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三十五. At Sea in a Small Boat

People have sailed around the world in quite small boats. It is not an easy thing.Sometimes the weather goes bad. That will be the end of a boat and the end ofeveryone in it. Accidents can happen easily and quickly.

One family had an accident with a big fish. The fish swam under their boat and bit(咬) holes in it. The water came into the boat, and of course,the boat soon went down. However, these people had another smaller boat——a life-boat(救生艇),and they all got into that. They lived and hoped for many days. They woke and slept and they always, hoped... At last a ship found them.

How do people live in a very small life-boat? Perhaps far weeks or months. They must be strong in every way. They must have hope——they must want to live. But you cannot eat and drink hope.

You cannot drink sea water. Drink a lot of sea water——you will quickly die.Sailors(水手) can drink rain water. They must catch rain water in their boat. They must also catch fish and birds for food. Lifeboats do not often carry a cookerandso the sailors cannot cook their food. Raw(生的) fish and bird-meat is not very nice. But there won't be any choice in a life-boat! The sailors must eat raw food or they will die.

What do people think about in a life-boat? They think about land a warmbed, dry clothes, clean water and food.








三十六. A Careless Couple

Mr. and Mrs. Long have a poor memory and they are also very careless. Comparedwith the careless parents, their daughter Linda is quite different. Linda is very careful in doing things. If Mr. and Mrs. Long can act carefully and remember tocheck their work, they』ll not cause so much trouble in their life.

One summer they plan to fly to New York for a visit. They get to the airport only ten minutes before the plane leaves. So time is short. But suddenly Mrs. Long says she must tell Linda, their daughter, not to forget to lock the front door when she leaves for school in the morning. As Linda is then at school, they can't reach her on the phone. So the couple hurries to the post office. Mrs. Long writes a short note to Linda, while Mr. Long buys a stamp and an envelope(郵票). Soon the note is ready.They put the stamp on the envelope and drop it in the letter box in a hurry. But suddenly Mrs. Long begins to cry. The short note to her daughter is still in her hand.She has put their plane tickets in the envelope!




有一年夏天,他們打算乘飛機(fly)到紐約去旅遊。他們在飛機(plane)起飛前10分鐘才到達機場(get to the airport),所以時間很倉促。忽然朗夫人說她必須告訴女兒琳達早上去上學時別忘記鎖(lock)前門。因為琳達那時還在學校,所以他們無法給她打電話。於是,夫婦倆急忙趕到郵局(post office)。朗夫人寫便條(note)。朗先生去買郵票(stamp)。很快便條準備好了(ready),他們忙亂地在信封上貼上郵票,然後投進(drop)郵筒。但突然間朗夫人哭了起來,原來給女兒的便條還在她手裡,而他們的飛機票卻被塞進了信封!




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