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謝孟媛初級文法Unit4 代名詞 - Retire Note

謝孟媛初級文法Unit4 代名詞



  • 1. 人稱代名詞
    • 名詞的人稱和格
    • 主格,所有格,受格的用法
    • it 的用法
    • We、 you、they 的特殊用法
  • 2. 所有代名詞
    • 所有代名詞的形成
  • 3. 反身代名詞
  • 4. 指示代名詞=>指示人或事物的代名詞
    • 一般用法
    • 代替用法
  • 5. 不定代名詞
    • One / Ones
    • both / all
    • Either / neither
    • some / any
    • other / another
    • 列舉比較

1. 人稱代名詞

  • 名詞的人稱和格

主格 所有格 受格 主格 所有格 受格
第一人稱 I my me we our us
第二人稱 you your you you your you
第三人稱 he
they their them
  • 主格,所有格,受格的用法

    • 主格 + 動詞
    • (例) He likes sports.
    • 所有格 + 名詞
    • (例) His friends are over there.
    • 一般動詞 + 受格 / 介系詞 + 受格
    • (例) The girl loves him very much.
    • (例) A:who is it? B:It's I. / It's me.
  • it 的用法

    it 可表示天侯時間距離...等。

    (例1) It rains a lot in the spring.
    (例2) It was two o’clock when he came back. (A beV B => A = B)
    (例3) It is five kms from here to the airport.
    it 可以表示某一狀況,多半是說話的人和聽的人都能了解的特定狀況。
    (例1) A:Who knocked at the door?

    ​ B:I thought it was Jack.
    (例2) It’s all up to you.
    (例3) I like it here. (不可以說I like here. 因為here是時間副詞,不能當受格)
    (例4) I don’t feel like it. (like 在這裡是介系詞,後面加受詞,片語feel like是想要的意思)

    It 可當假主詞 => 代替一件事

    (例1) It is difficult to learn Spanish.
    (例2) It’s important that you should tell the truth. (that 是連接詞)

    (例3) It’s no use telling him about it.

  • We、 you、they 的特殊用法

    (例1) We had a heavy rain yesterday.
    (例2) You don’t see many Chinese there.
    (例3) They speak English in Canada.

2. 所有代名詞


  • 所有格/所有代名詞

    所有格 所有代名詞 所有格 所有代名詞
    第一人稱 my mine(我的) our ours
    第二人稱 your yours your yours
    第三人稱 his his
    her hers
    its its
    their theirs
  • 所有代名詞的用法

    所有代名詞=所有格+名詞 =>代替重複的名詞
    (例1) Your house is bigger than mine. (mine = my house)
    (例2) My bicycles are here and his are there. (his = his bicycles)

  • 伴隨雙重所有格

    冠詞、所有格、指示形容詞(this, that)、不定形容詞(many) => 必須單獨放在名詞前,不可以同時放在名詞前。
    (例1) I met one of my old friends on the way home.
    (例2) I mat an old friends of mine (=my friends) on the way home.

  • 名詞的所有代名詞=所有格

    (例1) My dog is black, and Jason’s is white. (Jason’s = Jason’s dog)

    My dog is black, and Jason’s cat is white.


3. 反身代名詞

  • 反身代名詞的形成

    一二人稱 => 所有格 + self/selves
    人稱 => 受格 + self/selves

    第一人稱 myself(我自己) ourselves(我們自己)
    第二人稱 yourself(你自己) yourselves(你們自己)
    第三人稱 himself
  • 反身代名詞的用法

    (例1) You always talk to yourself.(你自己)
    (例2) The little girl hurt herself.(受傷)
    (例3) He can do it by himself.(靠他自己)
    (強調句)He himself can do it.
    (例4) I saw the singer himself. (指歌手本人)

    ​ I saw the singer herself.

4. 指示代名詞=>指示人或事物的代名詞

This (these) / that (those)



(例1) This is my mask, and that is Mary’s.
(例2) Who is this? (你是誰?)->(電話用語)

Who was that on the telephone?(電話上那人是誰?)
(例3) Things are easier these days.



N+修飾語 (如:in Taipei、in Kaohsiung)
(例1) The weather in Taipei is cooler than that (=the weather) in Kaohsiung.
(例2) Her interests are different from those (=the interests) of her childhood.


(例1) A:Will it be fine tomorrow?

​ B:I hope so. (=I hope that it will be fine tomorrow.)
(例2) Do you still feel sick? If so(=feel sick), you must see the doctor.
(例3) Nancy can play the violin, and so can I (=I can too).
(例4) She is smart. So she is. (她的確如此)
​ She is smart. So is he. (他也是)


(例1) They will plant flowers such as roses, sunflowers.

*plant flowers / grow rice
(例2) I don’t know such a man.

