尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan



I. 名詞的種類:

II. 名詞的數:

1. 規則名詞的複數形式:


2. 不規則名詞複數:


III. 名詞的所有格:


1. 』s所有格的構成:

2. 』s所有格的用法:

3. of所有格的用法:

用於無生命的東西:the legs of the chair, the cover of the book

用於有生命的東西,尤其是有較長定語時:the classrooms of the first-year students

用於名詞化的詞:the struggle of the oppressed


冠詞分為不定冠詞(a, an),定冠詞(the),和零冠詞。

I. 不定冠詞的用法:


I. 代詞可以分為以下七大類:

II. 不定代詞用法注意點:

1. one, some與any:

1) one可以泛指任何人,也可特指,複數為ones。some多用於肯定句,any多用於疑問句和否定句。

One should learn to think of others.

Have you any bookmarks? No, I don』t have any bookmarks.

I have some questions to ask.

2) some可用於疑問句中,表示盼望得到肯定的答覆,或者表示建議,請求等。

Would you like some bananas?

Could you give me some money?

3) some 和any修飾可數名詞單數時,some表示某個,any表示任何一個。

I have read this article in some magazine.

Please correct the mistakes, if any.

4) some和數詞連用表示「大約」,any可與比較級連用表示程度。

There are some 3,000 students in this school.

Do you feel any better today?

2. each和every:


Each student has a pocket dictionary. / Each (of us) has a dictionary. / We each have a dictionary.

Every student has strong and weak points. / Every one of us has strong and weak points.

3. none和no:

no等於not any,作定語。none作主語或賓語,代替不可數名詞,謂語用單數,代替可數名詞,謂語單複數皆可以。

There is no water in the bottle.

How much water is there in the bottle? None.

None of the students are (is) afraid of difficulties.

4. other和another:

1) other泛指「另外的,別的」常與其他詞連用,

如:the other day, every other week, some other reason, no other way,

the other特指兩者中的另外一個,複數為the others。

如: He held a book in one hand and his notes in the other.

Two students in our class failed, but all the others passed the exam.

2) another指「又一個,另一個」無所指,複數形式是others,泛指「別的人或事」如:

I don』t like this shirt, please show me another (one).

The trousers are too long, please give me another pair / some others.

Some like football, while others like basketball. 5. all和both, neither和either


All of the books are not written in English. / Not all of the books are written in English.

Both of us are not teachers. / Not both of us are teachers. / Either of us is a teacher.


I. 形容詞:

1. 形容詞的位置:

1) 形容詞作定語通常前置,但在下列情況後置:

II. 副詞


III. 形容詞和副詞比較等級:

形容詞和副詞的比較等級分為原級,比較級和最高級。比較級和最高級的構成一般是在形容詞和副詞后加-er和-est,多音節和一些雙音節詞前加more 和most。

1. 同級比較時常常用 as…as…以及not so(as)…as…如:I am not so good a player as you are.

2. 可以修飾比較級的詞有:much, many, a lot, even, far, a bit, a little, still, yet, by far, any, a great deal。

3. 表示一方隨另一方變化時用「the more…the more…」句型。如:The harder you work, the more progress you will make.

4. 用比較級來表達最高級的意思。如:I have never spent a more worrying day.

5. 表示倍數的比較級有如下幾種句型:

Our school is three times larger than yours./Our school is four times as large as yours./Our school is four times the size of yours.

6. 表示「最高程度「的形容詞沒有最高級和比較級。如:favourite, excellent, extreme, perfect。


I. 介詞分類:


I. 動詞的時態:

1. 動詞的時態一共有16種,以ask為例,將其各種時態的構成形式列表如下:

2. 現在完成時與一般過去時的區別:

1) 現在完成時表示過去發生的動作或存在的狀況,但和現在有聯繫,強調的是對現在造成的影響或結果,它不能同表示過去的時間狀語連用,漢譯英時可加「已經」等詞。簡言之,利用過去,說明現在。

如: I have already read the novel written by the world-famous writer. (已經看過,且了解這本書的內容)

2) 一般過去時只表示過去發生的動作或狀態,和現在無關,它可和表示過去的時間狀語連用,漢譯英時可加「過」,「了」等詞。簡言之,僅談過去,不關現在。

如: I read the novel last month. (只說明上個月看了,不涉及現在是否記住) I lived in Beijing for ten years.(只說明在北京住過十年,與現在無關)

