尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan






1. information, message, news

(1) information作「信息」解,通常指在閱讀、觀察、談話或書信往來中特別關注的消息、情報、資料等。它側重內容,是不可數名詞。如:

They must find out some information about planes to Kunming as quickly as possible.


(2) news作「新聞」解,一般指通過廣播、電視、報紙等新聞媒體向大眾發布的社會各方面的最新消息,它側重一個「新」字,是不可數名詞。如:

There's a piece of interesting news in today's newspaper.在今天的報紙上有一條有趣的消息。

No news is good news.沒消息就是好消息。

(3) message作「音信」解,一般指口頭傳遞的或書寫的「消息」,是可數名詞。如:

She often sends messages to me with her mobile phone.她經常給我發手機簡訊。

2. noise,voice,sound

(1) sound「聲音」,為最常用詞,指可以聽到的任何聲音,強的,弱的,令人愉快的或不愉快的,有意義的或無意義的。如:

I was reading last night,when suddenly I heard a sound in the next room.


(2) noise常指太響或人們不願聽到的聲音,「嘈雜聲、喧鬧聲」。如:

The boys made too much noise.孩子們太吵鬧了。

(3) voice 指「說話聲」「唱歌聲」「嗓音」如:

That sounds like Mary's voice.那聲音聽起來好像瑪麗的聲音。

3. family,house,home,room

(1) family 的意思是「家庭、家庭成員」,與居住的房子無關。 當family作為整體概念的「家庭」講時是單數;當「家庭成員」講時是複數。如:

Mr Green's family is very large.格林先生家裡的人很多。

(2) house 指「家」時含義較窄,僅指「房屋」這一建築物,一般指獨門獨戶的房子,不指樓房。如:

There are many new houses in our village.我們村裡有很多新房子。

(3) home 指「家、住所」,指一個人(或一家人)居住的地方,也可指一個人出生或長大的地方(鄉村、城市或國家等)。 它具有house所沒有的感情色彩(如「團聚」、「思念」等)。如:

The American friends are leaving Beijing for home tomorrow.明天美國朋友要離開北京回國了。

East or west,home is best.金窩銀窩不如自己的草窩。

(4) room除作可數名詞用表示「房間」外,還可用作不可數名詞,指「空間;地方;餘地」。例如:

There is only standing room in the bus.公共汽車上只有站的地方了。

4. place,room,area,space

(1) place表示一個具體地點。如:

We will meet up at the place where we met last Friday.


(2 ) room當表示地方的時候,通常在這樣的情況下用,表示容得下容不下的意思。如:

There is no room for her.這沒她的地方。

(3) area表示一片區域。如:

Tibet area藏區

(4) space表示地方的時候通常表實意。

We could put bags at that space.


5. problem,question

(1) question 是需要「解答」的問題,question 往往是「疑問」。problem 是需要「解決」的問題。problem所指的問題,往往是「老難的問題」。這兩個詞在實際使用中,一般不能相互替代。如:

Please answer the following questions.請回答以下問題。

(2) problem指說話者認為難以解決的問題,它與動詞solve或settle(解決)搭配。而question指說話者需要尋找答案的問題,它常與動詞ask或answer連用。試比較:

①The problem is difficult to be solved.


②May I ask you some questions?



①Can you work out this maths problem?


②It's a question of money/time.


6. suggestion,advice

(1) suggestion是可數名詞,表示「意見,建議,提議」,特指為了改進或解決某一問題而提出建議、辦法等,但不一定正確,僅供參考。語氣比advice客氣、委婉。多用作可數名詞,常和介詞about,as to,at,on,by,with等搭配。如:

This trip was made at his teacher's suggestion.這次旅行是由他的老師建議組織的。

By her mother's suggestion the contribution was raised.根據她媽媽的建議發起了募捐。

表示「一條建議」用a suggestion,「一些建議」是some suggestions,「許多建議」是many suggestions。

(2) advice表示「忠告,意見,指點」,是指具有豐富的知識、足夠的經驗、正確的判斷力和明智的觀點的人對另一個人的「勸告」或「見解」,既可以是對於嚴肅的事物,也可以對瑣碎事情提出意見。advice經常帶有客觀性質,在實際應用中,凡是與自己沒有關係,完全是為了對方而提出的意見或建議都可用advice。

advice是不可數名詞表示「一條建議」是a piece of advice,「一些建議」是some advice:

On the doctor's advice her mother is staying in bed.


You must act with advice at present.目前,你一定要謹慎行事。


My advice to you is that you should treat your wife with more consideration.


It was only by my advice that she had given up the idea.


7. influence,effect

(1) influence 表示「影響」,主要指對行為、性格、觀點等產生間接的或潛移默化的影響。通常為不可數名詞,但有時可連用不定冠詞。如:

What you read influences your thinking.你讀的東西對你的思想有影響。

Television has a strong influence on people.電視對人有很大的影響。


It's clear that her painting has been influenced by Picasso.她的畫顯然受了畢加索的影響。

(2) effect可用作可數或不可數名詞。用作可數名詞時,常與介詞on連用。have an effect on相當於affect。如:

To affect a policy is to have an effect on it.影響一項政策就是對該政策具有一種影響。

The news had no effect on her at all.=The news did not affect her at all.這條消息對她沒有一點影響。


He effected great changes in the company.他使公司發生了巨大的變化。



一. 答題時,首先要注意句子中名詞是單數還是複數形式,是可數名詞還是不可數名詞,並要搞清楚所給選項中的名詞概念上的區別。

【例1】(2014·湖北鄂州·33)—It's convenient to travel from Ezhou to Wuhan by taking the newly-built green railway.

