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Pokemon GO Safari Zone 加拿大蒙特婁德拉波公園舉行

Pokemon GO Safari Zone 加拿大蒙特婁德拉波公園舉行

《Pokemon GO》下一場 #PokemonGOSafariZone 活動


地點:將在「加拿大 蒙特婁 德拉波公園」舉行!


Parc Jean-Drapeau位於加拿大魁北克省蒙特利爾市中心以東的聖勞倫斯河畔。它包括兩個島嶼,聖海倫島和人工島聖母島。 這些島嶼是世博會67世界博覽會的舉辦地。巴黎圣母院島是為博覽會而建造的,聖海倫島在其北端和南端人為延伸。為了紀念蒙特利爾已故市長和67世博會的發起人Jean Drapeau,該公園更名。


August 7, 2019 Race your way through the Safari Zone Montreal this September! 

Three, two, one—GO, Trainers!

The Pokémon GO team is excited to invite you to our Safari Zone Montreal this September. This ticketed event will take place along the historic Circuit Gilles Villeneuve at beautiful Parc Jean-Drapeau on Saint Helen’s Island and Notre Dame Island in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

From September 20 to September 22, Parc Jean-Drapeau will be transformed into a speedy Pokémon wonderland. Pokémon that evolve into fast Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild, and unique Field Research will be available for Trainers to complete throughout the day.

Can’t join us in Montreal? Fear not. Trainers across Canada may encounter many of the Pokémon featured at the Safari Zone. In addition, Yanma will appear more frequently globally!

Tickets will be available soon. Stay tuned to our official Pokémon GO channels for updates. We’ll be sharing news on this exciting Safari Zone in the coming weeks!

Meet you…at the finish line!—The Pokémon GO team

Posted in 寶可夢Pokemon GO最新資訊


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