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女主持直播時玩筆被抓包 爆笑新聞直播失誤盤點

近日,澳洲女主播娜塔莎•伊瑟比(Natasha Exelby)因為在播報新聞時出現失誤而走紅網路。伊瑟比沒有察覺鏡頭已切回自己,還在玩手中的筆,當她意識到時,表情驚慌失措,但又瞬間鎮定下來,這一搞笑瞬間被網友捕捉。誰知,有媒體報道這位女主播竟因此被禁止再參與直播,這回澳大利亞網友們怒了。

Caught in a blooper on live television, Australian newsreader Natasha Exelby was always likely to become an internet star.在電視直播時犯個大錯總能讓澳大利亞新聞主持人娜塔莎•伊瑟比成為網紅。

But her awkward moment also had a second act.而她的這個失誤還引發了另一場論戰。


Exelby had been gazing at a pen in her hands, unaware she was live, when a broadcast cut back to her in an Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) studio.當節目鏡頭切回到澳大利亞廣播公司(ABC)攝影棚的伊瑟比時,她一直盯著手中的筆,沒有意識到正在直播。

She gave an alarmed reaction when she realised the error, but settled quickly to read the next story.當伊瑟比意識到犯錯時,表現得大驚失色,但很快又平復下來播報下一則新聞。

女主持直播時玩筆被抓包 爆笑新聞直播失誤盤點

A clip of the blooper was widely shared online, with most observers appearing to sympathise with Exelby. She addressed the subject in a tweet.這段失誤視頻在網上廣泛分享,大多數觀眾似乎都對她表示同情。伊瑟比在推特上回應了這個問題。


The saga might have ended there, but on Monday night, Sydney's Daily Telegraph reported Exelby had been sidelined from her newsreading duties.故事本可以就此結束,但是10日晚間,悉尼《每日電訊報》報道,伊瑟比缺席了她的新聞播報工作。

It did not quote the ABC, but a spokesperson soon told local media: "Natasha Exelby is a casual contributor, not a staff member. She has been booked for occasional on-air shifts when needed, and also does other occasional shifts for the ABC News channel." 報道沒有援引ABC方面的消息,但一位新聞發言人很快告訴當地媒體:「娜塔莎是一名臨時工,她並不是ABC電視台的工作人員。此前,有需要時我們偶爾會在直播輪班中安排她,她有時也到ABC新聞台的其他直播節目輪班。」

Commentators noted the ABC did not directly address whether Exelby had been benched, fuelling a backlash online.有評論指出,ABC沒有直接回答伊瑟比是否被停職的問題,這讓網上的反對聲音更加激烈。

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and actor Russell Crowe were among many who criticised the report.澳大利亞反對黨領袖比爾•肖滕和演員羅素•克勞和眾人一起批評了該報道。


"Give her a break," one of Mr Shorten's senators, Sam Dastyari, told Fairfax Media.肖滕身邊的一位參議員山姆•戴斯提瑞對費爾法克斯傳媒網表示:「讓她喘口氣吧。」

"The idea that someone would be punished for what is a very innocent mishap is extraordinary."「因為一次十分無辜的意外而懲罰某個人,這種想法太離譜。」

It was not long before a petition began calling on the ABC to "reinstate" Exelby.不久之後,一個請願組織要求ABC電視台讓伊瑟比「復職」。

Other journalists began telling their own embarrassing stories in solidarity.其他新聞工作者們一起講述了自己出糗的故事。



「我曾經工作的社區報紙不幸把人名Liz Cox錯寫成Lix Cox。」


The Project, a light-hearted news programme on another network, also joined in.另一家電視台的娛樂新聞節目《The Project》也加入其中。

On Tuesday, ABC Director of News Gaven Morris denied Exelby had been punished, but said she was not currently scheduled for any news reading shifts.11日,ABC電視台新聞總監加文•莫里斯否認伊瑟比受到懲罰,但表示目前她沒有任何新聞播報輪班安排。

"Media reports that Natasha has been 'banned', 'barred' or 'fired' are untrue," he said.他說:「媒體關於娜塔莎被『禁用』、『停職』或『開除』的報道是不真實的。」

"While she is not currently doing any on-air shifts, this will be subject to normal performance management. I have spoken to Natasha and conveyed our regret that this has attracted such attention."「雖然目前她沒有任何直播輪班工作,但這是因為正常的績效管理。我已經與娜塔莎交談過,對此事引發如此關注我們深表遺憾。」

The broadcaster was committed to offering Exelby "various shifts" in the future, he said.他說,ABC電視台承諾未來會為伊瑟比提供「各種輪班」。

前不久,BBC電視台也發生了一起直播事故。3月10日,在BBC新聞台就韓國前總統朴槿惠的彈劾案進行直播連線時,接受採訪的嘉賓羅伯特•E•凱利(Robert E. Kelly)沒有想到他的兩個萌娃會突然闖進鏡頭,也沒有想到自己因此就成了網紅。許多網友表示,在一場嚴肅的政治新聞直播中看到這樣人性化的一幕感到很真實、很溫馨。




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