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關鍵詞:文明 傳播 規律 路徑 人類 加速度 大歷史

1 農業時代文明傳播路徑與長線壓制效應


學者們的全球化視野誕生不足100年。傳統史學一般發軔於大約5500年前的西亞文明。隨著當代科學技術的不斷進步,當我們把舊石器時代結合進來,甚至是重點考察舊石器時代對今天的影響時,會發現我們看待與世界的眼光與結論會發生重大變化。著名的莫氏線非常清晰,宏觀看(東亞,下同)自古就落後於西部舊大陸,而歐洲自古就是先進地區。進而考察新石器時代、工業時代,乃至到今天互聯網時代的幾個宏觀人類發展的每個突變節點,可以說,以中華文明為代表的東方文明一般都是處於一個中等發展地位。換句話說,以中華文明為代表的東方文明發展可能一直存在一個「長線壓制效應」 (LTSE),這200多萬年的歷史進程中都沒有明顯突破。





2 幾個人類文明發展與傳播規律





美國著名的學者庫茲韋爾從微觀層面提出,人類文明發展有加速度效應Acceleration EffectAE)。我從宏觀方面也有如此的總結。人類從一種普通的動物發展到今天的文明奇迹,是一個長達幾百萬年的漸變-突變、漸變-突變過程,其中,每一次發生突變的漸變周期都越來越短。比如,從直立人到現代人,從舊石器時代到新石器時代,歷經百萬年時間;從農業文明到工業文明的突變卻只有1萬多年時間;而從初級的工業文明到今天的高級的工業文明——信息時代只有幾百年。人類的發展在不斷加速,主要的催化因素可能與人類信息系統的愈加完善有關,早期信息是簡單的聲音和圖畫,然後是語言文字,後期是則加上了馬匹與畜力車,上個世紀則是火車、飛機、電話、電視等,今天是大數據支撐的智能化的秒殺利器互聯網。這些交通通訊工具的速度發生著幾何指數的突飛猛進,正是他們帶來了文明的加速度效應。





3 工業時代的水路傳播及其他







蘇三於北京 20161212


On the Development of Human Civilization

By Susan Xu

Many scholars, especially Chinese academic circles, still adhere to the global civilization around the independent origin theory, which is based on the old theory of Anthropology on fossil remains. But in 21stCentury, the molecular anthropology of the human out of Africa has gradually spread to the world which fundamentally shook the independent origin of the civilizations Chinese scholars still insist today.

Under the old system, the development of global civilization has no law, but in the new perspective, the development of human civilization is regular. With these laws, we can not only understand yesterday, but also today and tomorrow, it's necessary for us to re-examine development of civilization again.

Key words: civilizations, communication, laws, path, human, China, acceleration, big history

1, The Path of Human Development in the Agricultural Era

The development of human civilizations should have a clear path of development or dissemination. In the early stages of this path, it is the same as that of the human-out-of-Africa's path according to molecular anthropology, except the initial stage in northeast Africa. In this line, the laws of the development of Chinese civilization, as well as many of the phenomenon of Chinese civilization also can be explained.

The official development of the global history is less than 100 years, so far, many people have known about the human society from the beginning of the history of the civilization of West Asia about 5500 years ago. But now the science and technology already can support us to see farther. When we put the Paleolithic period in combination, many ideas about China and the world will change. The famous Movius Line was very clear that from the very beginning East Asia has been backward, versely, in Europe (south),North Asia and the New World the most backward. And then inspecting the new stone age, industrial age, and even today's Internet era, China has always been in a medium development status as the first stage. It is possible that there has always been a long term suppression effect (LTSE) over the development of civilization in East Asia, for up to about 2 million years this rule have never been broken through. If this is true, then the rule for today's "China rise" lurks on several interesting topics: Will China successfully challenges the " LTSE " with the rise of today ?

Considering a variety of factors, human activities in the different period including the late Paleolithic period may still play a subtle influence on today's human society, and I call this influence as "cable-stayed bridge effect" (CBE).

( Movius Line based on Paleolithic period.

Due to Africa as the cradle of human kind, Africa and southern Europe, West Asia as the first developed area, is logical. Including Chinese, East Asia finished the second, the further away from Africa the wilder at the very beginning. It is obvious that there is a geographical spread of the law, from the Paleolithic period, the regularity is obvious.