3. 現在完成時與現在完成進行時的區別: 兩者都可以表示「從過去開始一直持續到現在」,在含義上如著重表示動作的結果時,多用現在完成時,如著重表示動作一直在進行,即動作的延續性時,則多用現在完成進行時。一般不能用於進行時的動詞也不能用於現在完成進行時。 I have read that book.我讀過那本書了。

I have been reading that book all the morning. 我早上一直在讀那本書。

4. 一般將來時的表達方式:

II. 動詞的被動語態:


I. 情態動詞基本用法:

II. 情態動詞must, may, might, could, can表示推測:

以must為例。must + do(be)是推測現在存在的一般狀態進行;must + be doing 推測可能正在進行的事情;must +have done是推測可能已經發生過的事情。

1. must「肯定,一定」語氣強,只用於肯定句中。

He must be a man from America. / He must be talking with his friend. / He must have already arrived there.

2. may和might「也許」,後者語氣弱,更沒有把握。可用於肯定句和否定句。 He may not be at home. / They might have finished their task.

3. can和could「可能」,could表示可疑的可能性,不及can』t語氣強,用於肯定、否定、疑問句中。

The weather in that city could be cold now.

We could have walked there; it was so near.(推測某事本來可能發生,但實際上沒有發生)

Can he be in the office now? No, he can』t be there, for I saw him in the library just now.(語氣很強,常用於疑問句和否定句中)

III. 情態動詞注意點:

1. can和be able to: 都可以表示能力。但be able to可以表達「某事終於成功」,而can無法表達此意。Be able to有更多的時態。另外,兩者不能重疊使用。

2. used to和would: used to表示過去常常做現在已經不再有的習慣,而would只表示過去的習慣或喜好,不涉及現在。 3. need和dare作情態動詞和實義動詞的區別:

兩者作情態動詞時常用於否定句和疑問句。其形式為:needn』t/daren』t do;Need/dare…do…?

做實義動詞時可用於肯定句,否定句和疑問句。其形式為:need(needs/needed)/dare(dares/dared) to do, don』t(doesn』t/didn』t) need/dare to do


I. 非謂語動詞的分類、意義及構成:

IV. 非謂語動詞做定語的區別:


I. 定語從句起了形容詞的作用,在句中修飾一個名詞或代詞。被修飾的詞叫做先行詞,引導定語從句的詞叫關係詞,他的作用一是放在先行詞與定語從句中間起了連接作用,二是在從句中擔當一個成分,並與先行詞保持數的一致。

III. as與which的區別:





十四.重要句型 奇速英語一直在為調動你的學習積極性而努力

1. It was not untilmidnight thathe finished his task.

2. Not untilhe came back from abroad was Iable to see him again.

3. The harderyou work,the greaterprogressyou will make.

4. He walked around the house, gun in hand.

5. May you bein good health!

6. Wishyou a pleasant journey back home!

7. The professor was a humorous man withbig nose and deep-set eyes.

8. What surprised me mostwas his imagination and patience.

9. He lay on the grass, with his eyes looking at the sky and his hands under his head.

10. Sitting under the treeare Mr. Green and his first teacher.

11. On the wallhang two pictures of famous scientists.

12. Looking back upon those past years, he couldn』t help feelingvery proud.

13. No sooner(Hardly)had he arrived at the theatre than(when)the play started.

14. Young as he is, he has learned advanced mathematics.

15. How I regretthe hours wasted in the woods and fields!

16. There standsa beautiful vase in the corner of the room.

17. Ten miles north of the townlies a paper factory.

18. Theregoes the bell.

19. Nowherehas the world ever seen such a bird as here.

20. It is no usecrying for help.

21. If onlyI had been your student in the middle school!

22. It is believed thatsuch a thing will not happen again.

23. Onlywhen he explained did I realize the reason for this.

24. 「He works particularly hard.」 「So he does, and so do you.」

25. Not onlyAlice but alsoJane and Mary are tired of having one examination after another.

26. Suchwas Albert Einstein, a simple person of great achievements.



add to增加,增進

add … to把…加進…

add up相加

add up to總計,所有這一切說明


break away from打破,脫離,掙脫,改掉

break down出毛病,身體(精神)衰弱,分解,拆開

break off暫停,中斷

break in強行進入,插話

break into闖入

break into pieces成為碎片

break out爆發

break up搗碎,驅散,瓦解,學期結束,拆散

break through突破


bring up撫養,嘔吐,提出

bring about造成

bring out拿出,出版

bring in引入,引進,掙錢

bring back使回想起

bring down使下降,使倒下


call on號召,拜訪(某人)

