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英國推廣「上海掌握教學模式」 部分小學將啟用上海數學課本


Chinese math teacher Jin Xiangjun helps British students at a primary school. [Photo/Xinhua]

HarperCollins Publishers will translate mathematics textbooks from Chinese schools and publish them in Britain, according to its agreement with Shanghai Century Publishing Group.哈珀•柯林斯出版集團與上海世紀出版集團簽訂協議,將翻譯的數學教材並在英國出版。

Apart from publishing textbooks, Britain will also spread the Shanghai Teaching for Mastery Programme in the country. It is a four-year program backed by 41 million British pounds in funding announced by the British Department for Education in July 2016.除了出版課本以外,英國還將推廣「上海掌握教學模式」。該項目為期4年,英國教育部去年7月宣布出資4100萬英鎊作為支持。

「上海掌握教學模式」(Shanghai Teaching for Mastery Programme)是英國教育部支持的「掌握教學模式」(Teaching for Mastery Programme)項目的一個分支,指從2014年開始,英國和上海的中國小老師交流項目(annual exchange of teachers between schools in England and those in Shanghai)。


Teachers from England spent a week or two observing how maths is taught in Shanghai schools, and later in the school year host partner Shanghai teachers at their own schools in England for a fortnight or more.英國的老師到上海的交流學校觀摩數學教學一到兩周,之後,邀請上海的老師到英國的交流學校授課兩周以上。

When the Shanghai teachers are here, their lessons are observed by teachers from neighboring schools in every Maths Hub area, and post lesson discussions take place, in which the lesson design and delivery in un-picked in detail.上海的老師在英國學校授課期間,同屬一個數學教學中心的其他學校老師都可以到課堂觀摩,課後還會安排討論,交流課程設計、授課方式等細節。


Maths Hub(一般譯作「數學教學中心」)是英國以學校為主導的教學管理體系的一部分,在2015年11月創立,目前全國共有35個。每個Maths Hub都由當地一所優質學校牽頭,再選擇一些學校建立戰略夥伴關係。這些學校聯合起來,一起推進本教學中心的數學教學工作。

上海學生在2009年和2012年的「國際學生評價項目」(Programme for International Student Assessment)的閱讀、數學和科學方面表現優異,引發了各國對上海教育的關注。

英國教育部學校事務部長Nick Gibb去年表示,「南亞數學教育的重要推廣只會帶來積極的勢頭,讓數以千計的年輕人能接觸到專業的教師和高質量的教材。(The significant expansion of the south Asian , including Shanghai, Singapore and Hong Kong, maths mastery approach can only add to the positive momentum, with thousands more young people having access to specialist teachers and quality textbooks)」簽約中,英國合作方則表示十分高興與上海世紀出版集團的團隊合作,「為英國學生翻譯世界領先的課程」,「讓我們的數學老師和學生能夠接觸到這些縝密、嚴謹的教學資源」。

按照協議,今年9月開始,英國部分國小的學生將啟用35種來自上海的數學教材,包括:數學課本、輔助教材(supplementary textbooks)、教師用書等。


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