相信不少托福閱讀老師在課後,都會讓學生採用精讀的方式去提升閱讀質量,以此鞏固學生閱讀基礎,同時加深作業的記憶和吸收程度。但往往學生對「精讀」這個概念非常模糊,究竟怎麼樣才算是精讀?是查出所有單詞, 還是句句翻譯,亦或者寫解題思路?需不需要歸納段落大意?往往不同班型,不同基礎的學生對於精讀的理解也各不相同,這裡就需要老師根據學生自身情況和文本難度,對學生有不同的精讀要求。
長久以來,不少學生在閱讀中形成了習慣性的的共同認識: 閱讀需要從單詞和片語開始,也就是所謂的 「Bottom-up Model」——自下而上式的托福模式。學生對於托福閱讀文本採取decoding解碼的過程,先查出段落中的所有單詞,然後逐步上升到短語、分句的解碼翻譯,最後落實句子、段落和語篇的理解;學生不斷地對輸入的托福閱讀文本進行信息處理和整合,整個過程結束,閱讀也就結束,隨後才進行題目分析。
Bottom-up Model雖然是一種從基礎→繁複的自然理解過程,但也將閱讀過程簡單化,忽略了托福閱讀過程中的語境因素: 我們會發現,不少學生似乎能夠全段都翻譯下來,但基本上還是以辭彙和語法為中心,採用分析語法結構的方法,理解重心完全放在了語言因素(辭彙,語法,語句分析等),往往忽略了非語言因素的影響(句間邏輯,邏輯推理,作者目的,背景知識等)。這種Bottom-up的閱讀模式雖然在教學初期可以採用,但由於精讀過程非常繁瑣冗長,且會讓學生產生「只見樹木不見樹林」的閱讀觀感,對於程度較好的學生並不適用。
為了解決 「自下而上」的閱讀模式所產生的問題,另一種閱讀模式也就應運而生: Top-down的心理閱讀模式。這種模式要求學生在閱讀的過程中,能夠act as a positive participant, 根據自己已有的句法,語法和語義知識,對於段落文本形成 Scanning→Predicting→Testing→Confirming→Revising 的五段加工模式;簡而言之,就是學生要能從段落整體框架入手,確立文本展開模式,隨後將句子,分句,片語和單詞按照語法規則往框架內部做填充,進行信息甄別處理。
Top-down模式強調學生面臨的閱讀問題可能並不是語言問題,而是閱讀技巧和邏輯思維問題,它也確實能解決Bottom-up模式中的「只見樹木不見樹林」的問題,但無疑也從一個極端走向另一個極端。托福閱讀考試本就是語言考試,雖然存在像推理題、目的題、插入題這種考察句間邏輯和邏輯判斷的題型,但重心依舊還是在語言的基本理解上;Top-down的精讀模式強調的快速閱讀,很容易讓學生濫用結構框架進行預測,反而忽視了對於基礎字句的理解 (造成細節題和取非題的錯誤),或者在predicting的過程中將自己的想法理解強加在選項上 (造成干擾選項判斷錯誤)。
那既然無論是Bottom-up 還是 Top-down均有優勢和劣勢,那在我們的培訓過程或者學生精讀過程中,不妨根據學生實際情況進行要求,做到兩者結合,即 「相互作用模式」:根據學生不同程度,或者文本的不同難度,選擇不同的精讀模式。既強調基本的字句理解,通過語言本身達到理解目的,又不要忽視段落結構和考點預判的模式,從整體角度分析難點題目。
1) 基礎良好,閱讀能力強的學生重點以Top-down閱讀模式梳理鍛煉框架,學會抓取思路考點和分析段落框架,並且能夠從邏輯和內容的角度逐一甄別每個選項。
2) 基礎尚可,閱讀能力在20分左右,辭彙基礎足夠的同學可以採取Top-down & Bottom-up結合的模式,在基本理解段落構成之外,重點放在難句翻譯理解,明確題目考點和選項逐一排除上。
3) 基礎薄弱,尤其是閱讀成績個位數或者10分出頭的學生,應採取Bottom-up的模式進行精讀:原文段落題干選項逐一摘詞背誦,段落逐句分析翻譯,題目對應區間定位。
Bottom-up Model閱讀模式在托福閱讀中基本就是查詞+詞性辨析+句法分析+段落逐句翻譯,這邊不再贅述~
TPO-24: Lake Water
Paragraph 2: The questions become more complicated when actual volumes of water are considered: how much water enters and leaves by each route? Discovering the inputs and outputs of rivers is a matter of measuring the discharges of every inflowing and outflowing stream and river. Then exchanges with the atmosphere are calculated by finding the difference between the gains from rain, as measured (rather roughly) by rain gauges, and the losses by evaporation, measured with models that correct for the other sources of water loss. For the majority of lakes, certainly those surrounded by forests, input from overland flow is too small to have a noticeable effect.Changes in lake level not explained by river flows plus exchanges with the atmosphere must be due to the net difference between what seeps into the lake from the groundwater and what leaks into the groundwater. Note the word"net": measuring the actual amounts of groundwater seepage into the lake and out of the lake is a much more complicated matter than merely inferring their difference.
