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1. 總覽一遍,了解整個素材的內容和思路。

2. 背誦一些重點的句子(很多我已經列出),能被自己所用。

3. 我即將發布最後一篇文章,裡面很多練習,看看能不能用上。



曲哥點評:「共享經濟」(sharing economy)和「一帶一路」(the belt and road initiative)這些熱點並不一定會出現在作文中(在翻譯中可能性很大),但是他們反應出的精神品質(包括合作、互幫互助、全球化這類話題不可避免)是考試的一個熱點。建議大家學會背誦一些萬能句子,以備考試。此外,對於人生哲理,成功要素此類話題也不得不防,如果要出,一般都是「引言類」。


With the development of economy and society, competition is increasingly fierce. It is impossible for anyone to finish a work all by himself. Hence, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on teamwork. In fact, it has generally been accepted that the ability of cooperation is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess. We should bear in mind that teamwork is of utmost importance to both our society and ourselves. Everyone should have the ability of teamwork. Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.


獨立:independence(adj. independent);

堅持:persistence(adj. persistent);

勤奮:diligence(adj. diligent);

信心:confidence(adj. confident);

合作:cooperation (=teamwork =collaboration);

樂觀:optimism (adj. optimistic)



Honesty seems to be lost in contemporary society. Several factors could contribute to this trend. First of all, young people are under considerable pressure for a living because the competition is increasingly fierce. Consequently, majority of the population tends to attach less importance to the moral code like honesty, but more to their own benefits. Secondly, schools nowadays pay more attention to academic scores rather than the students』 morality. As a result, honesty becomes a rare quality among youngsters.


1. Majority of the population tends to attach less importance to the moral code like honesty, but more to their own benefits.


2. Honesty becomes a rare quality among youngsters.




素材3:圖書館的優點 The benefits of going to the library/reading

題目類型:What are the advantages and disadvantages of …(recreational activities/selecting lectures/taking a part-time job/liberal art or science)?

曲哥點評:四級考試是入門級別考試,更偏重於基礎描述、說明,關於優缺點類話題非常值得準備。比如:介紹下去圖書館(library)的好處;住校(dorm/dormitory)的優缺點;考試的優缺點,兼職的優缺點;專業文(liberal art)理(science)藝的好處;娛樂活動(recreational activities)的優缺點;如果六級要考此類話題,題目會更有難度:the benefits and drawbacks of modernization/globalization/urbanization.


Libraries are at the very heart of a university. The library contains numerous historical references and much useful information on various subjects. A student can spend many hours in doing research for their homework, reports and term papers. In the library, one can enrich his life, broaden his mind, and expand his range of knowledge. Also, a student can widen his circle of friends in the library. One can find friends with the common interest. Besides, nowadays, college life tends to be very stressful. Going to the library can relax our minds and release our pressure.


Reading is of utmost importance for one』s life. Firstly, a good book is our faithful friend. Reading can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy, and can lessen our pain when we are sad or lonely. Secondly, reading can help people to relax and unwind. Few of us can travel far from home, but all of us can savor a wide range of experiences through reading. Besides, reading can also increase our knowledge and skills, broaden our horizons and make us wise.


enrich one』s life 豐富生活

broaden one』s mind 擴展思維

expand one』s range of knowledge 擴展知識面

release one』s pressure 釋放壓力

relax one』s mind 放鬆心情

widen one』s circle of friends 拓展朋友圈

increase one』s contentment 增加滿足感

lessen one』s pain 減緩疼痛

help people to relax and unwind 幫助人放鬆

savor a wide range of experiences 品嘗一系列經歷

以上的one』s 可以改成his, our, my等。

素材4:推薦書籍/電影/歌曲recommend your favorite book/movie/song to your friend

曲哥點評:我們把四級的描述類題型分成人(people)物(object)地(place)事(event),除了我們的素材給你的朋友推薦一部電影、一本書或者一首歌,大家要防止描述人和事,比如讓你寫describe an important decision in your life/describe a memorable event in your life/describe an interesting experience in your life

Write a letter to a friend of yours to recommend one of your favorite books and give your reasons for your recommendation.

Dear Frank,

I haven』t seen you for a long time. How are you doing? I am writing this letter for the purpose of recommending one of my favorite book series to you, Harry Potter.

This book series consist of seven books. They tell a story of adventure about Harry potter and his friends fighting against the Dark Lord. The meaning of the book series, as far as I am concerned, is to tell us that love is powerful. Harry Potter is invincible because his mother Lily tried to save him by sacrificing her own life. In addition, the books are really exciting and cliff-hanging. The plots are well-designed, capturing my attention all along. I still remember how I read the last book of this series. I stayed in my house the whole day without eating anything. The story of Harry Potter is magical but logical.