call at拜訪、參觀(某地)

call for去叫某人, 要求, 需要

call up使回憶起, 徵召入伍

call in召集,請某人來

call out大喊,高叫

call off取消,不舉行


come about發生,出現

come down下跌,落,降,傳下來

come in進來

come into (sight/being/existence/use/notice/effect)

come on來臨/ 快點

come out出版,結果是

come along一道來,趕快

come to達到 (an end/an agreement/a stop)蘇醒,合計,總共是

come over走過來

come up發芽,走近

come across偶然碰到

come back回想起

come from來自,源自


cut across抄近路

cut down砍倒,削減

cut off切斷,割掉,斷絕關係

cut up連根拔除,切碎


cut out刪(省)掉,戒掉

cut in插嘴


die of (disease/hunger/grief/old age)死於(疾病,飢餓,寒冷,情感原因)

die from死於(意外事故、情形)

die away漸漸消逝

die out絕種

die down(爐火)漸熄

die off逐一死去


fall behind落後

fall over one's feet 跌跤

fall down掉下,跌倒

fall back撤退,後退


go in for從事,喜愛,參加

go through通過,經受

go over複習,檢查

go up上漲,建造起來

go after追捕,追趕

go against違反

go ahead先行,開始吧,問吧,說吧

go away離開

go by時間過去

go down下沉,降低,(日、月)西沉

go on(with)繼續進行

go with相配,陪同

go without沒有,缺少

go out外出,熄滅

go all out全力以赴

go off爆炸,進行,變壞,斷電,停止供應

go back on背約,食言

go beyond超出


get down下來,記下,使沮喪

get down to致力於,專心於

get on進展,進步,穿上,上車

get off脫下,下車

get in收集,插(話)

get away逃跑,逃脫,去休假

get over忘記,越過,克服,從疾病中恢復

get along with進展,相處

get up起床

get through打通電話,完成,通過

get round消息傳開

get close to sth. 接近,幾乎

get into (trouble)

get to (know)

get back取回,收回


give away贈送,泄露,出賣

give out發出,疲勞,分發,公布

give off發出(光、熱、氣體)

give in (to sb.) 屈服

give up放棄,讓(座位)


hand in交上,提交

hand out分發

hand down流傳,遺傳


hang about閑逛

hang up掛電話


hold back阻止,隱瞞

hold up舉起,使停頓

hold on別掛電話,等,堅持

hold out持續,堅持,伸出

hold down控制,鎮壓


keep up (courage, English, spirits)保持,

keep up with跟上

keep off (grass)不接近,離開

keep away from避開,不接近,離…遠遠的

keep out of

keep to (rules, promise)堅持,遵守

keep on繼續,堅持下來

keep back阻止,留下,隱瞞,扣下

keep from克制,阻止


knock at/on敲

knock into撞到某人身上

knock down撞倒

knock out of把…敲出

knock over撞倒

knock off停止工作,休息


leave for離開前往

leave out刪去,遺漏

leave behind遺留,忘記拿走

leave to留給,遺囑贈於

leave over遺留,剩下,延期


look up查找,向上看

look through翻閱,瀏覽

look on旁觀

look on…as看作

look into調查

look after/ at / for 照顧/看/尋找

look out(for)當心

look about / around/round四下查看

look down upon瞧不起

look back upon回憶,回顧

look ab. up and down仔細打量某人

look ab in the face/eyes直視某人


make up編造,配製,打扮,組成

make up for彌補

make into / of / from 製成

make out弄懂,發現,看出,填寫,開列(清單)

make for走向,駛往,促使


pass away去世

pass by經過

pass down(on)…to傳給

pass through經歷

pass over漠視,忽視


pay back還錢,報復

pay for付錢,為…受到懲罰,因…得到報應

pay off還清


pick up拾起,獲得(information),接人,站起,收聽,自然習得(language /knowledge),恢復重獲(pick up health)

pick out挑選,辨認,看出

1) I picked the information while waiting in the queue.

2) My friend has arranged to pick me _________ at 6:00.

3) The patient has picked _________ health during the last two weeks.

4) She picked _______ the most expensive pair of shoes.

5) I can't pick John in the crowd.

6) Can I pick VOA with this short-wave radio?

7) He fell down suddenly, but picked himself quickly.

(up, up, up, out, out, up, up)

pick cotton/flower/leaves/words選詞


put up搭起,張貼,舉起,安裝,投宿,安排住下

put up with忍受

put out伸出,撲滅

put off推遲

put into放進,翻譯

put away放好,存錢

put down記下,平息

put on穿戴,上映,增加(put on weight/speed)

put forward 提出,提前

put through 接通電話

put aside放到一邊

put back放回

1) He put _________ half his wage every week.

