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TAINAN|Confucius Temple : The Highest Institute - ReadyGo

As it was once also called “Sian Shi Shemg Temple” (literally, it suggests that the temple pays homage to the greated teacher in the world), Tainan Confucius Temple is the first in Taiwan memorizes Confucius. In the Ming Dynasty, Yong-hua Chen, Koxinga’s chief counselor, advised to build the temple.

Resource: Lonely Planet

Confucian temples usually exude the calm, grace and dignified beauty of the best of Chinese traditional culture and this, the first such temple in Taiwan, does not disappoint.The Temple, run by the governments, was also the first and highest academy in Taiwan teaching Confucianism during the Ming and Cing dynasties. One of the most important commemorative rituals to be done during the Confucius Cultural Festival held in the Teacher’s Day is celebrating Confucius’ birthday.There are 38 things needed to be done before completing the ritual. The confucius Cultureal Festival.

Resource: Lonely Planet

Entry to the temple grounds is free, but you must pay to enter the palace area. Look out for the stone tablet on the right as you enter the Edification Hall. It explains the school rules (the site was once a centre for Confucian studies), such as prohibition of gambling, drinking and cheating.The temple is part of a larger cultural zone that includes the Old Japanese Martial Arts Academy, a renovated Japanese dojo built in 1926 and once used to train the colonial police force.Across the street from the temple entrance is a stone arch that was crafted by masons in Quanzhou, Fujian, in 1777. It’s now the gateway to a pedestrianised street filled with cafes and small eateries.

If you are not quite interested in history and culture, you can find lots of mouth-watering snacks around the area since the town nearby had been developed early. For example, some tasty Fruit shaved ice(Lily Fruit) on Fuqian Road(府前路)or Bro Bao’s (保哥黑輪).

Travel Info
Confucius Temple
Kǒngzǐ miào]
-Located in: Southern Taiwan
-Highly recommend to:
History Culture Enthusiasts
-Contact: 06-2214647
No.2, Nanmen Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City 700, Taiwan

Thanks to the Lonely Planet for the content sharing.




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