—Yes. It's said that is enough.

A. fifteen minutes drive

B. fifteen-minutes drive

C. fifteen minute's drive

D. fifteen minutes' drive



【例2】(2013·山東泰安·25)—I hear you have to get up early every morning.

—Right. It's one of the of my family.

A. plans B. jobs

C. programs D. rules



【例3】(2013·四川南充· 22)There are some on the floor.

A. milk B. child C. boxes

【解析】考查名詞在語境中的辨析。there are后應接可數名詞複數,milk是不可數名詞,應排除,child是可數名詞單數,也應排除。故應選C。


【例4】(2013·黑龍江綏化·6)I saw some and dancing in the street the day before yesterday.

A. Germen;Englishmen

B. Germans;Englishmans

C. Germans;Englishmen



二. 複習名詞時,要把名詞放在真實的語境中練習,注重詞義的辨析和一詞多義。

1. 語境辨析


【例1】(2014·湖北鄂州·27)—Do you come to South Korea for the of seeing your family or doing business?

—I come here on business.

A. interest B. benefit

C. purpose D. thought

【解析】考查名詞詞義辨析。「for the purpose of(有……的目的)」是固定搭配。故選C。句意:——你來韓國的目的是看望你的家人還是做生意?——我來這裡做生意。


【例2】(2013·山東東營·19)—Excuse me,haven't you learned the new law? Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt.

—Sorry,we won't do that again.

A. food B. traffic

C. medicine D. education



2. 詞意辨析


【例1】(2014·浙江溫州·2)There are some in Dayton Art Museum. For example,no food or drinks is allowed inside.

A. jobs B. records

C. rules D. paintings

【解析】考查名詞詞義辨析。jobs工作;records記錄;rules規矩,規定;paintings油畫。由「no food or drinks is allowed inside」判斷,藝術博物館里不許吃喝是規矩、規定,不是工作,錄音或油畫。故選C。


【例2】(2013·湖北黃岡·31)—Someone called you just now.

—I know. But I was busy at that moment. When I called back,there was no .

A. voice B. sound

C. answer D. result



【例3】(2013·四川涼山·22)—Where is Thomas?

—He left a .

A. informationB. messageC. news





1. (2014· 南京玄武)More than 36 million Chinese children are receiving piano training, but quite a few have little in the piano and some even hate it.

A. interest B. surprise

C. attention D. success

2. (2014·南京高淳)It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books, so it's important to have real with languages,cultures and societies.

A. communication B. experience

C. knowledge D. influence

3. (2014·浙江嘉興·17)It is an English to have afternoon tea.

A. menu B. drink

C. festival D. tradition

4. (2014·北京)I didn't know last year.

A. where he lives B. where does he live

C. where he lived D. where did he live

5. (2013·浙江杭州)Some people ride bikes to work instead of driving in order to protect the environment and reduce pollution.

A. water B. air

C. soil D. white

6. (2013·廣東廣州)—My English teacher visited Canada last summer.

—Which city did he visit?

A. Paris. B. Washington.

C. London. D. Toronto.

7. (2013·安徽) is a program to help with children's education in poor areas.

A. Project Hope

B. World Wide Fund for Nature

C. Friends of the Earth

D. China Greener

8. (2013·河北)The farmer keeps lots of on his farm.

A. sheep B. chicken

C. goose D. pandas

9. (2013·江蘇南京)The 4





(達人秀) gives the child a chance to show his special .

A. ability B. behavior

C. education D. background

10. (2013·湖北武漢)—Recently, one after another terrible traffic accident has happened in China.

—Yes, the terrible on TV made us greatly shocked.

A. scenes B. sights

C. scenery D. views


1. A解析:考查名詞在語境中的辨析。「have little interest in(幾乎沒有興趣)」是固定搭配。故選A。

2. B解析:考查名詞在語境中的辨析。communication交流;experience經歷;knowledge知識;influence影響。根據句意判斷,在某方面有真正經歷是重要的。「have real experience with sth.(在某方面有真正經歷)」固定搭配。故選B。

3. D解析:考查名詞辨析。根據句意可知,「喝下午茶」是英國的傳統,不是菜單、飲料或節日,所以排除A、B、C三項。故選D。

4. C

5. B解析:考查名詞辨析。由題意可知:騎腳踏車代替開車去上班是為了減少空氣污染,故選B。

6. D解析:考查名詞辨析,結合地理知識可知,只有Toronto屬於Canada。

7. A解析:考查詞意辨析。結合時政常識,根據題意,幫助貧窮地區兒童的教育,是希望工程。

8. A解析:考查名詞的複數。sheep的複數形式和單數形式一樣。

9. A解析:考查名詞的辨析。句意:第四屆達人秀給孩子們提供了展示自己特殊才能的機會。

10. A





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