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【3C|開箱】Hii AI語音翻譯滑鼠|史上最易上手的懶人救星,翻譯28種語言,用英文寫文章so easy (中英文開箱)

說到鍵盤滑鼠推薦,CP值最高的羅技絕對榮登首位,然而隨著時代變遷,Hii AI語音翻譯滑鼠將成為2018最潮最屌的3C電腦週邊,除了基本的無線滑鼠功能,內建語音輸入、語音控制及語音翻譯等智慧功能,從此英文翻譯、排版打字、錄音檔聽打不求人,只要出一張嘴就能將音檔內容轉譯成逐字稿,適合像尼克這種文字工作者或商務人士必備的全能利器,快來跟著尼克一同開箱評測,看看是否真有好用吧!!(由於是語音翻譯滑鼠,所以本文會使用它的功能,將文章直接翻譯成英文)

When it comes to mouse and keyboard recommendation, Logitech with the highest CP value is definitely the first.However, with the passage of time, Hii AI voice translation mouse will become the most popular and smallest 3C computer peripheral in 2018.Except for the basic wireless mouse function.Build voice functions such as voice input, voice control and voice translation. From then on, the English translator could translate the contents of the transcript into transcript with one mouth. Let’s follow Nick through the open-box test to see if it really works.

產品資訊及開箱📍 Product information and unpacking

商品名稱:Hii AI語音翻譯滑鼠 (聲音打字/翻譯神器/懶人必備)
官網   購買頁面   粉專 

Product Name:Hii AI voice translation mouse



The product’s appearance is in low-key black with luxurious gold

產品中附有滑鼠一顆、Micro USB 充電線及說明書


因為無線設計,所以右下方自帶USB接收器,隨插即用( 2.4G 的 USB 連接介面)

The product has mouse, micro USB charging line and instructions.There is a switch button on the back of the mouse. Because of the wireless design, there is a USB receiver on the lower right side. (2.4G USB connection interface)


支援 28 種語言翻譯功能、語音搜尋功能可以快速打開文件及網頁,堪稱辦公高效小幫手

The back of the text is mainly about the detailed specifications and features of the product. Support 28 language translation functions, voice search function can quickly open files and web pages, it is called office efficient helper.






左側則是翻譯鍵enter 鍵,等等一併會用影片的方式讓大家更清楚它的實用性

The brightest place in the whole mouse is nothing more than the luxurious gold next to the mouse wheel. With the black of the overall bright surface, reflecting the blue sky under the sun, it is really refreshing. The surface of the mouse wheel has a bump design to increase the friction during sliding and make the roller smoother. The voice symbol below is the function of voice input. It is a must-have artifact for lazy people to convert into speech by speaking. The voice search is located below the voice input, which simplifies the three steps of opening the google webpage, typing, and enter search. On the left is the translation key and the enter key, etc., and the film will be used to make everyone more aware of its practicality.


Micro USB 充電孔位於滑鼠頂端,充一次電可用連續使用15天

The most attractive feature of Nick is the built-in rechargeable battery. The Micro USB charging hole is located at the top of the mouse and can be used for 15 days without charge.

Hii AI語音翻譯滑鼠拿來和現有的羅技滑鼠相比


差別就在一個是採用電池供電、一個是用Micro USB充電

對於平時沒有備用電池的尼克來說,Hii AI語音翻譯滑鼠更深得我心!!

The Hii AI voice translation mouse is compared to the existing Logitech mouse. There are also power-on keys and USB receiver slots. The difference is that one is battery powered and the other is charged with Micro USB. For Nick, who usually doesn’t have a spare battery, the Hii AI voice translation mouse is even more my heart!!

韌體安裝 Software installation

無線滑鼠,基本上只要把 USB 接收器插入電腦USB孔後就可以開始使用


因為Hii AI語音翻譯滑鼠不是一般的滑鼠



Wireless mouse, basically just plug the USB receiver into the USB port of the computer and you can start using it. So why does the mouse need to install the software? Because the Hii AI voice translation mouse is not a normal mouse. The AI smart function just introduced above has to wait until the software is installed. So it’s important to watch it here!!



但Hii AI語音翻譯滑鼠只需要長按滾輪5秒,就會彈出驅動軟體的下載位置


At this point the manual will come in handy. In the past, downloading software usually required a cumbersome process. However, the Hii AI voice translation mouse only needs to press and hold the scroll wheel for 5 seconds, and the download position of the driver software will pop up. From beginning to end, you have to be lazy to the extreme!!


Press and hold the wheel for 5 seconds, the download location of the driver software will pop up.

▲進入官網下載頁面後,直接點擊 ai Mouse driver進行下載安裝

After entering the official website download page, click on the ai Mouse driver to download and install.


像是搜尋引擎,除了預設的google外,也可設定為中國的百度 or 日本的yahoo jp

After the system program is installed, some basic settings can be adjusted according to the needs of the user. Like a search engine, in addition to the default google, it can also be set to Baidu in China or yahoo jp in Japan.





The best function is set in the custom command, just press and hold the voice search button after setting. Say the instruction words to help us open web pages, file folders and files. The way to set it is to first put a command word, such as open Nick. Then in the execution path, enter the URL of the Nick Adventures and press Create.



(像是問題ない←沒問題的日文,就是使用滑鼠中翻日功能直接語音key in的)

Support 28 national languages, can translate in both directions, this part can be set in the software. Seeing that it is necessary to turn the English, English, and Chinese. (Like the problem ない ← no problem in Japanese, is to use the mouse to turn the day function directly voice key in)




The last basic voice input function. Basically 95% of the words can be successfully identified. Only some commas are in pronunciation, and may need to be clearer before they are judged by the system.

總結 Summary

Hii AI語音翻譯滑鼠這樣便利又高智慧的產品



Hii AI Voice Translator Mouse is a convenient and highly intelligent product. In the current mouse market, it can be said to be the leader. Recommended for lazy people who like Nick and only love to open their mouths.

購買處Where to buy?

Yahoo     momo      pchome







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