尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

LU 餅乾 ~ 法國最受歡迎的餅乾 (2015/09/28-10/04 Day 35-41 Week 6)


There was another week pasted. I’ve stayed here for one and half month. Sometimes, I think time goes really slowly, especially in school. But when weekends come, I always think that I waste a week again. Hmm… humans are really contradictory.


In theater class this week, we started to prepare for the performance in November, like some sets, stage props and costumes. This is the set of my group. We are going to play a little drama which is about the pan pals from different worlds. We write in different languages, and we never understand what another person write. And it lasts for 12 years. Although it’s a little drama, it can make people calm. I will talk about the detail next time if I remember.

這禮拜五是我第一次吃KEBAB,KEBAB是來自土耳其的食物,在去店裡之前,我對它抱有各種神奇的幻想,因為轟爸跟轟哥說沒吃過KEBAB,你就不算是法國的學生,我朋友也很驚訝我沒吃過KEBAB,所以就找機會帶我去吃啦 :D。結果在走進KEBAB的店之後,我發現!!原來KEBAB就是台灣夜市常見的沙威瑪啊哈哈,不過我在台灣也不常吃,所以還是充滿了新鮮與新奇感,而且也很好吃啦,我到法國後還沒吃過難吃的食物呢。

This Friday was the first time I ate KEBAB. KEBAB is the food from Turkey. Before going to the store, I had different kinds of imagines about that. Because my host father and brother told me that, if you never eat KEBAB, you are not the student in France. And my friends were shocked that I never ate KEBAB, so they brought me to eat it. 😀 And after I went into the store, I found that!! KEBAB is the food called “沙威瑪" in Taiwan which is really common in night markets. Well, but I seldom eat it in Taiwan, so it was still full of fresh feeling and curiosity. And it was very good, too. I haven’t eaten something terrible after I arrived France. The food here is always delicious!



Compare of having lunch in cantine in school, I prefer eating outside, of course when weather is good. I just stare at the clear, blue sky, feeling the soft wind. Although it’s little cold, it makes the scene more beautiful. It’s another kind of feeling to eat outside. :)


The Saturday morning, I went to send the letter with my host mother. I went to a small supermarket on my way home(I just stood in front of many snacks haha). I bought a box of cookies whose name is LU. It’s the same as my name. And it’s really delicious!! Next time I want to buy more. I hope I won’t spend all my pocket money on buying foods haha. Maybe before I go back to Taiwan, I will send some snacks first to satisfy my desire of eating snacks. xD


There was another Rotary meeting this Sunday, but it wasn’t for us. It was for the people who want to be exchange students next year. We just went there for chatting and picnic, I think. Anyway, I like to be with other exchange students because we have the same experience and feelings, so we have more things to talk about.

一大早我們就出發前往地點,但我想我們是太早了,到的時候連一輛車都沒有,甚至連扶輪社的旗子都還沒擺出來呢,所以我們就去附近的Lac du Bourget休息一下,順便看看順便看看風景。這裡的湖真的很多呢,各種大小都有,而且每座湖的水都很清澈,站在湖畔往往可以看到湖底的植物,也可以看到水面下鴨子不停划動的雙蹼,十分有趣。

We left for the meeting in the early morning, but I think we were too early. There wasn’t a car or the flag of Rotary when we arrived. So we went Lac du Bourget, a lake nearby to take a break and see the scenery. There are many lakes here, with many sizes. And water is always so clear that you can see the plants which are in bottom of it. You can also see the feet of the duck under the surface of lake, that’s interesting to see them moving.


As I said before, this meeting was for the people who want to go to exchange next year, so we were there for socializing. And except for us, there were rebounds who just came back to France few months ago. Last year, there were some exchange students to Taiwan, but there were only 2 exchange students on that day. Well, it doesn’t matter, we were glad to meet the foreigners who can speak chinese. And one of them went to D3480, my sponsor district! After talking with her, I found that I’ve already seen her when I was in Taiwan. No wonder I thought she was so familiar.


It was a day filled with Taiwanese food. Because we got together to eat the Taiwanese dish—“紅燒肉" !! We also ate some Taiwanese snacks. It really met the desire of eating Taiwanese food. I think I should do some Taiwanese dishes when holiday comes, (although I seldom cook in Taiwan). Maybe cooking dumplings will be a good choice. I hope the supermarket here sells the skin of dumplings, cause I totally don’t know how to do it.


Ohh and it was the first time I wore the Chinese traditional costume! It was special that I felt many foreigners were looking at me. Because the national day of Taiwan is coming, we made a short video to celebrate it. But it was too stupid and crazy. I don’t think it’s a good idea to upload it haha.

每次寫完一篇部落格,就感覺自己又向前進了,上一篇我嘗試以中英文書寫,得到了外國人的讚美,我真的很高興!也讓我想要體會更加細微的事,觀察很多與台灣不同的事物。最近發現,我越來越不會說&寫中文了哈哈,每次寫出來都覺得哪裡不對勁的,回去以後會不會連中文怎麼說都忘了啊xD。對了,我的連假快到了,為期兩個禮拜噢,在法國是每上6 or 7週就會放兩週的假,據說台灣好像是每6 or 7 週要考一次段考哈哈,就這點而言法國學生真幸福~。講了那麼多窩也累了,Week 6結束啦!

I feel I’m getting better when every time I finish a blog. Last time I tried to write in both Chinese and English, and I got some compliments. I was really happy about that! And it makes me want to feel something tinier, to observe more things that are different from Taiwan. By the way, I find that I’m getting worse at speaking & writing Chinese haha. Every time I write, and I feel there’s something unusual. I hope I won’t forget how to speak Chinese after a year. xD And my holidays which will last for 2 weeks are coming. In france, we have 2 weeks of holidays after having 6 or 7 weeks of going to school. And in Taiwan, there’s a big test every 6 or 7 weeks. The students are really lucky ~ . SO after talking so many thing, I’m tired now, and it’s the end of Week 6!

Merci beaucoup de voir mon blog. :)



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