2,Several Other Human Development Laws

There are many laws of human development in the past. First of all, the climate and geography has a permanent impact on human beings, until today, people still can not completely get rid of it. It is no doubt that the the earlier the impact greater.

Climate is crucial to human impact. A few climate disasters in late Paleolithic age (such as the Fourth Glacial and later the Younger Dryas) might be the main reason of pushing the most developed culture in the south Europe to the Anatolia, finally the rise of climate from about 9000 years ago gave birth to the Anatolian civilization. Temperature continuing drop approximately 6000 years ago drove the civilization further south to West Asia and Egypt. The climate changes also caused other events, civilization flourishing suddenly in India Valley, and the largest river Sarasvati vanished.

Communication is an important feature of the development of human social civilization. Geographical location directly impacted on the spread of civilization and the path of civilization, the civilization of center district will quickly affect the surrounding, the farer away from the later will be infulencedfor instance, East Asia had been advanced comparing with Indian America during the agricultural period, native culture of Australia was the most backward because of geographical isolation.

Geographical conditions are also very important. The North African region directly resulted in poor and backward for the reason of desertification in Neolithic Age. The ancient civilizations of Egypt, West Asia and Central Asia are also subject to the gradual the desertification. Thanks to a few of the Great Plains suitable for agriculture, with the broad depth and fertile soil, the Chinese civilization developed smoothly.

The famous American scholar Kurzweil believes that there have been a rule of Acceleration Effect (AE) of the development of human civilization. Each time the gradual change cycle between mutations became shorter and shorter. For example, from Homo erectus to modern people, from the Paleolithic age to the Neolithic age, from the agricultural civilization to the industrial civilization , and from the primary industrial civilization to internet time of today. Human development will continues to accelerate. The main catalytic factors may be related to the more and more perfect human information system. After languages pictures and characters created, the horses and vehicles followed, and trains, airplane, telephone and TV in last century appeared, today is the support of large data intelligent internet.

Acceleration effect research is very important, because the time of topspeed of information dissemination has come, it has or is changing the human society, and even make human society unprepared. Today is facing a new period of civilization mutation, even the spreading path of human development changed suddenly. The five BRIC countries, including China, appeared on the earth, disorderly to random distributed breaking the spread rule of civilization in all previous times. Thus mankind has entered anew era. And we may not have enough theoretical preparation for this new era.

What are the mysteries behind the great civilization's development and expansion? At present is still a controversial topic. However, in the development with their own energy gathering, civilization constantly release positive value. The acceleration of civilization in this sense seems have a positive value of self-replication, self-correcting direction and improving the efficiency of replication. From simple to complex, and gradually people can not keep up, do not understand, and even unexpected. It』s lucky for civilization, but it is more and more difficult for us to grasp the future.

3,Transmission through Waterways in the Industrial Age

Water, is the main spreading path of civilization. In fact, the outbreak of industrial civilization in northwest Europe is the result spreading westward of agricultural civilization from the Mediterranean.

As the industrial revolution broke out in northwest Europe, the spreading path of expansion of civilization showed a different landscape comparing with the agricultural era. From the outbreaking place of the Industrial Revolution, Britain, China』s location is equivalent to that of Indian America in the agricultural age, the last place to be influenced.

The path of the industrial revolution in West Europe skipped over the Atlantic, the United States was built. North American industrial civilization continued westward across the Pacific to its "neighbors" of Japan, which became the first Asian successful sample of modernization. Then civilization continued to head westward, infecting eastern China in the end. This path also explains the internal imbalance in China's west and east part, and even the inevitability of China's rise today. The westward spread to East Asia seems very far away, but there was no barrier on the sea, China is actually the second neighbor country to US, and third neighbors to Britain. There are other reasons of eastern China』s rise, today is actually the Time of Water. Industrial civilization spread eastward mainly by land with a very slow speed. This is another global civilization spread law: Waterway fast, land route slow. But communication results mainly depend on different transport of different periods. From West Europe to China there are countless countries and peoples, getting through is very difficult. The spread of industrial revolution from land to East was also very regular, passing through Central and Eastern Europe, the current Central Asia region are waiting for the dawn of industrial civilization.

Above is my understanding of human civilization and China's development. And I called the research on the origin of human and human civilization, the development of civilization and the future of civilization, Civilization Studies, a subject not yet fully established, perhaps it belong to a branch of macro-history.

Susan Xu

December 16, 2016



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