尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan



Medical Insurance 醫療保險

Michael: Billy, can you come to my office for a meeting?


Billy: Sure. Michael. What do you want to discuss with me?


Michael: Well, I need to tell you that the report you gave me yesterday is just terrible.


Billy: I knew you would say that.


Michael: What is the reason you did such a sloppy job on the report? Usually your work is of a high standard.


Billy: I have been feeling really sick for the last few days.


Michael: Well, why didn't you go to see the doctor?


Billy: Because I am broke!


Michael: But the company has medical and dental insurance for you!


Billy: I never knew that! You mean I can see the doctor for nix?


Michael: Come to my office and I will give you all of the forms you need, my sick friend.


acquire: 購入,取得所有權

Eg: This is Cusson's newly acquired factory in Poland.


acquisition: 收購(四六級考試高頻辭彙)

Eg: The accelerated rate of globalisation has left companies desperately seeking overseasacquisitions in order to remain competitive.


achievable: 切實可行的,可達到的

Eg: Your objectives should be relevant to the job you have applied for and achievable.


achieve: v. 完成,達到,實現

achievable region: 可達區域

achievable accuracy: 可達準確度

acid test:決定性的考驗

Eg: The acid test is whether or not somebody will actually buy the product.



n. 酸, 酸性物質, <俚>迷幻藥

Eg: Acids react with bases to form salts.


adj. 酸的, 酸性的, 尖酸的


acid steel 酸性爐鋼; 酸性鋼

acid jazz 迷幻爵士樂

acid rain 酸雨


1.accumulate vt.積累,存儲,蓄積(財產等)

【【商務用語】】accumulated funds 積累的資金

【【例句】】By buying ten books every month, he soon accumulated a good library.


2.additional adj.附加的,補充的

【【商務用語】】an additional tax 附加稅

the additional regulation 補充規定

additional outlay 額外開支

additional appropriation 追加撥款

3.adjudicate vt.判決,裁定 vi.審斷,判決

【【商務用語】】adjudicate a claim for damages 裁定一項損害賠償的要求

adjudicate (up) on a question 裁決一個問題

adjudicate on a case 判決某案子

adjudicate upon 判決

4.adjudication n.判決;法院的判決

【【商務用語】】bankruptcy adjudication 破產程序中的判決

adjudication order 判決令

5.adjunct n. 附件,助手 adj.附屬的

【【商務用語】】adjunct account 增價賬戶

adjunct condition 附加條件

adjunct professor 副教授

adjunct circuit 附加電路,附屬電路

6.abundance n.豐富;充裕

【相關片語】a year of abundance 豐年

【【例句】】Curtains are available in abundance.


7.accessory n. 附件;零件 adj.附屬的,副的

【相關片語】accessary of a bicycle 腳踏車的附件

8.accomplish vt.完成,達到,實現

【相關片語】to accomplish a purpose 達到目的

accomplish one's mission 完成使命

【【例句】】You should accomplish the task within the allotted time.


9.accordance n.一致,和諧,給予

【相關片語】act in accordance with the rules 根據條例行事

in accordance with your orders 按照你的命令

10.accrue vi.自然增加;發生權責 vt.獲得,積累

【【商務用語】】accrued assets 應計資產(應收未收款項)

accrued interest 應計利息

accrued depreciation 應計折舊

【【例句】】The interest accrued over the months.

11.That company supplies paper to the printers.


【重點詞語】:supply n./v.供給

【商務用語】:supply the market with new commodities 向市場供應新商品

supply a need /demand 滿足需要

have a good supply of 備有許多

12.According to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.


【重點詞語】:survey n.調查

【商務用語】:monthly survey 月評

geological survey 地質勘察

annual survey 年度調查

appraisal survey 估價調查

13.There are plans to take over the company.


【重點詞語】:take over n.①接管 ②接任,接替

【商務用語】:take over from 取代

take over as 接替某一職務

14.This task is a accomplished by great effort.


【重點詞語】:task n.①任務,工作 ②定額

【商務用語】:fulfil a task 完成一項任務

task force 突擊隊,攻關小隊(為完成某項任務而在一起的一組人)

15.These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.


【重點詞語】:tax n.①稅 ②稅金

【商務用語】:free of tax 免稅

capital gains tax 資本收益稅

corporation tax 公司稅,法人稅

16.She has a taxable income of $50,000 per year.


【重點詞語】:taxable adj. 可徵稅的

【商務用語】:taxable income 應納稅收入的

taxable allowance 免稅額

17.administer vt. 管理;實施 vi.管理 n.管理人,管理

【【商務用語】】administer a trust fund 經營一項信託基金

administer justice 執行審判

administer arbitration 管理仲裁

administer relief 進行救濟

【【例句】】The manager of the personnel department has the responsibility to administer the staff of the company.


18.administrative adj.管理的,行政的

【【商務用語】】administrative ability 管理/經營才能

administrative budget 行政預算,管理預算

administrative cost 管理費用

administrative expenditure 行政開支;管理費

19. admissible adj.可接受的;有資格加入的(to)

【【商務用語】】admissible to an office 有資格擔任某職務

admissible evidence 可取的證據

admissible load 容許載重

admissible error 容許誤差

19.administrator n.管理人,行政官,財產經理人

【【商務用語】】associate administrator 副行政官;首席助理

bankruptcy administrator 破產管理人

system administrator 系統管理人

administrator of property 財產管理人


On the outer packing, please mark wording, "Handle with Care".


Every 100 dozen should be packed in a wooden case marked TM and numbered from No. 1 upward.


Please mark the cases(boxes,bags,casks,etc)as per the drawing given.


Please cable packing and marks.


We will mark the packages the same as before.


Words and Phrases

mark 嘜頭

Indicative Mark 指示性標誌

Warning Mark 警告性標誌

upward 向上,由下往上

This Side Up 此端向上

Handle With Care 小心輕放

Keep Upright 勿倒置

Use No Hooks 請勿倒掛

Not to be tripped 勿傾倒

Keep in a dry place 在乾燥處保管

Keep in a cool place 在冷處保管

Keep away from boilers 遠離鍋爐

Keep away from heat 請勿受熱

Keep away from cold 請勿受冷

Keep Dry 防濕

Explosive 爆炸品

Fragile 易碎品

Inflammable 易燃品

Inflammable Gas 易燃氣體

Inflammable Solid 易燃固體

Inflammable Liquid 易燃液體

Dangerous When Wet 遇水燃燒品

Poison 毒劑

Poison Gas 毒氣

Spontaneously Combustible 自燃物品

Organic Peroxide 有機氧化物

Oxidizing Agent 氧化劑

Radioactive 放射性物品

Corrosive 腐蝕性物品

Additional Words and Phrases

neutral packing 中性包裝

customary packing 習慣包裝

cargo in bulk 散裝貨

nuded cargo 裸裝貨

shipment packing 運輸包裝

consumer packing 消費包裝

packaging industry 包裝工業

pack test 包裝試驗

package design 包裝設計

package engineering 打包工程

package in damaged condition 破損包裝

package materials (packing supplies) 包裝材料

packing cost 包裝成本

"packing extra" 包裝費用另計

packing and presentation 包裝裝潢及外觀

packing credit 打包放款,包裝信用證

packing letter of credit 包裝信用證,紅條標信用證

packing list/note/slip 裝箱單

packing specification 包裝標準化

seller's usual packing 賣方習慣包裝

seaworthy packing 適合海運包裝


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