尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan



舉個例子,德國漢堡市(Hamburg)的市名就是取自我們吃的漢堡(hamburger),比利時的布魯塞爾(Brussels)得名於球芽甘藍(Brussels Sprout).



接下來,小編將盤點不同時期、不同國家以人名命名的美食的由來小故事,如眾所周知的三明治(Sandwich)、方興未艾的班尼迪克雞蛋(Eggs Benedict)以及更多吃貨們不可不知的,取自名人之名的食物。




「Pavlova is made by beating egg whites (and sometimes salt) to a very stiff consistency before folding in caster sugar.Pavlova is traditionally decorated with a topping of whipped cream and fresh soft fruit such as kiwifruit, passionfruit, and strawberries.」


「The dessert is a popular dish and an important part of the national cuisine of both Australia and New Zealand.

In 2008, Helen Leach published The Pavlova Story: A Slice of New Zealand's Culinary History, in which she argued that the earliest known recipe was published in New Zealand.」

這道甜點以俄羅斯著名芭蕾舞星安娜.巴甫洛娃(Anna Pavlova)命名,1930年,當時她正在紐西蘭和澳大利亞巡迴演出,蛋糕師看到了美麗的Pavlova之後,創造了這款美味的甜點來寓意讚美她的美麗與她的舞蹈。毋庸置疑的是,這種柔軟輕如空氣的蛋白也的確會使人聯想到芭蕾舞裙上那蓬鬆的薄紗。

《牛津英語大辭典》('Oxford English Dictionary')對「pavlova」的首條引用來自紐西蘭的歷史記載:

「Davis Dainty Dishes: Pavlova dissolve all but a teaspoonful1 of Gelatine in the hot water, and all the sugar except a dessert spoonful.」

Battenberg Cake巴騰堡蛋糕(粉黃雙色棋格海綿蛋糕)

Battenberg Cake是一種表面撒有碎杏仁的輕海綿蛋糕,切開時橫截面呈現粉紅色與淡黃色相間格的花紋,故取名為巴騰堡。

「Battenberg is a light sponge cake with the pieces covered in jam. The cake is covered in marzipan and, when cut in cross section, displays a distinctive two-by-two check pattern alternately coloured pink and yellow.」

Louis Battenberg

Battenberg首次出現是在英國, Battenberg是英國王室主廚在1884年為慶祝Battenberg王子Louis的婚禮而研製的,這一名字來自於一個德國小鎮Battenberg。


「The cake was purportedly named in honour of the marriage of Princess Victoria, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, to Prince Louis of Battenberg in 1884. The name refers to the town of Battenberg, Hesse in central Germany and is the seat of the aristocratic family known in Britain as Mountbatten.」



當然,我們還要感謝三明治伯爵John Montagu,讓我們享受了近兩個世紀的簡易、快捷及方便的西方傳統美食。

「A sandwich is a food typically consisting of vegetables, sliced cheese or meat, placed on or between slices of bread, or more generally any dish wherein two or more pieces of bread serve as a container or wrapper for another food type.」

John Montagu

「John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, PC, FRS (13 November 1718–30 April 1792) was a British statesman who succeeded his grandfather Edward Montagu, 3rd Earl of Sandwich as the Earl of Sandwich in 1729. Lord Sandwich was a very conversant gambler, the story goes, and he did not take the time to have a meal during his long hours playing at the card table. Consequently, he would ask his servants to bring him slices of meat between two slices of bread, a habit well known among his gambling friends. According to this account, began to order "the same as Sandwich!", and thus the "sandwich" was born.」

三明治據說是以John Montagu命名的,他是Sandwich鎮的第四位伯爵,據說這位伯爵嗜賭,曾有一次二十四個小時一直待在賭桌旁,中間除了幾片麵包片夾冷牛肉沒有吃過任何其他東西,這種把火腿、蛋、菜夾在兩片麵包里吃的食物因伯爵得名,並被廣為效仿。


