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國際象棋 VS 考試

最近讀國際象棋書《Mating the Castled King》,看到有這麼一段:

Chess players should have the ability to remember and recognize patterns and themes that repeatedly occur in practice. The more examples we see, the more ingrained these patterns will become, until eventually they are second nature……Just soak up as many examples as you can, until you succeed in turning your chess brain into a well-honed, pattern-recognition machine……if you are not aware of the basic patterns, how can you expect recognize a winning attack when you have one?



同出版社的另外一本棋書《Chess Tactics from Scratch》中也出現有類似的話:

In order to give mate you should know the standard mating patterns. They will save you time and energy. The reason why professionals find more combinations in less time than amateurs is that they have stored countless patterns in their minds. Whenever they are confronted with one of these patterns they will remember it and instantly know what to do. This is not a question of ingenuity but of learning and experience. After a while you too will be able to retrieve acquired patterns.

These mating patterns also function as a yardstick to judge the strategic and tactical implications of a position, or a move, that you are considering.

But mating patterns can do more for you. They often function as a starting point for a deeper analysis of a position. As with the tactical motifs, looking beyond the circumstances of the current position helps a lot. Once you have discovered the crucial pattern, it is helpful to mull over a position for a while. The mating pattern might function like the beam of a lighthouse. Suddenly you get an idea of how to navigate your ship in order to reach the desired position. It is always easier to devise a plan when you know where you want to go. And if your operation does not result in mate, then the threat of mate may be enough to give you the necessary tempo to gain a crucial material advantage.

So try to keep in mind the apparently strange idea of starting your calculations from a final position (an aim) that anticipates the tactical realization, as the final position already comprises the moves leading to it.




下棋有時間限制,到了讀秒的階段關鍵就是拼時間,這一點和考試很像,我覺得下棋這套思維可以用於準備考試,第一本書中所說的「patterns and themes that repeatedly occur in practice」,對應考試中就是所謂的那些高頻、常考的題目和類型,我稱之為「有針對性的題海戰術」,也就是:




而在去年,我便是用這樣的方法通過了某註冊工程師資格考試,對於這個要帶上40+本規範及參考書、連續考上4個半天的開卷考試來說,如果想要在考場上取得好成績,靠臨場翻書恐怕是來不及的。武俠小說中那句「天下武功,無堅不摧,唯快不破」非常應景,在這種開卷考試中,做的快而且做的對尤為重要,哪些題目可以不翻書就能做的快而對呢,那便是那些每一年考題中都會出現而且所佔分值比例不小的題目,即前面所說的「repeatedly occur in practice」,這就需要把這些題目的公式、演算法牢記於心,能做到脫口而出、下筆無誤,即——把開卷考試當成是閉卷考試來複習準備!!!







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