尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan




1. What would you like to change about your personality?

2. What would you like to change about your daily routine?

3. How do friendships change as we get older?

4. What changes in people』s lives increase their happiness?


第一個問題問的是關於你的性格你有什麼想要改變的:What would you like to change about your personality?


這個問題問的是你現在有什麼想提高和改變,而並不是你過去有過一個缺點,經過你的不斷努力終於改掉了!如若這樣,你的時態變化就和題目有比較大的出入了。題目中是What would you like to do,你希望怎麼去做,要求說的是你坐在考官面前就有的問題,而想去進行變化的。


我們通過讀題知道這是要求你說一些關於性格方面的增進。作為學生來講,無非是學習不夠刻苦,有點小懶lazybones; 或者做事不夠專心,自由散漫,影響上課 loose;再或者不夠自信lack of self-confidence; 精神緊張,get nervous easily, 給自己過大壓力feel stressful等等。我們把問題提出來,並加上一個小案例作證一下,就可以有力的說明我們確實需要變得更好了,最後如果能把改變之後的相反意義的形容詞再用到,答案就變得更加完整了。

Sometimes, I kind of stress myself too much. I usually worry a lot about things. When dealing with exams, I get really tense before entering the classroom. Now I』m sitting the IELTS test in front of you, I have sweaty hands and butterflies in the stomach. I always want to do things perfectly so I guess I』m used to pushing myself. So I suppose I must make the change step by step to be more confident and relaxed.


1. 關於一些可以改進的常見性格辭彙:lazy懶惰的;mean小氣的;narrow-minded心胸狹窄的;ungrateful不領人情的;gullible容易上當受騙的;childish幼稚的

2.參加考試可以用take the exam 或者sit the exam,賓語用test替換也可以。

接下來這個問題問的是關於你的日常安排是否有你想改變的地方:What would you like to change about your daily routine?


我們一看到daily routine,有可能同學們就聯想到的就是每一天早起8點幹什麼,9點幹什麼等等,其實在這裡我們說的是schedule,日程安排表;而routine的側重點是相對固定周期要做的事情,並不一定是每一天都要乾的。比如說我每周洗一次衣服do the laundry,這就算是我的一個routine。


那麼就是說,有哪些事情是你原來一直在做,但是你覺得不是很好,比方說是unhealthy,bad habit等等;或者是你認為可以讓自己變得更好make it better, 或者提升自己的生活質量improve the quality of life等。這時同時也要注意你的時態,提到想要改變的事物時應該用與將來有關的時態,說明原因時可以是現在完成時表示持續,也可以是一般現在時表示你目前現有的狀態和習慣。

As a senior high school student, there isn』t much space I can do to totally change my schedule. However, I suppose I should try to sleep and get up earlier. I study more than 8 hours on a daily basis, and watch movies from the Internet late at night sometimes. It would affect my concentration if I stay up. Additionally, l hope I can have enough time to do exercise on a weekly basis. I would like to try new sports like aerobics, for instance.


1. on a daily/weekly basis是一種表達頻度的方式,另外,我們常見的頻度副詞有always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never等。更高階一點的表達可以是constantly, frequently, occasionally, from time to time, rarely等。

2. 熬夜可以用的基本表達是stay up late,另外sit up; burn the midnight oil也可以表達這一概念。另外,夜貓子可以說成night bird或者night owl。

下一個問題問的是關於友誼會不會因為時間的增長,年齡的增加而改變:How do friendships change as we get older?




在回答這個問題時,我們需要首先確定你究竟要從哪一個角度來完成,是會改變,還是不會改變,還是從一定程度上發生了改變。我們一般認為只說單方面是比較容易的。相信大家都為寫大作文to what extent do you agree or disagree這樣的題目而找素材費光了腦細胞。所以,我們以不會改變為例,首先亮明自己的觀點(回答問題),然後給出能支撐你的答案的例子(論據),同時也可退一步(反證),說明確實發生了一定的客觀變化,但是(轉折)真正的友誼,是不會變化的。

If you ask me, I don』t really think that real friendship changes with time. It can only get stronger if it's sincere and true. Nevertheless, when we get older, we may have completely different priorities with our families or occupations. As a direct result, we will not see our friends in person as often as we used to. But it doesn't mean that the feelings change. When we meet again, we will laugh and talk together just like in old times.


1. 表示轉折,並可以用到句首的連接詞:However; Nevertheless; Although; Even though; Even if; In fact; Yet; On the contrary; On the other hand; At the same time等。

2. used to do something 表達過去常常做某事,而現在不做了;be/become/get used to doing something 習慣於做某事,一定注意to是介詞,後面是doing的形式;另外,be used to do something也是可以的,這裡to就成為不定式,單純表達被用來使用。

最後一個問題問的是關於什麼改變能夠提高人們的幸福感:What changes in people』s lives increase their happiness?


這個問題的主語為people』s lives, 而不是在你的生活里發生了什麼事情,所以同學們盡量不要舉自己的例子。另外,這個問題的時態是一般現在時,說明了我們要聊的是根據自己的經驗和知識來談論一個現象,舉出例子。當然,在我們給例子的時候可以靈活的掌握時態,但是最好操作的是一般將來時,什麼是可以增長我們的幸福感的。



There are a variety of things that would change our lives in a positive way. I bet that students will definitely be thrilled to graduate from senior high school and start a totally different experience at university. With time goes by, people will be delighted to find a decent job or get a promotion in his or her area. Speaking of personal life, getting married and having a baby can absolutely make people ecstatic.


1. 大量的:可以有多種表達可以替換,修飾可數時,many, a vast/great/large/good number of, a variety of, the number of, few, a few, numerous, hundreds/dozens/thousands of; 修飾不可數時,much, little, a little, a great/good deal of, a large quantity of, a large amount of; 都可以修飾的,lots of, a lot of, large quantities of, mass of, heaps of, loads of等。

2. 表達高興的詞語或者短語:最簡單的I』m happy. 另外還有幾種不錯的表達大家可以用起來:I』m ecstatic. 高興的忘乎所以了。I』m thrilled.我太激動了。 I』m delighted. 我是興高采烈的。後面還可以加上beyond imagination這樣的短語來再次加強語氣。另外I』m walking on air. I』m in good mood. Too good to be true.都是可以用來表達心情不錯這個含義。


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