尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan



「屏幕特別大,是吧?」她邊說邊在中控台上選歌,特斯拉的中控台比普通車上的大一倍,長得很像iPad。她手指輕盈划動,直到車裡響起阿黛爾的《送上我的愛》。隨後Model X鷗翼車門輕聲關上,車外景色透過全玻璃車頂一覽無遺。朱擔任一家大型營銷公司總裁助理,之前跟丈夫開的是寶馬X5,由於路況混亂,偏愛SUV帶來的安全感,所以買了特斯拉。朱是首批Model X車主,特斯拉還沒算出來預付款金額時就交了錢。



When you climb into a Tesla (tsla, +1.94%) as a first-time passenger, drivers turn giddy at the chance for show-and-tell—especially in China, where Vanessa Zhu is playing host on this sunny spring day in Beijing.

「It』s huge, isn』t it?」 she says, pressing the double-size, iPad-like control screen in the center console until the stereo blasts Adele』s 「Send My Love.」 Then comes the ceremonial closing of the gull-wing doors on Zhu』s Model X. We peer through an expansive glass roof. Zhu, the assistant to the chairman of a major marketing agency, likes SUVs for their safety on China』s chaotic roads—she and her husband upgraded from a BMW X5. One of the first Model X owners in China, Zhu paid a deposit before Tesla had even calculated how much a deposit should be.

「Now put your head back against the seat,」 she advises.

The two-lane road we』re on is missing traffic lines, not to mention levelness, but as a section clears ahead, Vanessa floors it. We whir past a small black Hyundai so fast that the car seems to turn stationary. For a second, driver and passenger feel the same head rush. Then Vanessa slams on the brakes to respect a stop sign, chuckles, and changes Adele songs.


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