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I Want a Boyfriend! 19 Tweaks to Bring the Perfect Guy to You - 真愛橋,真愛橋到底 ichange

Want to be single no more? If you want a boyfriend, then read up on these tips so you can find the right guy for you—now.

While some girls want to be single, there are those who feel like they need someone to share their life—and their bed—with. And most probably, you’re the latter. That’s why you’re here reading this now, right? If you’re one thinking, I want a boyfriend, we have the 19 tips that can change your life.

It’s a natural human need to want a boyfriend

Feeling lonely without someone to love is natural. After all, we’re humans. We like to belong to someone as someone belongs to us. We long to love and be loved in return. That’s just how it is for you too. So if you feel like it’s now time to snag yourself some fella, here’s a list of tips on how you can land yourself a boyfriend.



#1 Wait—are you sure? Before you decide on getting yourself a boyfriend, reconsider. Is this because all your friends have relationships and you want to fit in? Do you think you’re emotionally ready for one? If you’re doing great as you are—a satisfied singleton—do you really want a change in your status?

Weigh the pros and cons first, and ALWAYS prepare for the worst-case scenarios. Having a boyfriend and keeping one takes some hard work too. 


#2 Being single is okay. Again, think about it. You’re fine on your own, you do what you want, when you want. You have friends and family who you spend awesome time with. Do you really want a boyfriend who’ll be tagging along with you on your night-outs and trips, someone who’ll definitely have something to say about almost every little thing you do?


#3 Don’t be desperate. So now that you have made up your mind—you really want a boyfriend and you think you’re ready for it. Here’s what you should know first: don’t be desperate. The guy you want won’t fall down from the heavens, and neither will he want to date a girl who’s desperately begging for any guy to sweep her off her feet.


#4 Think about what you want. Think about what you want in a boyfriend. This will be your standard, which helps you sort and weed out the guys that will not be boyfriend-material for you. Should the guy that’s going be your boyfriend have the same values as you? Should he be older or younger? Active and into sports? Into the things that you also like or completely your opposite? Having these characteristics helps you zero in on what you want as you search. 


#5 Spread your wings. Get out there. If you’re up for meeting new people who are totally different from those that you hang out with, that gives you wider options for a boyfriend. Or try out a new hobby or join a club, these great ideas allow you to not only meet a potential boyfriend, but also improve your own skills and widen your social circle.


#6 Don’t look for one in bars or clubs. That is, if a serious relationship is what you’re after. Chances are, hooking up with guys in bars or clubs will leave you with not just a hangover but a total headache, as these guys are often only after easy lays and one-night-stands. You wouldn’t want to be with someone who’s only after you for sex, right? 



#7 Be open to change. So if you want to have a boyfriend and haven’t settled on anyone you know, then perhaps you need to look further. This means you have to be open-minded about the people you meet, because it is with these unlikely friendships that you may find your “the one.” 


#8 Be confident. Now if you want someone to notice you, go out there with confidence. Don’t be shy about going out on a limb to meet new people or strike interesting, thought-provoking conversations with your friends. Being confident enough to be true to yourself provides you a better chance that someone genuinely likes you for who you are.


#9 Make friends. Don’t be afraid to make friends. Don’t just approach anyone thinking they could be your boyfriend right away. Whether he’s a complete stranger or an acquaintance, you have to be open to being friends with them first before expecting anything to develop into something more.


#10 Best foot forward. Be yourself—the best version of yourself, that is. No one likes to hang out with a Debbie Downer or a Negative Nancy. If you’re not in a mood to hang out, then stay away from the crowd—don’t force yourself to socialize. Once you’re in a better mood, go out there and show the world the best you that you can be. 


#11 Be warm and inviting. Don’t discriminate against people that you meet, even your friends and acquaintances. Be warm and friendly to everyone. Who knows, that Joker Joe may really be the perfect boyfriend material for you. People are more drawn to the genuinely nice and approachable individuals. Exude positivity and you also attract it.


#12 Learn to flirt. If you haven’t had a boyfriend yet, then this is one lesson you absolutely need to learn—and fast. While it’s nice that you’re all smiling and friendly to everyone, learn how to isolate that guy you have the hots for. And you can do this by flirting.

From batting your eyelashes, flipping your hair, leaning in closer and perfecting that seductive smile, learn to flirt if you want to have a boyfriend. 


#13 Get to know them well. So you have some guys you see as potential boyfriends. It’s not enough that you shared a few chats and exchanged numbers. You have to really get to know them, and this takes time. This is when you learn be their friends first. Aside from that, social media also makes it easier to see what these guys are up to, so add or follow them online.


#14 Narrow your options. You may have a handful of guys you are eyeing. They are your prospects. Now, after learning more about them, know which ones you like more, weeding out the jerks, jocks, and jokes. This allows you to focus your time and effort, as well as emotions, on the guys that could potentially be your boyfriend.


#15 Read the signs. Are there guys that show particular romantic interest in you? Do they flirt back or even express their attraction to you? Did anyone ask your number or ask you out yet? Or perhaps there’s this one shy guy who just keeps looking at you and blushing? It’s important you remain perceptive of the signs that a guy is also into you. 



#16 Make sure he’s not taken. A cardinal rule when it comes to looking for a boyfriend is to make sure he’s not taken or married. If you haven’t been in a relationship before, having drama in your life is the last thing you need right now. There’s a lot of fish in the sea, the world is your oyster, and you don’t want to be involved in a side-chick relationship.


#17 Don’t put out yet. Giving your cherry to the first guy showing interest in you doesn’t mean he’s going to commit. If you don’t know the ways of the world or if you’re still a virgin, then know this: there will be guys out there who are just all prince charming-like—until your panties come off.

And if you’re looking for a genuinely serious relationship, chances are, you wouldn’t get it by putting out too soon. 


#18 Say no to “no-labels.” If you’re entering into a relationship with someone who doesn’t want to “define” the relationship, then you better think again. You want to have a boyfriend you introduce to the world as your boyfriend, right? [Read: 10 definite signs it’s time for the relationship talk]


#19 Go ahead, ask him out! So now that you have decided who you want to have as a boyfriend, the guy who you have undeniable chemistry with, why not ask him out? If he’s not made a move yet, why don’t you go out on a limb and be the one to ask? This is a new age, and sometimes, a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do.




Getting yourself a boyfriend can be a dragging, frustrating, and counter-intuitive process. However, by following our tips, you’ll find out that it’s not so hard for a guy to like you. Maybe you’ll even get the boyfriend you always wanted.


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