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謝孟媛初級文法II Unit1 比較 - Retire Note

謝孟媛初級文法II Unit1 比較


第11課 講義初級文法IIP02


  • 1. 比較變化
    • 1.規則變化
    • 2.不規則變化
  • 2. 形容詞的比較級
  • 3. 形容詞的最高級
  • 4. 副詞的比較級、最高級

1. 比較變化


原級 比較級 最高級
原級 + er, est short shorter shortest
原級字尾有e + r, st nice nicer nicest
原級為短母音 + 子音, ->重複字尾 + er, est hot hotter hottest
原級字尾為子音 + y, ->去y + ier, iest easy easier easiest
兩音節以上的形容詞-> more, most + 原級 beautiful more beautiful most beautiful

兩個音節, 可以用more, most + 原級, 也可以用原級+er
*modern -> moderner / more modern


原級 比較級 最高級
bad/ill worse worst
good/well better best
many/much more most
little less least
far farther
furthest(表"程度, 數量, 距離")
late latter
latest (表"時間")
last (表"順序")
old older
oldest (表"年紀, 新舊")
eldest (表"長幼")

(例1) He was happy in his later life.
(例2) As for French and German, the latter is more difficult for me than the former.(前者)

2. 形容詞的比較

  • ~ 比較級 ~ than...

    (例1) Your article is longer than mine.
    (例2) Mar is more beautiful than her/she (is).

第12課 講義初級文法IIP04

  • ~ the 比較級 ~ of the two (both, twins, parents)…

    (例1) Kevin is the older of the two boys.
    (例2) Jack is the more active of the twins.

  • 修飾比較級

    much, a lot, far + 比較級=>~得多了

    even + 比較級 => 更加
    a little + 比較級 => 一點
    (例1) He is much busier than I.
    (例2) This is a little cheaper than that.
    (例3) The price of the blue pants is far higher than that of the green pants.
    (例4) The weather (in Kaohsiung) is even hotter than that in Taipei.
    =>The weather is even hotter in Kaohsiung than in Taipei.
    比較時, 若主題相同或語意上清楚明白時, than以下部分可省略。
    (例5) They live a more pleasant than (they did) before.

  • 比較級~to(介)…

    junior(年幼的), senior(年長的), major(大的), minor(小的)…等字尾為or形容詞,本身就有比較意味. 在表示比較的對象時, 不用than而用to
    (例1) She is two years older than me (I).
    =She is senior to me by two years.

  • 比較級的慣用表現

    a. 比較級 and 比較級 => 越來越~
    (例1) The story became more and more interesting.

    *越來越有趣=>more interesting and more interesting

    b. the 比較級 ( + s + v ), the 比較級 (+ s + v ) => 越…越…
    (例1) The more, the better.(越多越好)
    (例2) The more we get, the happier we’ll be.
    c. more than (超過) / less than (少於)
    (例1) The man is more than eighty years old.

    ​ The man is over eighty years old.

第13課 講義初級文法IIP07

3. 形容詞的最高級

  • ~ the 最高級 + 名詞 + (地點/of the three/of all)

    (例1) Helen is the best student of all.
    (例2) Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

  • 原級、比較級、最高級互換

    (例1) Taipei is the biggest city in Taiwan.
    =>Taipei is bigger than any other city in Taiwan.
    =>Taipei is bigger than all the other cities in Taiwan.
    =>No other city in Taiwan is bigger than Taipei.
    =>No other cities in Taiwan are as big as than Taipei.

    New York is bigger than any other city in America. =>同族群比較
    New York is bigger than any city in Taiwan. =>非同族群比較

  • as 原級 as => 像~一樣

    (例1) This jacket is as expensive as this sweater.

    (例2) Your hair is as long as mine.
    否定句時, 可用 not so~ as … =>不像~一樣
    not as~ as …

    (例3) This question is not so difficult as it seems.

    =This question is not as difficult as it seems.

    *(seem: 似乎;看起來)

4. 副詞比較級、最高級

  • 比較變化

    a. 規則變化
    原級 比較級 最高級
    副詞字尾無ly => 加er, est fast faster fatest
    副詞字尾有ly=> most, most + 副詞 quickly more quickly most quickly
    b. 不規則變化
    原級 比較級 最高級
    badly/ill worse worst
    well better best
    much more most
    little less least
    far farther
  • 副詞的比較級 + than

    (例1) He can sing better than Lisa.
    (例2) I study harder than my friends.

    I don't study harder than my friends.

  • the 副詞最高級 + (地點/of~) => the可省略

    (例1) My father gets up (the) earliest of us all.
    (例2) Cathy dances (the) most beautifully.

  • 形容詞和副詞的狀況不同

    (例1) Tom is the fastest boy of all. => 接在is後面為形容詞最高級,the不可省略
    Tom runs (the) fastest of all. => 接在動詞之後為副詞最高級,the可省略

  • 疑問詞 + 比較

    (例1) Which fruit do you like better(more), apples or oranges?
    (例2) Which do you like the best(most), apples, oranges or peaches?





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