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今天開始教大家包餃子! 第 2 篇


3. Allow the dough to rest. / 發麵

After you have kneaded the dough into a smooth ball, let the dough rest for about 10 minutes. This will help the texture and consistency of your dumpling batter.

把面和成一個球之後,放在那裡發 10 分鐘。對餃子皮有好處。

這個。。。 Texture 和 consistency 我是在翻不出來。。。Texture 是紋理的意思,Consistency 可以是稠度的意思。不過發麵的有什麼用我不知道,所以沒辦法說出來。但是大家這個詞可以記住, rest 用在面上這個叫發麵。對於南方的朋友這個詞是不是比較新鮮?就是面放在那裡的意思。如果是蒸饅頭的話要多發一會,當然還要有酵母什麼的它就會發起來了。包餃子,而且他說只發 10 分鐘,好像不是很必要。有興趣的朋友可以試驗一下,看區別有多大。

4. Divide the dough into 2-4 sections. / 把麵糰分成2-4個部分(好保存)

Begin with one section and cover the others with plastic wrap to keep them moist. This gives you ample time to form each dumpling without having the remainder of your dough dry out.

You may be able to skip this step once you are able to make dumplings quickly or if you have help filling them.



5 Roll out a long section of dough. 面弄成長條

Using one of your divided sections, roll the dough into a rope by placing both hands on it and rolling them towards and away from you while slowly extending them out from the center. The dough rope should be no more than 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter.

用其中一個部分,把它揉成一個長條。兩隻手放上去,然後往外揉。要揉到直徑小於 1 英寸(25毫米)。


6. Divide each dough rope into segments. / 揪劑子

The segments should be less than 1 inch (25 mm) long. Consistency in the size of your dough segments will lead to consistency in the size of your dumplings.

劑子要小於 1 英寸(25mm)短。劑子盡量做的都差不多大小,這樣包出來的餃子大小也會差不多。



Your dough segments,其中這句 Your 用中文邏輯估計理解不了。這個用法應該是叫冠詞,名詞之前都要放一個的。The, a, that, this 都是這個用法。主要就記住英文中名字不走單,實在不知道加什麼,就是 Your 或者 My。7. Flatten each segment into a circle. / 擀皮

Use your hands to flatten each ball of dough into a flat piece. Then use a rolling pin dusted with flour to roll each dumpling skin very thin.

The ideal method of rolling the skins leaves the center of the dumpling a bit thicker and the edges very thin. You can do this by applying more pressure with the rolling pin as you reach the edge of the dumpling wrapper.




Rolling pin 這個詞對我來說也是新的,我查了下字典,就擀麵杖的意思。

dusted,這個地方可以翻成蘸。dust 本來是灰塵的意思,這裡當動詞用,就是灑滿擀麵杖的意思換成中文,基本就是蘸了。



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