「 《牛津英語大辭典》就將「sandwich」定義為「中間塗有果醬或奶油的兩片或更多片海綿蛋糕」,這也是英語中最初的一種使用方法,例如Victoria sandwich中就是這種意思。sandwich還可以作為動詞來使用,作為動詞可以理解為

「to be sandwiched between」某些東西與其他東西。」

Eggs Benedict班尼迪克蛋(水波蛋)

由水波蛋(荷包蛋的一種)(Eggs)、英式鬆餅(English Muffin)、加拿大培根(Canadian Bacon)和荷蘭式醬汁(Hollandaise Sauce)構成。

「華爾道夫的奧斯卡」因Eggs Benedict而著稱,或者說,至少這道菜品進入了最著名的華爾道夫酒店的菜單。

至於Eggs Benedict的命名,現有好幾個名叫Benedict的人被認為與其命名有關,其中就包括Lemuel Benedict.

Lemuel Benedict是華爾街一位股票經紀人。1894年的一天,他喝得寧酊大醉闖入華爾道夫酒店休息。

在《紐約客》(The New Yorker)中的一篇採訪寫道,據說他下了這樣一份食品訂單「黃油烤麵包、荷包蛋、脆培根和一大杯荷蘭威士忌酒」。

Oscar Tschirky非常喜歡這個創意,於是就將這道菜品加入到了酒店的早餐與午餐菜單中。但Tschirky也對其做了一些改進——他用火腿替代了其中的培根,用烘烤的英式鬆餅替代了烤麵包片。這一搭配也成為當下最時興的早午茶餐品之一。

In an interview recorded in the "Talk of the Town" column of The New Yorker in 1942, the year before his death, Lemuel Benedict, a retired Wall Street stock broker, claimed that he had wandered into the Waldorf Hotel in 1894 and, hoping to find a cure for his morning hangover, ordered "buttered toast, poached eggs, crisp bacon, and a hooker of hollandaise".

Oscar Tschirky, the famed maître d'hôtel, was so impressed with the dish that he put it on the breakfast and luncheon menus but substituted ham for the bacon and a toasted English muffin for the toast.



Bellini是一種摻有白水蜜桃汁或其他果汁,義大利白葡萄酒、並混有香檳或普洛塞克起泡酒的雞尾酒,是由Giuseppe Cipriani在上個世紀30年代或40年代發明的。

「The Bellini consists of puréed white peaches and Prosecco, an Italian sparkling wine. Marinating fresh peaches in wine is an Italian tradition.The original recipe was made with a bit of raspberry or cherry juice to give the drink a pink glow.」

Giuseppe Cipriani是威尼斯哈利酒吧的創始人,這款雞尾酒中晃動的淺粉色使他聯想到十五世紀威尼斯藝術家喬瓦尼·貝利尼在其一副聖人肖像中所使用的某種顏色,並據此命名了該款雞尾酒。

《牛津英語大辭典》對「Bellini」的引述可追溯至1956年,Bellini也是《牛津英語大辭典》的編輯們通過「Oxford English Dictionary Appeals項目」尋找到較早起源證據的辭彙之一。

「The Bellini was invented sometime between 1934 and 1948 by Giuseppe Cipriani, founder of Harry's Bar in Venice, Italy. He named the drink the Bellini because its unique pink color reminded him of the toga of a saint in a painting by 15th-century Venetian artist Giovanni Bellini.」

Oxford English Dictionary Appeals中收錄的其他食物與飲料包括「Long Island iced tea」(長島冰茶)、「Earl Grey」(格雷伯爵)、「Baked Alaska」(火焰雪山)以及「Mochaccino」(摩卡奇諾)。


好了,先介紹到這裡,大家都喜歡小編精選的以人名命名的外國小故事和國外的美食小點心嗎?你們還知道哪些以人名命名的國內外美食呢,比如"華爾道夫沙拉"(Waldorf salad)......


I wish you all have a good appetite!

It's time to enjoy your meal in a good mood.


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