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GMAT核心辭彙 vociferous

英文解釋: adjective: conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry

例句: In giving Marcia a particular vociferous response, Paul caused people at every other table in the restaurant to turn around an look at them angrily.

GMAT核心辭彙 volubility

英文解釋: noun: the quality of talking or writing easily and continuously

例句: The professor's volubility knows no bounds; he could talk through a hurricane and elaborate a point from one St. Patrick's Day to the next.

GMAT核心辭彙 voracious

英文解釋: adjective: very hungry; approaching an activity with gusto

例句: Steven was a voracious reader, sometimes finishing two novels in the same day.

GMAT核心辭彙 wanting

英文解釋: adjective: lacking

例句: She did not think her vocabulary was wanting, yet there were so many words that inevitably she found a few she didn't know.

GMAT核心辭彙 wanton

英文解釋: adjective: without check or limitation; showing no moral restraints to one's anger, desire, or appetites

例句: Due to wanton behavior and crude language, the drunk man was thrown out of the bar and asked to never return.

GMAT核心辭彙 wax

英文解釋: verb: to gradually increase in size or intensity

例句: Her enthusiasm for the diva』s new album only waxed with each song; by the end of the album, it was her favorite CD yet.

GMAT核心辭彙 whimsical

英文解釋: adjective: determined by impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason

例句: Adults look to kids and envy their whimsical nature at times, wishing that they could act without reason and play without limitation.

GMAT核心辭彙 winsome

英文解釋: adjective: charming in a childlike or naive way

例句: She was winsome by nature, and many people were drawn to this free and playful spirit.

GMAT核心辭彙 zeitgeist

英文解釋: noun: spirit of the times

例句: Each decade has its own zeitgeist—the 1990』s was a prosperous time in which the promise of the American Dream never seemed more palpable.

GMAT核心辭彙 zenith

英文解釋: noun: the highest point; culmination

例句: At the zenith of his artistic career, Elvis was outselling any other artist on the charts.




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