尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

技術革新導致失業 夏威夷欲推行全民基本收入


Hawaii is considering introducing a basic income for all its citizens.夏威夷正在考慮在該州施行全民基本收入政策。

The US state』s congress voted to look into the idea as research suggests a large number of current jobs are likely to be replaced by automated technology in the coming years.夏威夷州議會投票決定研究這一政策,因為調查表明,未來幾年內,現有的許多工作很可能被自動化技術取代。

State representative Chris Lee, who introduced the legislation, said: "Our economy is changing far more rapidly than anybody's expected.」提出這項立法的州議員克里斯•李稱:「經濟變化的速度遠遠超出了所有人的預期。」

He added that it was important "to be sure that everybody will benefit from the technological revolution that we're seeing to make sure no one's left behind."他表示,重要的是,「要確保每個人都能從技術革命中受益,我們都希望確保沒有人在技術革命中掉隊。」

The bill declares that all families in Hawaii are entitled to 「basic financial security」 – paving the way for a policy that would guarantee this.該議案宣稱,夏威夷所有家庭都有權享受「基本財務安全」,這為確保該項權利的有關政策鋪平了道路。

It also tasks several government offices with analyzing the state』s economy and finding 「ways to ensure all families have basic financial security."議案還要求幾個政府部門分析夏威夷州的經濟形勢,尋找「確保所有家庭都能獲得基本財務安全的辦法。」

Universal basic income (UBI) involves paying every citizen a set amount of money each month to live on, regardless of whether or not they are in work.全民基本收入是指無論公民是否有工作,每月都能領到一定數額的錢。

Hawaii is the first US state to pass legislation in support of UBI but a number of countries around the world have taken steps towards introducing the policy.夏威夷是美國首個通過立法支持全民基本收入的州,不過,一些其他國家已經紛紛採取措施推行該政策。

Finland and Germany have implemented pilot schemes and the Canadian province of Ontario is set to follow suit. The Dutch city of Utrecht is also trialing the policy.芬蘭和德國已經實施了試點計劃。加拿大安大略省打算效仿。荷蘭烏得勒支市也在試行這一政策。

Advocates say UBI is a more effective way of distributing money than current social welfare systems and will help people cope with the job losses resulting from new technology.該政策的支持者稱,全民基本收入是一種比現行社會福利系統更有效的貨幣分配方式,且能幫助人們應對技術革新導致的失業問題。

Critics, however, say it will discourage people from working and is prohibitively expensive.然而,批評者稱,該政策代價極高,且會打消人們工作的積極性。

Research suggests that Hawaii workers could be hit particularly hard by technological advances because many of the jobs in the tourism industry that fuels the state』s economy, such as waiters, cooks and cleaners, will eventually be replaced by machines.研究表明,科技進步對夏威夷的工作群體打擊尤其沉重,因為該州經濟依靠旅遊業帶動,而這一行業中的許多崗位,如服務員、廚師以及清潔工等最終都將被機器取代。



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