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1006色違超夢重返EX VIP團體戰、暗影球回歸、打手配招IV值CP表 – 湯姆群情報站

1006色違超夢重返EX VIP團體戰、暗影球回歸、打手配招IV值CP表

2019 09 24 6:25 AM. 更新:  

2019/10/06超夢成為EX RAID(VIP團體戰)頭目的期限至 2019 年11月12日。

P.S. 寶可夢官方網站Pokemon.com已移除相關完結日期的句子。

約一個月的超夢EX RAID(VIP團體戰),之後再轉EX RAID頭目。

推算總數只會舉行約6次超夢的EX RAID(VIP團體戰)(如無意外)。

PokemonGo|#騎拉帝納 將重返團體戰超夢 將重返VIP團體戰


Pokemon Go官方公佈,超夢將於台灣時間10月6日重新降臨EX Raid(VIP團體戰)中!

自台灣時間9月26日清晨4時正開始(發卷時間),後續EX Raid(VIP團體戰)頭目變更為超夢!

EX Raid所捕捉到的超夢會習得特別技能「暗影球」!

PS:加註:0929 EX團體戰還是代歐

暗影球傷害、時間(秒)、能量、EPS 、DPS、DPS*

EPS: 每秒產生能量,用來替特殊招式蓄能。
DPS: 每秒傷害量,作為判斷招式強弱的指標之一。
DPS*: 若出招寶可夢擁有與此招式相同屬性,可得到額外加成,每秒傷害量較高。





Gen 1_L15+20+25_#150 超夢 Mewtwo@皮在癢

Gen1_L1-L40 IV100_#150 超夢 Mewtwo@皮在癢


2019年9月20日 Mewtwo with Shadow Ball joins EX Raids!Pokémon GO Trainers,The Genetic Pokémon, Mewtwo, will be returning to EX Raids!

Starting on September 25, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. PDT—Trainers can receive EX Raid Passes to be invited to EX Raids featuring Mewtwo.

Challenge Mewtwo with the Shadow Ball attack exclusively in EX Raids!
If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny Mewtwo!

Are you new to EX Raids? You can become eligible to receive an EX Raid Pass when you win a Raid Battle at a qualifying Gym! To see whether a Gym can host EX Raids, take a look at the Gym’s details. If you triumph in a qualifying Raid Battle and receive an invitation to an EX Raid, you can check your EX Raid Pass for the date and time when you’ll be able to challenge Mewtwo.

Battling Mewtwo will be a difficult challenge that requires Trainers to take advantage of every opportunity—so don’t forget to invite a friend to go along with you! Invites can only be sent to an Ultra Friend or Best Friend, so don’t forget to battle with friends, send Gifts, and trade Pokémon to build up your Friendship level.

Do you have what it takes? Best of luck—Mewtwo won’t back down!—The Pokémon GO team

Posted in 寶可夢Pokemon GO最新資訊


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