I hope you can enjoy the books. I am looking forward to your reply.




1. The books are really exciting and cliff-hanging.


2. The plots are well-designed, capturing my attention all along.



3. The meaning of the book series, as far as I am concerned, is to tell us that love is powerful.




There exist some misunderstandings between parents and their children. The young are more educated and more influenced by western civilization. They believe in spending money rather than saving it. They are not so dependent on their parents. They are more self-centered and do not blindly follow their parents』 ideas. They tend to have their own philosophy of life. However, everyone still has the duty to take care of our parents, especially when they are old and sick. Also an increasing aging population will have enormous consequences for any society.


1. The young are more educated and more influenced by western civilization.


2. They believe in spending money rather than saving it.


3. They are not so dependent on their parents. They are more self-centered and do not blindly follow their parents』 ideas.




The past several years have witnessed a burgeoning economy in China. However, it is increasingly difficult for college undergraduates to find a decent job. (第一段講述找工作難的現象)

There are several factors contributing to this social phenomenon. To begin with, as the job market is getting gloomy(勞動市場低迷) and competition is becoming fierce(競爭激烈), college students should be well equipped with(擁有)practical experience while still in college. Their summer and winter holidays should be used to gain valuable work experience. Moreover, the expectations of employment(工作預期)play an important part. A large number of graduates tend to give first priority to (優先考慮)earnings and aim for well-paid positions in foreign companies or big banks. Since they won』t accept any poorly-paid job, many opportunities have been lost. As a result, graduates should aim to accept any job offers they receive now. Last but not least, many employers do require job applicants to have a degree(學歷)related to the job. College students could improve their career prospects by receiving further education, whether for a master or a doctoral degree(碩士或博士). One has to have additional education to get an edge(獲得優勢). Education is indeed a worthwhile investment in the future. (第二段現象解釋:學生實踐經驗需要加強;工作預期高;學歷仍需提高)

Following ways can be adopted to address the problem. Among many solutions, gaining work experience while still at university and having realistic expectations of salaries are extremely vital. Also, starting your own business will also be an option. Running a new business is a valuable learning experience and skill builder.(第三段問題解決:獲取經驗,合理預期,自主創業)






The Internet could exert a huge impact on our traditional cultures. Over the course(進程) of thousands of years, the Chinese people have created their own unique customs and traditions, and passed them on from one generation to the next. However, a growing number of people become increasingly concerned that China』s cultural heritage(文化遺產) could become marginalized(邊緣化) or even disappear entirely. The Internet has brought more and more western cultures to China and children are more likely to be exposed in the western cultures. There is a danger that age-old customs and traditions may become lost in the shadows of modernization.


1. The Chinese people have created their own unique customs and traditions, and passed them on from one generation to the next.


2. China』s cultural heritage(文化遺產) could become marginalized(邊緣化) or even disappear entirely.


3. The Internet has brought more and more western cultures to China and children are more likely to be exposed in the western cultures.


4. There is a danger that age-old customs and traditions may become lost in the shadows of modernization.



The Internet has penetrated every aspect of daily life. For example, Microblogs and Wechat are two forms of new media. Various people, regardless of their age, gender or background(不論他們的年齡、性別和背景), are involving in creating their own microblogs and using Wechat.

Opinions vary greatly when it comes to whether these new technology is a boon/blessing(福利) or a bane/curse(禍害). Some argue that technology innovation really brings us much convenience. With the Internet, the home becomes a library, a school, an office and an entertainment center. All transactions(交易) can be conducted online, and all information can be obtained with a click of the mouse. However, others people adopt a completely different view. They insist that there is more likely to be information leakage(信息泄露) with the development of computer technology, and personal privacy cannot be secured. For example, I registered an account(註冊賬號) in an online shopping website with my ID number and phone number. Shortly after that I received dozens of phone calls from some companies selling their insurance.

Owing to the accelerated pace of contemporary life, people』s work and life are increasingly confined to a narrow space. However, in face of new technology, we should be prudent(謹慎). On the macro level, the government and authority should make relevant policies and measures. On the micro level, we should learn to make rational use of the Internet and protect our own information.


1. There is more likely to be information leakage with the development of computer technology, and personal privacy cannot be secured.


