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二手婚紗買賣火熱 千禧新娘不再保留婚紗


Buying a bridal gown can be a pretty hefty expense, but some brides eschewing tradition and selling their used wedding dresses online instead of storing them for the next generation. 買婚紗花費相當高昂,但是有些新娘卻拋棄傳統,將自己穿過的婚紗在網上出售,而不是為下一代保留婚紗。

Dalia Rhodes from Austin, Texas, has no regrets about sending her wedding dress down the aisle twice. After she wed in 2015, she sold her gown to a stranger online a year later. 來自美國德克薩斯州奧斯汀市的達麗雅•羅德斯不後悔自己的婚紗被再度穿上走上婚禮紅毯。2015年她結婚後,過了一年,她便將自己的婚紗賣給了一個陌生人。

'I just wanted someone else to enjoy a pretty dress,' said Dalia, who used the website Once Wed to sell it for $800, about half of what she originally paid. 達麗雅通過Once Wed(曾經結婚)網站以800美元(合5535元人民幣)的價格賣掉了自己的婚紗,大約是她買入價格的一半。她說:「我只希望另一個人也能開心地穿上這條美麗的裙子。」

Instead of holding on to wedding dresses for decades, many new brides are willing to swap them online for cash. Several websites cater to them, including Still White and 現在許多新娘都願意用穿過的婚紗在網上換取現金,而不是將婚紗保存幾十年。迎合這一需求的網站包括Still White(依然潔白)和PreownedWeddingDresses(二手婚紗)。

And other online marketplaces, such as eBay, Tradesy and Letgo, are filled with thousands of wedding dresses looking for a new bride. 其他在線交易網站,如易趣、Tradesy和Letgo,都有數千件婚紗正在找尋新的主人。

Just the idea of buying a used wedding dress was 'shocking and horrifying' before 2008, said Tracy DiNunzio, the founder and CEO of online clothing and accessories marketplace Tradesy. 服裝飾品在線交易平台Tradesy的創始人和首席執行官特蕾西•迪農齊奧說,在2008年前,光是想要買二手婚紗這個想法就足以「令人驚駭」。

She noted that began to change about a decade ago during the recession, when cash-strapped brides were looking for a deal, and now millennials, who seemingly are not as attached to material things as past generations, are putting up their dresses for sale. 她注意到,這個觀念大約在十年前經濟衰退時期開始發生改變,當時手頭拮据的新娘開始找尋性價比高的婚紗,而現在的千禧一代對於物質的東西似乎也不像以前的人那麼執著,她們開始出售自己的婚紗。

'The money is worth more to them once the wedding is over than keeping a dress,' she explained. 她解釋道:「一旦婚禮結束,錢對她們而言比留住婚紗更有價值。」

But don't expect to make quick cash. Not everyone wants a used gown, so it can take weeks or months to find a buyer who also happens to love the style and can fit into the dress. 但是別指望賣婚紗能很快拿到錢。不是每個人都想要別人穿過的婚紗,所以可能要過幾星期或幾個月才能找到一個正好喜歡這種風格又適合這件婚紗的買主。

Well-known designer names, such as Vera Wang and Monique Lhuillier, sell faster, and some brides list their dresses on multiple sites, hoping to reach as many brides-to-be as possible. 像王薇薇和莫尼克•魯里耶這樣著名的大牌設計師設計的婚紗賣得快些,此外許多新娘會將自己的婚紗放在許多網站上,希望儘可能多的準新娘能看到。

The sites typically let listings stay up for as long as needed, charging a one-time fee or taking a percentage when it is finally sold. 交易網站通常會讓婚紗按照賣家規定的時間保持上架狀態,並一次性收取費用,或者在婚紗賣掉之後收取提成。

Dalia said it took about four months to sell her wedding gown on the Once Wed website. To make sure the dress didn't get damaged during shipping she said she wrapped the dress in 'like, probably, six pounds of bubble wrap.' 達麗雅說,在Once Wed網站上賣掉她的婚紗用了大約四個月的時間。為了確保婚紗在運輸途中不被損壞,她把裙子「用6磅重的氣泡膜包裹得嚴嚴實實」。

The buyer, Heidi Cundari of Thunder Bay, Canada, said she opted to purchase a used dress to keep her wedding costs down. She searched several pre-owned wedding dress websites before she fell for Dalia's tulle and organza gown. 買主是來自加拿大桑德貝的海蒂•昆達里,她說她選擇買二手婚紗是為了節省婚禮開支。她看過了幾個二手婚紗網站,才最終被達麗雅這件歐根紗禮服所吸引。

'It seemed wasteful to spend thousands of dollars on a dress for one day,' she explained. 她解釋道:「花數千美元購買一條只穿一天的裙子感覺很浪費。」

Dresses listed on Once Wed take about six months to sell and go for an average of about $1,600, said Once Wed founder Emily Newman. She noted that more and more women are listing their dress for sale before they even get married, so they can ship the dress out once the ceremony is over. Once Wed網站的創始人艾米莉•紐曼說,掛在Once Wed網站上的婚紗被賣掉一般需要六個月的時間,價格平均為1600美元左右。她指出,越來越多的女性甚至在結婚前就將自己的婚紗上架,這樣她們一舉行完婚禮就可以把婚紗寄出。

Some sites have seen their popularity soar recently. Still White, for example, said sellers earned $500,000 through the site in the past month, up 50 percent from the same time last year. 某些婚紗交易網站的熱度近來一直在飆升。Still White網站聲稱過去一個月賣家通過該網站掙了50萬美元,比去年同期多掙了50%。

'Modern brides are less sentimental, more budget savvy, eco-friendly and are comfortable making large purchases online,' said Still White's co-founder and CEO Bruno Szajer. Still White網站的聯合創始人、首席執行官布魯諾•薩傑爾說:「現代新娘沒那麼感性,更善於控制預算、更注重環保,也願意在網上進行高額消費。」

However, Dahlia said she did hold on to two keepsakes: her veil and belt, which she said her future children are more likely to wear than her dress. 但是,達麗雅說,她還是留下了兩樣東西作紀念:她的頭紗和腰帶,她表示,相比穿她的婚紗,她未來的孩子更可能戴這兩樣東西。

Heidi, meanwhile, said she plans to keep the dress and not try to sell it again. Last month she sent pictures of her wedding to Dalia, so she could see the dress in its second trip down the aisle. 與此同時,海蒂說她打算保留這件婚紗,不會試著再把它賣掉。上個月她將她婚禮的照片發給了達麗雅,這樣她就能看見這件婚紗第二次經歷婚禮。

'We kind of forged a long distance friendship,' Heidi said. 海蒂說:「我們之間有一種遠距離友誼的意思。」



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