*such (a/an) (+形容詞) + 名詞
(例3) Have you tasted any such food before? (Have +過去分詞tasted,表示經驗)

*such 前可接 all, other, any, another, few, every, no…等.


(例1) A: Can I haver a cup of coffee, please?
B: Give me the same, please.

*the same限定與前者相同
(例2) He uses the same typewriter as I (do).

*as是連接詞, do代表前面的動作

補充單字:server 服務生

5. 不定代名詞

  • (1) 不特定的人或物
  • (2) 非一定數量的代名詞
    (例1) Some of the boys like English. => some 是代名詞
    (例2) Some boys like English. => some 是形容詞

第7課 講義P56

One / Ones

  • one = a/an + 單數名詞 => 用來指不特定的人或物

    ones => 指不特定的人或物是複數。
    (例1) I have lost my watch and I have to buy one.(a watch)
    (例2) I like small cars better than large ones. (ones代替前面出現過的名詞cars)

    *better than 勝過

  • one = a/an + 單數名詞,it = the + 單數名詞

    (例1) Here are some apples. Take one.

    (=> 不限制你拿哪一個蘋果)
    Here are some apples. Take it.

    (=> 有限制你拿哪一個蘋果)
    (例2) I bought a good camera. I’ll lend it to you.

    (=> 有限定是我買的那一台相機)

both / all

  • both (兩者都) => 用於兩個人或兩個事物

  • all (全部;所有的) => 指數量為3或3以上的人或事物,也可以代表不可數名詞.

  • 位置: be或助動詞之後 / 一般動詞之前 / 定冠詞(the)、所有格、數詞、形容詞之前.

  • (例1) Both of her children went to New York.

    (=> 有兩個小孩都去了紐約)
    Two of her children went to New York.

    (例2) I’ve read both (of) these two papers.
    (例3) All (of) my money was stolen. (被偷)

    (=> money為總稱不可數,視為單數)
    (例4) You may take all these toys (=>them all).


    被動式的基本形式:be 動詞 + P.P.(動詞過去分詞)

    現在式am / is / are + P.P.

    The house is cleaned every day.

    過去式:was / were + P.P.

    The house was cleaned yesterday.

    英文簡單學 – 被動式 (中)|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格

*both, all 出現於否定句,表示”部分否定”.。意思是並非~

(例1) I do not know both of her parents.(並非兩個都認識=>只認識一個)
=I know just one of her parents.
(例2) Not all of them come from England.(並非全部~)
=Just some of them come from England.

*both not =>並非兩者都

Either / neither

  • either: 指”兩者中不論哪一個都可以,但只選其中一個。

  • neither: 為both的否定,表”兩者都不~”,指全部否定。本身為否定字不可和not同時出現。
    (例1) Do you know either of the visitors?

    (例2) I don’t like both hats. (=> 部分否定, 只喜歡其中一頂帽子)
    I like neither of the hats. (=> 全部否定, 兩者都不喜歡)

  • either / neither 也有副詞用法。 (”也不” )

    • (1) either句尾

    • (2) neither + 倒裝

    (例) Bill didn’t come to my party, and Ken didn’t either.

    ​ Bill didn’t come to my party, and neither did ken.

    *也: (1) too (句尾) I'm a teacher, and she is too.

    ​ (2) so + 倒裝句 I'm a teacher, and so is she.

some / any

  • 一般而言some 用於肯定句;any 用於否定句、疑問及條件句. 可代替可數和不可數。

    (例1) Some of the boys were late.

    (例2) Some of my money was stolen from my purse.
    (例3) Please lend me some money if you have any(money). (=> 條件句)
    (例4) Do you have any magazine to read? (=> 疑問句)

  • some 可用於”請求邀請”的問句,而不用any

    (例1) Will you give me some help? (=>請求)
    (例2) How about some tea? (=>邀請)

other / another

  • other: 表”其他(人;事物)”之意, 複數為others(代名詞)。

  • another: 從an + other衍伸而來,表示不特定的”另一個別的人、事物”,無複數形。
    (例1) I have two students. One is short; the other is tall.

    *other(形容詞),the other(代名詞)

    (例2) I have three flowers.
    One is red; the others are yellow. => 一朵紅的,其他黃的
    One is red; another is yellow; the other is pink. => 三朵都不同顏色 one -> another -> the other
    (例3) I don’t like this one; show me another / the other. => another表示總數為3個或以上, the other表示總數只有2個
    (例4) Some of the boys are here, but where are the others? = > 有限定又是複數
    (例5) Some people said yes and others said no. => 沒有限定


  • 其他:None (無), several (數個),most (大部分)

  • (例1) None of the telephones is / are working.
    (例2) Several of my friends attended the meeting.
    (例3) Most of it is true.
    (例4) Most of the people know it.

  • most 可當形容詞,為many、much的最高級,前面可加 the。
    (例1) Who got the most New York’s cards?
    (例2) She is the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever seen.




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