尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan


Do you remember those times when yourmother told you to avoid talking to strangers? It was a reasonable advicebecause it can be really dangerous for children to talk to absolutely strangepeople.


But now you`re not a child anymore so whydo you hide from nice people around you? We always sit at home, do our job orhang out with friends only and we mostly avoid communicating with others,albeit there are lots of truly nice ones.


The world is yours, I mean the whole worldincluding all people you see, so take a look at the advantages of talking tostrangers that will probably change some of your communication skills andhabits.


1. You can meet a really great person

1. 你可能會遇見一個真正的大人物

Talking to a stranger is a good habitbecause you never know whom you may meet. Taking a simple walk with a dog ordoing shopping may present you with a person who`ll become your best friend infuture.


You can also meet someone who`ll give you achance to get your dream job or somehow help you in life. A stranger you dareto start a conversation with can turn to be really useful for you and make yourlife better. That`s why you shouldn`t miss these unexpected chances.


2. It expands your world view

2. 開闊你的世界觀

You have some opinion about differentsubjects and you know your friends` and relatives` points of view about themtoo. But there are millions of other people who think differently and can giveyou their sometimes unpredictable yet smart ideas that`ll expand your worldview.


This way you become more intelligentbecause you have a chance to compare and to operate more opinions about thesame question.


3. You can shorten your waiting time

3. 你可以縮短等待時間

Waiting in a long queue is extremelyboring. Why not speak to someone until your turn comes? It`ll make your longqueue seem to be just a moment. Time flies faster when there`s someone to talkso why not try?


You`ll most likely never see this personagain in your life so there`s no need to worry if you say something silly orjust choose a wrong person to have a talk with. Besides, it can become a funnystory to tell your friends.


4. You improve your social skills

4. 你提高了社交技能

Whatever social skills you have, you canmake them better when talking to strangers. Asking appropriate questions andattentive listening are two skills that many of us don』t have. You can betterthese skills when talking to a stranger.


We often ask something and then don`t evenlisten to the answer. But if you want to be a wonderful interlocutor, it`sbetter to learn more about successful socializing.


5. It helps you become more assertive

5. 幫助你更加堅定自信

The more you talk to strangers and the moreconfident you feel when doing it, the more assertive you become in everydaylife. You gradually understand how to find a needed approach to any type ofpeople and what to say when you want to get something from others.


Next time you`ll be asked to do some dutiesof your colleagues you don`t even want to hear about, you`ll be enough assertiveto say 「This time I`ll refuse and don`t ask me to do something for you againbecause I see it becomes your bad habit.」 Ha?


6. You can cheer someone up

6. 你可以讓對方心情愉悅

The thing you`ll definitely like abouttalking to strangers is that you can make someone`s day better. Smile andpeople will smile in return. Compliment people and they`ll think somethingpleasant about you.


Having a sweet short dialog is one of thoseperfect chances to share positive vibrations with others and make your and yourinterlocutor`s day really outstanding. Do that and you`ll like the result!


7. It may show you the solutions you didn`tknow about

7. 這會為你帶來想不到的解決方案

Talking to someone you don`t know is allabout finding out something you didn`t know. You may have some problems thatyou can`t solve for a long time but a person you suddenly meet can figure outthe right solution you didn`t even think about before.


It may be a help you needed to get a longtime ago. After all, it`s easier to solve someone else`s problems.


8. You』ll feel a boost of confidence


If you belong to that shy type of people,talking to a stranger may seem to be a real challenge for you. I`m alsoextremely shy but I realize it`s not an issue at all. You can overcome yourfear of being judged by others by talking to strangers.


It`ll let you feel that there`s nothing toworry about when communicating with different people around you – it`s actuallyfunny and adventurous. If you`re very shy and would like to become moreconfident, try to speak to a stranger and you`ll see how easy and useful it is.


Talking to strangers might be dangerous –it all depends on the place and time. Become more confident, assertive,sociable and positive thanks to simple short conversations with differentpeople you find smart or just beautiful. What other benefits of talking tostrangers do you know?



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