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一周英語 | 關於如何進行英語歌曲教學的策略清單(附22首歌謠)


1 歌曲唱多了,節奏感自然有了。漢語和英語的差別很大,掌握英語的節奏感歷來是學生英語學習中的一個難點。由於大部分歌謠都具有押韻的特點,因此它們可以幫助學生訓練語音語感。例如:在教數字時,我們可以讓學生朗讀下面的歌謠:

One, two, three, four,

Come in and close the door.

Five, six, seven, eight,

Time for class, but you are late.

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Please don』t be late again.

2 那些容易混亂的語法,唱歌就搞定。語法教學和單詞的記憶在國小英語教學中是一個難題,但讓國小生學會一些難易程度適當的歌曲或歌謠,不僅能提高他們的學習興趣,還能幫助他們理解和掌握一些基本的語法知識,減輕記憶單詞的難度。


Make a New Word

Take B away from BALL

And F will make it FALL

Take T away from TAKE

And C will make it CAKE

Ball, fall, wall,

Take, cake, bake.

Is that all

That you can make?

3 歌曲創編很好玩。在教學5A Unit 3 At a Music lesson時,學生會唱課本上的「We can sing and dance」了,我鼓勵他們進行自由改編,學生的思維一下活躍起來,誕生了一些讓我意想不到的作品。

You can swim and we can ski.

They can make a model plane.

Are you ready? Let』s begin.

Let』s swim.

Let』s ski and make a model plane.

4 孩子開小差了,唱唱歌提神吧。學生生性好動,注意力易發生轉移,在孩子們注意力不夠集中時,我們就唱諸如Head ,Shoulders ,Knees and Toes的歌,配上動作,不費什麼力氣就將學生遊離的注意力拉了回來。

5 藉助道具唱出好興緻雖然歌曲和歌謠是兒童感興趣的,但如果教學方法呆板,也會使「神奇」化為「平淡」。應不斷嘗試學生感興趣的方法,比如藉助道具、圖片、頭飾等教具,運用比賽、遊戲、故事等方法,讓他們始終興緻盎然,從而進入最佳的學習狀態。

6 唱出節奏感有技巧。正因為歌謠節奏感強、琅琅上口的一大特點,在教學中教師應當發揮其優勢,邊朗讀邊採用拍掌、輕敲桌子、拍打鈴鼓等方法打節奏,讓孩子們感受到歌謠的語音語調的節奏美、流暢美,使孩子們愛聽、愛說。

7 先快后慢,唱准每個音。由於節奏的需要,歌謠的有些地方會快些,這就使一些輔音被「吃掉」, 甚至一些母音音節也會被一帶而過而含糊不清。在兒童學習語言的第一步,還是應避免這種含糊,要求發音清晰到位。開始的時候可放慢速度,熟練以後再加節奏,學生們會讀得更準確、更流暢、更自然。


Pen and hen

This is a pen , that is a hen

I like pen don』t like hen

Pen is nice , hen isn』t nice

Pen can help hen can』t help

The ball goes up

The ball goes up

The ball goes down

The ball keeps going round and round

I』m catch , you throw

Heads up , heads up follow

Good better best

Good better best

Never let it rest

And better best

English poems

Good night , sleep tight

Good night , sleep tight

Wake up , bright

In the morning light

To do what』s right

With all your might

Let』s sing

One , one

The zoo is fun

Two , two

Two langaroos

Three, three

Three birds for me

Four , four

Four lions roar

Five , five

Five snakes alive

Six , six

Six monkey tricks

Seven , seven

Giraffes in heaven

Eight , eight

A tiger and his mate

Nine ,nine

Elephants fine

Ten ,ten

Let』s sing again


Spring is green,

summer is bright

Autumn is gold,

winter is white

Beautiful flowers I love you

Beautiful flowers, I love you

Tender like morning dew

Let me take care of you

Beautiful flowers ,I love you

Smiling like my baby hugh

Let me play with you

Beautiful flowers , I love you

Swinging like dancing girls

Let me dance with you

Beautiful flowers I love you

Colouful like a rainbow

Let me draw a picture of you.


Two little blackbirds

Sitting on a hill

One named Jack

The other named Jill

Fly away Jack

Fly away Jill

Come back Jack

Come back Jill


snow , snow

where do you go?

I don』t know

I don』t know

Where I go ?

A rhyme

One , two , three , four

Please have some more

Five , six ,seven , eight

I want a big plate

Nine ,ten , nine , ten

Don』t forget eleven

Where』s he ?

Where』s she ?

He is Dean

She is Jean.

Is he free?

Is she free?

Come here and play with me !

Teddy bear

Teddy bear , teddy bear

Turn around

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Touch the ground

Reach up high

Bend down low

Teddy bear ,teddy bear

Touch your toes

Don』t catch me

Policeman , policeman

Don』t catch me

Catch the boy behind the tree.

I stole meat and he stole tea .

Policeman, policeman

Don』t catch me.


Rain ,rain ,go away.

Come here again another day

Little Jane wants to play

Rain ,rain , don』t come here again

Take me down

Mr Brown , Mr Brown

Are you going down to town ?

Mr Brown take me down

To my home in London town

The kite

My kite is white ,

my kite is light,

my kite is in the sky,

now low, now high

you see the kite

you and I.

I am Chinese

I speak Chinese

I love my country

I love my people

I love china

I have a book

I have a new book

I have a new English book

Look! How nice!

About myself

My name is Peter

I』m seven

I』m a pupil

I go to school every day

I like English

I work well because I』m diligent

My teacher is miss lee

She always says:

「 work well then play 」

my family

This is a picture

It is a picture of my family

This man is my father

He』s a worker

This woman is my mother

She』s a teacher

This boy is my brother

He』s tall

This girl is my sister

She』s short

Who』s this little boy

Ha, it』s me

There is a map

On the wall there is a map

On the table there is a cap

On the wall there is a fly

On the table there is a pie

I see the map

I see the cap

I like the pie

I don』t like the fly

Where is the bear ?

Where is the bear ?

Is he in the chair?

No ,no , he』s not in there

Where is the bear?

Look, he』s over there

Look , he』s eating a pie

Right or wrong

Right or wrong ?

Right or wrong ?

Are you right ?

Am I wrong ?

Nobody is always right

Nobody is never wrong

So we must be modest

And say : maybe I』m wrong

Four bags full

One for my master

One for my dame

One for the little boy

Tom is his name

One for the pretty girl

Betty is her name

/ 2017國小英語年度創新教學設計 /

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