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信息類文章在閱讀的過程中或以表達新觀點並與老觀點形成對比為意圖,或以to persuade or convince readers為意圖,或以解釋科學理論發展為意圖,或以評論社會現象等等為意圖。

雖然信息類文章的意圖各異,但是作者的意圖,驅動著文章的發展,也決定了文章的行文結構,所以在新SAT閱讀的informational 文章中,作者意圖以及行文結構是常見考點。

隨筆 在迷茫和絕望的時候,就去跑步和讀書,然後你會發現,沒有辜負自己,也會找到充實。

例1:Official Guide Test 1 Passage 4(歷史)

32. The main purpose of the passage is to

A) emphasize the value of a tradition.

B) stress the urgency of an issue.

C) highlight the severity of social divisions.

D) question the feasibility of an undertaking.

例2:Official Guide Test 4 Passage 3(科學)

22. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A) present the background of a medical breakthrough.

B) evaluate the research that led to a scientific discovery.

C) summarize the findings of a long-term research project.

D) explain the development of a branch of scientific study.

例3:Official Guide Test 4 Passage 5(科學)

43. Over the course of the passage, the focus shifts from

A) a criticism of a scientific model to a new theory.

B) a description of a recorded event to its likely cause.

C) the use of ice core samples to a new method of measuring sulfates.

D) the use of radiocarbon dating to an examination of volcanic glass.



廣義上的修辭,簡單來說,就是語境使詞語發生了意義的臨時改變。在新SAT考試中,體現在words in context的考查。

例4:Official Guide Test 1 Passage 4

That excuse shall not serve you, Madam. As you know from your own experience, and there are facts that prove it, the daughters of educated men have always done their thinking from hand to mouth; not under green lamps at study tables in the cloisters of secluded colleges. They have thought while they stirred the pot, while they rocked the cradle. It was thus that they won us the right to our brand-new sixpence.




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