3. Which of the following can beinferred from paragraph 2 about the movement of water into a lake?
A. Heavy rain accounts for most of the water that enters into lakes.
B. Rainfall replaces approximately the amount of water lost through evaporation.
C. Overland flow into lakes is reduced by the presence of forests.
D. Seepage has a smaller effect on water level than any other input.
Top-down Model: Paragraph structure 精讀要求
1). Question about Lake level
2). Theory 1: 地表水(flowing of inflowing and outflowing river and stream) →決定了Lake level
3). Theory2: 大氣層交換(difference between rainfall and evaporation ) →決定了Lake Level
4). Example:majority of lake, especially surrounded by forest (特指修飾→可能會有考點)
5). Theory3: 反駁 (not explained by river flows plus atmosphere →間接反駁了theory 1 and 2) + 正確觀點地下水的滲透(difference between seepage into the lake and seepage into the groundwater)
6). 「Net」 emphasis~
題目分析: 審題(movement of water into a lake)題干中無關鍵詞,放棄定位
段落提出了三個理論來解釋湖水水面的改變,分別是地表水流動,大氣層交換和地下水滲透,而最終支持的理論是地下水滲透造成lake level的改變,可以排除D選項 (smaller effect直接相反);同樣大氣層交換的理論被駁斥了,則可以排除A和B選項 (Heavy rain accounts for相反;rainfall replaces approximately未提到且不能解釋changes of lake level);我們發現,通過分析段落框架,就足以讓我們排除A, B, D三個選項。
原文的example部分提到了多數的lake,尤其「被森林包圍的」湖,地表水的流動幾乎可以忽略不計。Surrounded by forest作為限定修飾,必然起到了強調的作用,突出了」整體與部分」概念,既然多數的湖本身不會受到overland flow的影響,那部分的「被森林包圍的湖」就強調出 「forests have negative effect on Lake level」,就如同我們說: 吃油炸食品,尤其是雞排,肯定會造成肥胖,那也可以間接得出雞排會造成肥胖,是一樣的思路, 故此題的答案也自然可以得出C選項
TPO-48: Determining Dinosaurs』 Diet
Paragraph 5: In the stomach contents of specimens of Coelophysis (a small, long-necked dinosaur) are bones from juvenile animals of the same species. At one time, these were thought to represent embryonic animals, suggesting that this small dinosaur gave birth to live young rather than laying eggs. Further research indicated that the small dinosaurs were too large and too well developed to be pre-hatchling young. In addition, the juveniles inside the body cavity were of different sizes. All the evidence points to the conclusion that these are the remains of prey items and that, asan adult, Coelophysis was at least in part a cannibal.
• 7. According to paragraph 5, all of the following support the claim that the adult Coelophysis sometimes ate young Coelophysis EXCEPT:
A. Juveniles found in the body cavities of adults were too advanced in their development to be embryos.
B. Juveniles of different sizes were found in the body cavity of the same adult.
C. Juveniles found in the body cavities of adults were too large to be embryos.
D. Juveniles found in the body cavities of adults were in unhatched eggs.