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One word Ms Ferrier said should be avoided at all costs is 'innovative' which she agrees is 'subjective' and 'arrogant'. 莎倫提到,無論如何我們也不應該使用「創新」這個詞,她認為這個詞「主觀」且「自大」。

'It's also a cliche. You want to avoid jargon and buzzwords and use clear words. Rather than use the word innovative, give facts and explain what you actually did that shows innovation,' she told FEMAIL. 「這都是陳詞濫調了。我們要避免晦澀難懂的術語和流行辭彙,使用表意清晰的詞語。比起用創新這個詞,我們可以給出事實,解釋一下我們是如何做到創新的,」 莎倫說道。

Business Insider recently reported that the phrase 'highly qualified' was considered something to avoid as it is believed that it doesn't make you seem better suited for the role. 商業內幕網站近期報道,應該避免使用「十分勝任」這個詞語,因為這個詞語並不能讓你看起來更適合這份工作。

Instead, it was recommended to focus on the specific skills you have that can benefit the position. 相反,我們應該關注哪些具體技能讓你勝任這個崗位。

'I encourage people to tailor their resumes to the people who are receiving the information. If you're going through 80 resumes you need yours to stand out. The whole objective of a resume is to get your foot in the door,' Ms Ferrier said. 「我鼓勵求職者根據接收簡歷的人來進行修改潤色。假設,和你競爭同一崗位的有80個人,你就要讓自己的簡歷脫穎而出。簡歷就是你找工作的敲門磚,」 莎倫說道。

She also agreed on not using the word 'seasoned', which shows age and may indicate you're not appropriate for the role. 除此之外,她認為「經驗豐富」這個單詞也要避免使用,因為這會暴露年齡,還可能顯示出你不適合這份工作。

'It is also a word that you would never use in common language so I think it's best to avoid it,' she said. 「而且,這個詞在日常也不會用到,所以我覺得最好還是別用了,」她說。

Including Microsoft Word as a skill was also deemed unnecessary as it would be assumed that you have basic knowledge of the program. 把會使用Word軟體作為一項技能寫到簡歷中也沒有什麼必要,因為公司會默認你掌握這些基本知識。

'Don't include basic knowledge. It's all about showcasing with clear examples what you can do. Including things like Microsoft Word is like including you got a gold star in kindergarten,' Ms Ferrier said. 「別把這種基本技能寫到簡歷中。你只需要展示出清晰的例子來說明你會做些什麼,這就夠了。把這種技能寫在簡歷上,就好像把幼稚園得過一顆小星星寫進簡歷一樣。」

However, when it comes to the debate over whether you should include references on your resume, Ms Ferrier said it doesn't matter either way. 然而,談到簡歷中是否應該附上推薦信時,莎倫覺得有沒有都無所謂。

'I haven't heard of anyone who reference checks beforehand. For me it's a tricky one because people don't want to use their references if they're still in the current job,' she elaborated.「我還沒聽說過有人會跟證明人查驗事實。我覺得這個有些不好說,因為人們在沒離職前不想用到證明人這個資源,」她解釋說。

Whilst some experts have urged potential employees to steer clear of the word 'ambitious' in their resume, this was something Ms Ferrier said could work in some circumstances. 有些專家要求潛在求職者避免在簡歷上使用「上進心強」這個單詞,但是莎倫說在某些場合,這還是適用的。

'What do you want, a non ambitious employee? I think it depends on the hiring manager's perspective. I want an ambitious sales person who is motivated in regards to targets and incentive but if you're a graduate the word ambitious isn't as good as it can show that you have your eyes on a higher role and will leave the graduate role at the earliest opportunity'. 「你想要什麼?一個沒什麼上進心的員工?我覺得這取決於人事經理的喜好。我想要一個上進心強的銷售人員,他在目標完成上要充滿動力;但你要是應屆生,『充滿上進心』這個詞語就不是很適合了,這會讓你看起來覬覦高位,一有機會就會想擺脫畢業生的身份。」

She also said men and women tend to write differently when it comes to self-promotion. 她還說,涉及到自我推銷的時候,男性和女性的措辭是不一樣的。

She explained that when she was previously working with professors asking for grants the men continuously used the word 'I', the women said 'we'. 她解釋道,早前和教授們一起工作,申請補助金時,男性會一直使用『我』,女性則使用『我們』。

As for Ms Ferrier's final piece of advice? Make your cover letter and resume punchy and succinct. 莎倫的最後一條建議就是讓你的求職信和簡歷簡潔有力。

Clarity is king - don't be vague and don't make vague statements. Be specific but be brief. 清晰準確是王道——別含糊其辭。要明確而且簡短。

'Some of these people are wading through heaps and heaps of resumes. They want to be able to access the substance. Vague is bland, vague is vanilla.' 「人事部經理要處理一堆又一堆的簡歷。他們想要實質內容。內容含糊就是乏味,就是毫無特色。」



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