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原創譯文 | AI正在突破世界性的難題:流浪者、恐怖主義和物種滅絕






「通過AI,我們的人群社會網路能夠覆蓋試點範圍內70%的青年,而現有的常規技術只能達到25%。對比傳統的技術,在傳播艾滋病信息方面,AI演算法可以將信息傳遞給更多的人」。AI社會研究中心的聯合創始人、維特比學院的教授 Milind Tambe說道,「如果我做AI,通常我會從外部獲取數據,我會分析數據,生成演算法等等,但我不會去收容所。」





「我們正在努力開發新的人工智慧科學以及新的社會科學,」中心副主任Eric Rice在接受電話採訪時告訴Venture Beat。「我們不僅僅是想成為那種利用公開數據資源的數據科學家,也不是成為使用唾手可得的機器學習工具的社會科學家,那樣太過於單一和穩定,我們真正想做的是建立起在這兩者之上的新的科學。





「當我們意識到在AI和社會工作之間的聯繫,便產生了這二者的第一次融合。因此我們在真正意義上的融合學校(工程設施部分)、人工智慧、社會工作,在解決這些社會問題的時候,也自然而然遇到了一些全新的挑戰和麻煩,」Tambe 在電話採訪中告訴Venture Beat。「在流浪青年當中傳播傳播艾滋病的相關信息、減少藥物濫用、對無家可歸的青年進行家庭匹配這些都是目前AI領域還沒有解決的問題。」






AIis targeting some of the world』s biggest problems: homelessness, terrorism, andextinction

Making AI models at the University ofSouthern California (USC) Center for AI in Society does not involve a clean,sorted dataset. Sometimes it means interviewing homeless youth in Los Angelesto map human social networks. Sometimes it involves going to Uganda for betterconservation of endangered species.

「With AI, we are able to reach 70 percent ofthe youth population in the pilot, compared to about 25 percent in the standardtechniques. So AI algorithms are able to reach far more youth in terms ofspreading HIV information compared to traditional methods,」 said Milind Tambe, a professor atthe USC Viterbi School of Engineering and cofounder of the Center for AI in Society. 「If I were doing AInormally I might get data from the outside and I would analyze the data,produce algorithms, and so forth, but I wouldn』t go to a homeless shelter.」

The pilot project will next be expanding toserve 1,000 youth. Other projectscurrently being taken on by the Centerfor AI in Society include gang prevention, wildlife conservation with computervision, and predictive models to improve cybersecurity, prevent suicide, andhelp homeless youth find housing.

The center has also developed and deployedalgorithms for federal agencies such as the U.S. Coast Guard, Air MarshalsService, and Transportation and Security Administration (TSA).

Tambe was one a handful of authors of aforward-looking report that examines how AI will evolve and affect business,government, and society between the present and 2030. Commissioned by StanfordUniversity as part of The AI 100 Project, the studyfound that AI aimed at solving social problems has traditionally lackedinvestment because it produces no profitable commercial applications. Thereport prescribes making AI for low resource projects a higher priority andoffering AI researchers incentives, but Tambe also believes an entirely newdiscipline may need to be developed.

「[These projects] bring up completely newkinds of AI problems because working with low resource communities, data issparse, as opposed to being plentiful. When you talk about big data, that』s notwhat we』re doing here. Whether it』s wildlife conservation or working with homelessyouth, we』re talking … incomplete data and there』s no capacity to actuallyproduce that massive clean big data that you can do deep learning on,」 he said.

「We』re trying to develop novel AI science aswell as novel social science,」 co-director Eric Rice told VentureBeat in aphone interview. 「We』re not just trying to be data scientists who takeadvantage of publicly available datasets or social scientists that takeadvantage of out-of-the-box machine learning tools that are pretty much readilyavailable through canned software packages. What we』re really trying to build is new science on both sides.」

The USC Center for AI in Society is acollaboration between computer science and social science schools at USC, anambitious initiative created to cross-pollinate ideas between the twodisciplines in order to solve some of the world』s biggest problems.

Created in 2013, the program focuses onproblems found in the 12 Grand Challenges of social work and the United Nations』Sustainable Development Goals.

The 12 Grand Challenges of Social Work was created last year by social workers and espouses goals like ensuring healthydevelopment for all youth, eradicating social isolation, stopping familyviolence, and ending homelessness.

The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by U.N. member nations in2015 and focus on implementing measures to address priorities — like access toquality education, gender equity, and the end of poverty and hunger — by 2030.

「This is the first collaboration as far as we are aware between AI and social work in a center. So we』re really collaborating across schools in terms of engineering and AI and social work, and it』s bringing up completely new sets of challenges to the core in terms of problems that the AI community has tackled,」 Tambe told VentureBeat in a phone interview. 「Spreading HIV information amongst homeless youth ,or trying to reduce substance abuse or matching homeless youth to homes, these are challenges that generally have not been tackled within the AI community.」

The two schools work together because sometimes an AI data scientist may not understand a social issue if they don』t see it emerge in a dataset, and social workers may sometimes fail to understand that an algorithm could significantly impact a social issue.

While there was some initial difficulty in understanding the different vocabularies social scientists and data scientists use, the collaboration 「leads to completely new kinds of discovery that wouldn』t have been possible if either of us were working alone,」 Tambe said.

「Social work tends to be less precise and engineering is very focused, so there』s this dance we』re in,」 Rice said. 「We』re adding more muddiness to the model and they』re insisting that we are more crisp in our argument, so there』s a nice generative aspect to that kind of back and forth.」

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