尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan


- 今日課程 -

【以一敵百的雅思口語素材積累 】





學為貴教育集團寫作名師。曾從事麻醉師 醫學翻譯 教學產品研發及教研主管等工作。以醫者獨有的智慧祛除你的英語頑疾,以譯者嚴謹的態度拯救你的英語寫作!

1. Do you like shopping for shoes?

Yes: Absolutely! Just like most girls do.Cuz to me, they are not just something you put on, but more of a fashion accessory (時尚配飾).

No: Actually, unlike some people, I』m not big on (be big on: be a fan of;be fond of) buying shoes. To me, it』s just a matter of (僅僅是…) finding the right ones. Nothing more.

2. How often do you buy shoes?

Yes: From time to time (時常,常常), I think. I would buy a couple of new pairs of shoes almost every season to match with my outfit (搭配我的著裝).

No: Probably once in a few months, on average (平均來說). Cuz my shoes tend to be quite durable (耐用的,耐穿的), and they usually last a long time before they are worn out (磨破,穿破).

3. What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?

I shop for a wide range of shoes, from high heels (高跟鞋), flats(平底鞋), boots (靴子), to training shoes (運動鞋), you know, to serve different needs (滿足不同的需求).

The shoes I shop for are mostly simple, plain-looking (ordinary-looking) and comfortable ones. Cuz that』s basically everything that I need!

4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good-looking shoes?

That』s an easy one! When it comes to shoes,comfort is always the number one priority(something that is more important than anything else).But that doesn』t mean I don』t care for (be fond of) looks. I mean, nobody wants to wear shoes that look hideous(super ugly), right?

5. Do you have a pair of shoes that you especially like?

I do, as a matter of fact (in fact; actually). They are a pair of limited edition (限量版) that I bought a few years ago. I kind of splurged on (splurge on sth: spend a lot of money on sth 揮霍) them, but they are totally worth it (be worth it: 值得)!

6. Do you ever buy shoes online?

Yeah, sometimes. Cuz there are some special offers and discounts (優惠、折扣) every once in a while, which could save me some money. So,why not?

No, never. I would buy other things online,but if I wanna shop for shoes, I』d rather go to a shoe store. Cuz the problem with shopping online is that (The problem with sth is that…: 什麼的問題是…) you won』t be able to try them on (試穿) and may end up(end up doing: 到頭來) buying a pair of shoes that don』t fit.

7. Do you think men and women are equally interested in buying shoes?

I don』t think so. Generally, women seem to be more into shoes compared with guys. They tend to own shoes of different styles for various occasions (場合). For men, on the other hand, they are pretty much (to some degree) the same thing.










- 本周課程-



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