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國際機器人論壇(ISR)是由國際機器人聯合會(IFR)主辦的全球最具聲譽和影響力的機器人領域專業會議之一。該會議創始於1970年, 內容涵蓋了機器人學術,技術和產業的相關領域,為研究人員和工程師在世界範圍內展示他們的開創性作品提供機會。










下面讓小編為您揭曉第四十九屆國際機器人論壇的第二批KeynoteSpeaker重磅國際演講嘉賓:國際機器人聯合會執委會委員、韓國全南國立大學機械工程學院Jong-Oh Park教授,2016IEEE/RSJ IROS總主席,韓國漢陽大學 Prof. II Hong Suh 教授,德國漢堡大學教授,TAMS研究所所長,德國漢堡科學院院士,國家千人計劃特聘專家張建偉教授。


Jong-Oh Park教授

Director, Medical Microrobot Center

Director, Robot Research Initiative

Prof., School of Mechanical Engineering,

Chonnam National University, Gwang-ju, Korea


Biomedical Micro/Nano Robotics

The major direction of the development of medical devices is minimally invasive surgery, or possibly small incision. The key criteria of the medicine is high targeting efficacy with minimum side effect. In general medical robots are simply classified as medical devices, but biomedical micro/nano robot will be classified as medical device or medicine depending upon the product type. The human tissues are based on microscale cells and its huge conglomerate. Disease-bearing bacteria and viruses are also micro/nanoscale living microorganisms. Biomedical micro/nano robots are to cope with such germs in corresponding size.

Based on such characteristic, biomedical micro/nano robotics will be one of the right solutions. We have been involved in the development of this technologies since the begin of the 21st century. Its characteristic and size depend definitely upon where it is applied among human organs. Biomedical micro/nano robotics is a new emerging technology and still at the beginning stage. Until now several concrete achievements have been developed and in the meanwhile commercialized.

At the beginning stage of our involvement colonoscope robot has been developed and clinically verified through world first locomotion test with cadaver in entire colon, even though it is categorized as electromechanical approach rather than biomedical. It is biomimetic approach in terms of locomotion like as inchworm motion. It was converted to the product on the market. The second development is capsule endoscope with the dimension 11 mm D and 25 mm L. One of peculiar achievements is base-band telecommunication whereas the others use RF method. Human body is not any obstacle but the media for telecommunication. It became the commercial product and was FDA cleared. We have focused on blood vessel and tried to solve the totally blocked disease in the coronary artery, so-called Chronic Total Occlusion. To solve it with enough power in maintaining and controlling the position of microrobot in the fluctuating artery electromagnetic force has been induced. The final mechanism has 5 DOF actuation system. It was the world first trial with in-vivo test with pigs.

Differently from such above mentioned electromechanical approaches, to have therapeutic effect against tumor, biological or biomedical approaches have been made. As the first trial, special cells with inherent characteristic to attack tumors, that is bacteria with gene modification and immune cells such as monocyte or macrophage. A new concept bacteriobot has been derived in terms of assemblage of drug bead and bacteria. Drug bead fabrication with additional functions, specific binding between drug bead and tumor, binding between bacteria and drug beads, so-called patterning have been pursued. Tumor killing effect of bacteriobots has been clinically verified.

Therapeutic effect through combining immune cell and drug has been achieved and additionally to get active characteristic of those immune cells electromagnetic actuation of immune cells has been applied through applying magnetic nanoparticle into immune cells. The second trial was to use macrophage as in-born tumor-killer. Macrophage is engulfed with magnetic nanoparticle and growth factor as the carrier as well as natural medicine. Movement of engulfed macrophage is accelerated and steered exactly towards tumor by using electromagnetic actuator. It verified high speed and high targeting efficacy.

Another recent development is stem-cell based medical microrobot. To cure the articular cartilage wear stem cells are recently inserted into the cartilage zone and afterwards stem cells are differentiated into new cartilage. The problem is that stem cell does not have any self targeting capability. Therefore it makes sense to add targeting function onto stem cells by using scaffolds with several additives and electromagnetic actuation.

Biomedical micro/nano robotics can be interpreted as the drug delivery system with active locomotion and specific targeting to get higher efficacy. Biomedical micro/nano robotics will unveil new horizon of therapeutics in various ways.

Prof. II Hong Suh 教授

professor in Dept. of EECS, Hanyang University

President of Korea Robotics Society for 2008

the General Chair for 2016 IEEE/RSJ IROS

AI and AI Robot: Past, Now and Future

Recently, AI (artificial intelligence) and AI Robotics showed a tremendous technical progress. In the past, AI was characterized by handcrafted knowledge models for very specific application domains. Currently, exceptional progress of AI has been achieved by recent advances of statistical machine learning, especially owing to deep learning and big data.

Now, deep learning models showed remarkable successes in the area spanning image recognition (ImageNet Challenge), speech recognition (Deep Speech), and search and planning (AlphaGo). And, it is believed to be a leading tool for promising AI.

On the other hand, robots are expected to gain high level of intelligence from AI success. And thus, we expect robots may work cognitively not only for factory automation, but also for commercial space automation as well as home space automation. There are some robots walking and manipulating like a human, talking to and listening from us, trying to read our emotions and intentions, and autonomously drives cars. However, current robots seems to be lacking intelligence to provide satisfactory service. Level of intelligence is still far behind our expectation, which is a barrier to cross over for practical commercialization.

In this talk, we discuss what technical challenges need to be breakthrough to make robots upgraded for our dream robots with human-level intelligence. And also we discuss what level of intelligent robots will be available in next 10 years or in next 20 years.





未來機器人的研究熱點可以被歸納為主要以下三點: 1.由結構化環境、確定條件向非結構化環境動態條件下的感知、決策、執行發展;2.強調人與機器人、機器人與機器人之間的互動和協作;3.在環境感知認知基礎上,發展機器人和製造系統對人的行為、意圖理解等社交能力。本報告建議融合機電一體化、人工智慧、多模態感知、網路通訊、分佈雲計算、人機交互、仿生設計和控制等最新技術。我們應該迎接工業4.0、工業裝配、運載操作、手術康復、助老助殘、智能家居、娛樂教育等作為應用的挑戰,研究下一代機器人和自動化系統的認知的關鍵共性技術,包括基於感測的精細靈巧操作、高層知識的獲取和學習、自然人機交互、多源信息的實時獲取與集成、日常複雜環境的快速理解、跨平台運行的開源軟體、模塊化軟硬體的可靠設計等,系統地創造具有特色的智能製造技術。








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