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Jonathan Ive升首席設計長 蘋果更有看頭 –科技、網路、趨勢、新知、生活、趣聞

蘋果宣布Jonathan Ive將升任蘋果第一任首席設計長 (CDO,Chief Design Officer),預計將從7月1日起負責帶領蘋果旗下硬體與軟體設計團隊,而此次同時被提拔的Richard Howarth與Alan Dye,則將分別負責工業設計與硬體設計,以及包含桌機與行動裝置的用戶使用介面。

Fea0062665    Jonathan Ive- purple/blue shirt Alan Dye - taller gentleman Richard Howarth - shorter, blue t-shirt and blazer  Apple executives Tim Cook and Jonathan Ive.

根據9to5Mac網站報導指出,蘋果宣布原設計部門資深副總的Jonathan Ive將自7月1日起升任第一任首席設計長 (CDO,Chief Design Officer),未來將負責帶領蘋果旗下硬體與軟體設計團隊。同時,此次人事異動也包含原本從第一代iPhone便參與設計的Richard Howarth,未來將負責帶領工業設計與硬體設計事項,先前負責重新設計iOS 7用戶介面與Watch OS介面的Alan Dye,之後將負責包含桌機與行動裝置的用戶使用介面。

雖然Jonathan Ive同樣負責帶領蘋果設計團隊,但由於職位進一步提昇,將能將部分繁瑣事務交由他人負責,未來將進一步擔任Apple Store與新總部等大型設計事項。

蘋果執行長Tim Cook稍早也透過內部信件確認此項人事命令。



I have exciting news to share with you today. I am happy to announce that Jony Ive is being promoted to the newly created position of Chief Design Officer at Apple.

Jony is one of the most talented and accomplished designers of his generation, with an astonishing 5000 design and utility patents to his name. His new role is a reflection of the scope of work he has been doing at Apple for some time. Jony’s design responsibilities have expanded from hardware and, more recently, software UI to the look and feel of Apple retail stores, our new campus in Cupertino, product packaging and many other parts of our company.

Design is one of the most important ways we communicate with our customers, and our reputation for world-class design differentiates Apple from every other company in the world. As Chief Design Officer, Jony will remain responsible for all of our design, focusing entirely on current design projects, new ideas and future initiatives. On July 1, he will hand off his day-to-day managerial responsibilities of ID and UI to Richard Howarth, our new vice president of Industrial Design, and Alan Dye, our new vice president of User Interface Design.

Richard, Alan and Jony have been working together as colleagues and friends for many years. Richard has been a member of the Design team for two decades, and in that time he has been a key contributor to the design of each generation of iPhone, Mac, and practically every other Apple product. Alan started at Apple nine years ago on the Marcom team, and helped Jony build the UI team which collaborated with ID, Software Engineering and countless other groups on groundbreaking projects like iOS 7, iOS 8 and Apple Watch.

Please join me in congratulating these three exceptionally talented designers on their new roles at Apple.





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