2) The government soon put the revolt(暴亂).

3) Put your watch . It's slow.

4) He put his hand for me to shake.

5). Please put me to Extension(分機)2.

6) We put for night at the village inn.

7) He is very proud, and he often put _________ airs.(擺架子)

8) We had a telephone put in our office.

9) I can't put with your laziness.

(away, down, forward, out, through, up, on, up, up)


pull down拆掉,推翻

pull on匆匆穿上 / off 脫

pull in進站

pull out取出,(火車)離站

pull down往下拉,拆毀

pull over駛到一邊

pull through恢復健康,渡過難關,脫離險境

pull up(使)停住

1) The train slowly pulled and disappeared in the distance.

2) All the old houses here have now been pulled ______, and new ones are to be built.

3) The car pulled _________ when I blew the horn.

4) The doctor thinks the man will pull .

5) The driver pulled ________ at the traffic lights.

(out, down, over, through, up)


push over推倒,颳倒

push ahead(on, forward)繼續前進,堅持下去

push through排除困難辦好謀事,努力設法通過,擠過

1) We've decided to push with our plan to build a new road

2) Many trees were pushed in the hurricane.

3) They were determined to push the new rules ________ at any cost..

4) Take care not to push the baby _________.

5) They pushed the crowd and at last reached us.

(on, over, through, over, through )


run across偶然碰到

run after追逐,追捕

run away逃跑

run for競選

run into偶然碰到(困難)遇見(人),相撞

run out of用完

1) If you drive so fast, you'll run _________ someone some day.

2) I ran a friend of mine in the exhibition.

3) Our water has run . Can you fill up some more bottles?

4) Why do you always run adventure?

5) He didn't want to run president that year.

6) In that way you will only run difficulties.


see off送行

see through看透,識破

see to照料,照管


send for派人去請

send off送行

send out發出(光亮)等

send up發射


set up建立

set off出發,觸發,引起

set out動身,著手(to do),陳述

set about開始著手(doing)

set to work(n.)開始做

set back撥回,使推遲

1) I shall set my watch by five minutes.

2) We set reading the text aloud immediately the bell rang.

3) We set _________ at daybreak yesterday and we've been travelling ever since then.

4) I set to advise him not to drink.

5) What were the reasons he set in his report?

6) The president set a special group of soldiers to guard him.

7) The unpopular law set _________ a series of protests.(抗議)


take off脫掉,起飛

take on呈現 雇傭

take away拿走

take in吸收,領會

take up從事,佔用(時間空間)

take down記錄,取下

take back收回

take for誤認為

take along隨身帶

take over接管

take out 把..帶出去,取出,拿出

take charge of負責

take sth. for granted想當然

take hold of抓住

take pride in以… ……為自豪

take the place of, 代替

take turns to do輪流做

take office就職

1) I take _________ all I said about his dishonesty.

2) He went to the shelf and took a book of poems.

3) At first I took him _________ a doctor.

4) I can see that most of you have taken ________ everything that the teacher taught.

5) Bill has now taken his father's business.

6) My job takes most of my time.

7) The boss took twenty people for his new company.


think of想起

think of…as把…看作

think out想出

think up想出

think about考慮

think over仔細考慮

think well of sb. 對某人看法好


turn off / on打開

turn over翻身,反覆考慮,翻(書頁),翻轉

turn out證明為,結果,製造成品

turn to轉向,求助

turn down調低,拒絕

turn against變得敵視,反對

turn away打發走,驅逐,轉過臉去

turn back返回,轉回去

turn round轉過身來

turn up向上翻,露面,出現,音量調大

turn in上繳

turn upside down把倒置,弄得亂七八糟

1) The child turned its mother for comfort.

2) Turn and let me see your face.

3) However much he turned the problem ________ in mind, he could find no satisfactory solution.

4) The English evening party turned _________ a great success.

5) The sight of the accident was too much for her to bear, and she turned _______.

6) The football stadium was full, and many people had to be turned .

7) The army turned him on account of (因為) his poor health.

8) She turned the whole house in her search for her missing purse.

9) Where did your purse turn ? I found it in the snow.

10) The villagers suddenly turned the foreigners who lived nearby.

11) The factory turns 2000 new cars last year.

(to, round, over, out, away, away, down, upside down, up, against, out)


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