尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

大眾藝術網:自學的藝術才華 —— 荷蘭攝影師、雕塑家 Wim Heesakkers 人物雕塑 · 攝影作品欣賞

自學的藝術才華 —— 荷蘭攝影師、雕塑家 Wim Heesakkers 人物雕塑 · 攝影作品欣賞

I live in the woody surroundings of Lieshout. A village leaning against Nuenen, one of the sources of inspiration of Vincent van Gogh. I am a self-taught artist and inspired by that which in mypath. Eyes open and absorb. The box with what else I want to do is always fuller than that with what has been done. My work was and is seen in many galleries in the Netherlands and abroad. If possible I seek to, all common techniques to master and all work myself out. In order to obtain a complete original. And all that in the service of quality and durability. The challenge of the experiment is an absolute must for me. A kind of duty within my artistic existence. I shun no material and I am always looking for something new.





本文由 yidianzixun 提供 原文連結

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