2. In face of new technology, we should be prudent.






We are suffering greatly from the environmental destruction. Recent years have witnessed a rapid increase in the number of urban motor vehicles(都市機動車輛). Their emissions contribute significantly to air pollution and are a major ingredient in creation of smog(煙霧) in some large cities. The fundamental way in which the government addresses the problem of environmental pollution is to raise the environmental awareness of the public. Environmental protection is caring about ourselves and ensuring environmental sustainability for future generation.


Environmental protection is caring about ourselves and ensuring environmental sustainability for future generation.



Regular physical activity can strengthen the heart and make us fit and healthy. A lack of physical activity can increase our risk of health problems. Exercises can also improve mental health by reducing our stress level. This is especially important for people leading fast-paced lives. Moreover, exercise can still help to boost our self-confidence(增加自信)and give us a greater sense of control(給予更強自控力).


1. Exercises can also improve mental health by reducing our stress level.


2. Exercise can still help to boost our self-confidence(增加自信)and give us a greater sense of control.





①The given table offers a glimpse of _____(圖片內容). _________(具體描圖). ②Simple as it is, this chart symbolically characterizes a status quo.

註:餅圖(pie chart)、線圖(line chart)、柱圖(bar chart)和表格(table)


③There are mainly two factors contributing to this social phenomenon. ④To begin with, _________ might be responsible for this social phenomenon. (具體論述)⑤Moreover, this phenomenon could be attributed to ________._______ (具體論述)


Given the factors I have just outlined, I believe that _______(總結).

(如果好的趨勢) As regards to this social tendency, I believe it is inspiring and positive. As this trend is still in its infancy, we believe it will no doubt go further and lead to future prospect.

(如果壞的趨勢) From my perspective, I realize this trend needs to be slowed down since it has already poses negative impact on our society.



經典句型1:The proportion of the people who were divorced went up from 2.5% in 1981 to 7.5% in 1991, rising further to 8% in 2001.

發散1:上升替換詞go up, increase, soar, climb, ascend, surge(急速), rocket(急速).

發散2:下降替換詞go down, decrease, decline, descend, plunge(急速), subside(急速).



dramatically/significantly/sharply/considerably/tremendously/immensely/noticeably/notably/ substantially





The market share of the Chinese brand rose sharply from 25% in 2008 to 33% in 2009.

經典句型2:In terms of the proportion of the people who were divorced, China enjoys a tremendous increase from 2.5% in 1981 to 7.5% in 1991.

發散:China witnessed/experienced/underwent/was under/suffered from (enjoy優先考慮好的,后四個優先考慮不好的) a tremendous increase from 2.5% in 1981 to 7.5% in 1991 in the proportion of the people who were divorced.



On the contrary, the proportion of Japanese brand suffered from/witnessed a dramatic decline from 35% in 2008 to 25% in 2009.



Volunteers constitute/account for/make up nearly 11 percent of the work force of the health care sector.


Landfill(填埋垃圾) is composed of 36% municipal waste(市政垃圾), 24% commercial and industrial waste(商業工業垃圾) and 40% construction waste(建築垃圾).



The population reaches a plateau in 1990.

發散:LCD TV price remained steady/unchanged/static/unvaried for three years in a row apart from a slump in 2003.

The annual population growth rate fluctuated between 1% and 2% during the ten-year period.



Meanwhile, the US brand remained unvaried, accounting for 13% of the automobile market share.



The pie chart provides some interesting data regarding the purposes of traveling among students in a certain university. Those students who travel for enjoying the scenery and for releasing the pressure account for 37% and 33% respectively, ranking the first and second among the five categories. Only 9% of the students travel for developing independence and 6% for making friends. The percentage of students travelling for other reasons is 15%.

Several reasons could explain this social phenomenon. The very contributory factors lie in the educational system. Nowadays in China, as the population has increased exponentially for the past decade, college students are encouraged to study extremely hard, competing for high grades and decent jobs. Consequently, they have been 「locked up」 in the university for a longtime, which leads to their curiosity to see the outside world and the urge to get rid of the stress. Moreover, this situation could be seen as the results of the social impact. With the availability of the internet and widespread of the interactive forum, students are more likely to obtain information about tourism. For example, Qiongyou is a website which provides adequate materials for tourists, such as the introduction of beautiful cities, the strategy of travelling to a new place, the means of taking attractive pictures. Students with the information are enticed to explore the unknown world on their own.

Given the factors I have just outlined, college students are more likely to travel for enjoyment and pleasure. I personally believe this trend is positive, since travelling promotes courage, eliminates boundary and iron out misunderstanding. The world is becoming smaller and smaller. Moreover, students are finding the right way to restore their energy, which should be greatly advocated.





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