.
The crispy sound is loud and clear. The apple aroma covers the cinnamon flavor. The crisp texture of apple and creamy almond paste are perfect match with fair amount of sweetness.




English Name: White Cheese Tart
Set Price: $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 4/5

因為去之前有先做功課, Tori Coffee 的白葡萄起士塔也是非常受顧客喜愛, 因此當天我沒吃早餐就為了吃這兩個甜點. 新鮮白葡萄切片環繞著起士塔, 討喜的鳥造型讓人忍不住多照一些照片. 當切下一小部分時, 店家自製的塔皮並不會過乾. 清爽不過甜的白葡萄搭配綿密起士風味有著多層次風味, 戚風蛋糕則是讓此款甜點緩衝了少許甜度與膩度, 搭配恰到好處.
Sliced white grapes surrounds cheese tart. The adorable design makes my friend and I take tons of photos. The tart wasn’t dried. The taste of the white grape is refreshing and with crisp texture. Pairing with cheese upgrade its flavor into more complex.




English Name: Honey Ice Latte
Set Price: $125
Foodelicious 美味程度: 3/5

攪拌後, 剛開始會有蜂蜜風味, 絲毫不會因為冰而降低甜度, 喝到一半時,咖啡風味會蓋住迷人的蜂蜜風味.
After stirring, there is still honey flavor. However, the coffee flavor eventually completely cover the honey flavor.




English Name: Ham & Egg with Peanut Butter
Set Price: $65
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

朋友點的, 我並沒有吃. 朋友提到她從來沒有品嚐過有花生醬風味的三明治, 出乎意料地美味.
My friend ordered it. I didn’t try it. However, my friend mentioned that she never tried any sandwiches with peanut butter flavor. It was unexpectedly delicious.




English Name: Brown Sugar Latte
Set Price: $105
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

朋友點的, 並無品嚐,  要不是太熱, 我也想點那有著厚實黑糖奶泡的咖啡來喝.
My friend ordered this. I didn’t taste it.




Restaurant Name店名: Tori Coffee 鳥兒咖啡
Address: No.130, 2nd Section Da’an Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區大安路2段130號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Da’an MRT station 大安捷運站
電話:02- 2701-8339
營業時間:Facebook 公告 (Based on Facebook Notification)







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