尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan




1. The morning routine:


"I woke up at 5 a.m. to see my roommate preparing for school. She was already in her uniform. I sat up and asked her if she had a spare uniform I could borrow, and she nodded and opened her closet to show me. I thanked her. She smiled, waved, and turned to go, and I spent 30 minutes more in bed with my phone. I got down from the top bunk to start preparing for my day, and looked over and saw my roommate sleeping soundly in her bunk. WHO WAS IN HERE AT 5 A.M.」

「我早上5點醒來,看到我的室友正在收拾準備上課。她已經穿好校服了。我坐了起來,問她是否有一套備用的校服 ,我可以借著穿。她點了點頭,打開壁櫥把衣服給了我。我謝了謝她,她笑了笑,沖我揮了揮手,轉身走了。我躺在床上玩兒了三十多分鐘手機。之後我從上鋪下來,開始為我新的一天做準備,順便四周看了看,我竟然發現我的室友在她的床鋪上睡得很香。那凌晨5點在這裡的人是誰?!"

2. The greeter:


"My roommate sat up in her bed one night, looked toward the corner of our room,and kept saying 'hello.' She did this for about three minutes. After saying 'hello' several times, she slowly turned her head as if she was watching someone walk, and then looked under the bed. Her head shot up so quickly and she looked at me. I have never seen someone look that terrified in my life. Suddenly, she fell back on the bed and went to sleep. I ran out of that room so fast."


3. The motivator:


"I'd heard rumors that my freshman dorm was haunted, but dismissed the stories. One morning, I was sitting alone in my room, no desire to go to class, and said out loud to myself, 'I think I deserve to stay in bed today.' Clear as day, as though someone were sitting on the bed next to me, a male voice replied, 'Just stay.' I jumped up to check the hallway of my all-girls floor, and then out the window onto the roof next door, but there wasn't a person in sight. I definitely didn't stay."

「我聽到謠言說我住的新生宿舍鬧鬼,但我不信。 有一天早晨,我獨自坐在宿舍里,不想去上課,大聲對自己說『我覺得今天我應該躺在床上好好休息』。但是確確實實好像有人(還是個男的)坐在我旁邊的床上,跟我說『那就待著吧』。我嚇得跳起來趕快把我女生宿舍徹徹底底檢查了一遍,但一個人都沒看到。 我肯定跑了,待不下去了。」

4. The visitor:


"I lived in the oldest residence hall on campus my freshman year. It used to be a hospital for people during an influenza outbreak years ago, where quite a bit of people died. There was even a room in the basement where the morgue used to be. I was in my room one night, trying to sleep, when I heard my door open and shut by itself — even though I lived alone. I tried to ignore it and tell myself I was imagining things, but seconds later I felt something grab my leg and I looked up to see this dark thing floating by my feet. It looked like the top half of a body. When I looked away to turn the lamp on, it was gone."



bunk 英 [bʌŋk] 美 [bʌŋk] n. 鋪位;床鋪;座床

greeter ['ɡritɚ] n. (在酒店、超市等門口迎接顧客的)接待員

shoot up 射出;發芽;暴漲;迅速成長

motivator 英 ['məʊtɪveɪtə] 美 ['motɪvetɚ] n. 動力;激勵因素

morgue 英 [mɔːg] 美 [mɔrɡ] n. 陳屍所;資料室,資料檔案






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