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NANTOU|Two Amazing Places to Watch the Stars - ReadyGo

Nantou is a beautiful county in Taiwan, surrounded by mountains but no sea, you can enjoy climbing in this county. If you like to watch the stars, then Nantou is a good place. Without light pollution, you can clearly see the sky. There are two amazing places suggested for stargazing. Let’s have a look.

▸Hehuan Mountain
Everyone who has been to Taiwan must know this mountain, especially if you are a climber. Hehuan Mt. is located at the junction of Xiulin Township, Hualien County and Renai Township, Nantou County. When winter comes, the snow will cover all the mountain which makes Hehuan Mt. is also known as “the county of snow”. In spring, people will come here to watch the Azalea flowers and dwarf bamboo. Not only for the daytime scenery, but the nighttime scenery is even more amazing here. You can enjoy the beautiful sky with fresh air and no one will disturb you. There are five ways to climb this mountain, just pick one and enjoy your climbing tour!

台灣旅圖(@taiwantravelmap)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 5月 月 28 日 上午 8:13 張貼

Travel Info
Hehuan Mountain
[合歡山 /Héhuān shān
-Located in:Central Taiwan

-Features:Nature Landscapes, Scenic Spots, Outdoor activities
-Highly recommend to:Outdoors Enthusiasts, climbers
-Opening Hours:08:00-12:00/13:00-17:00(the service center closed on weekends)
Renai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan

▸Sun Moon Lake
Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan as well as a tourist attraction. Situated in Yuchih, Nantou, the area around the Sun Moon Lake is home to the Thao tribe, one of aboriginal tribes in Taiwan . Sun Moon Lake surrounds a tiny island called Lalu. The east side of the lake looks like a sun and the west side looks like a moon, hence the name. Sun Moon Lake features the only full-range 3D tours (lake, sky and land) in Taiwan. The lake cycling trail has been recognized by CNNGO, CNN as one of the most beautiful cycling trails in the world. It’s good to have a two-day trip here. You can have a cycling tour in the morning and then stargaze at night. The sky is astonishing, especially its reflection in the lake. It will be an unforgettable memory if you have a trip here.

台灣旅圖(@taiwantravelmap)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 5月 月 29 日 下午 7:00 張貼

Travel Info
Sun Moon Lake
[日月潭 /Rìyuètán
-Located in:Central Taiwan

-Features:Nature Landscapes, Scenic Spots, Outdoor activities
-Highly recommend to:Outdoors Enthusiasts
-Opening Hours:08:00-12:00/13:00-17:00(the service center closed on weekends)
No. 599, Zhongshan Rd., Yuchi Town, Nantou County, Taiwan

Next time if you travel to Nantou, don’t forget these two places! I can bet you will enjoy an amazing night here.

Editor : Lemon@ReadyGo
Thanks to Sun Moon Lake for contents sharing.


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