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台詞中英文對照|電影《當幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happiness)有些事人們自己做不到,他們就會告訴你__ - Wise Library 1985



備註:片中的小男孩是威爾·史密斯的親身兒子。這是一部應該會很悲情,卻讓人看了心裡發暖的電影,值得看第二回。上映時間是2006年。電影提名紀錄: 奧斯卡金像獎最佳男主角獎。


電影《當幸福來敲門》劇中經典台詞中英對照:There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said“Do you need help?”and the man said “God will save me.”Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said “God will save me,”then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, “God, why didn’t you save me?” and God said “I sent you two boats, you dummy!”


有一個人溺水了,然後一艘船過來了,然後船上的人說了:「你需要幫忙嗎?」 然後那個人說:「神會救我的」。 接著,另一艘船過來了,然後他試圖要幫他,但他說:「神會救我的」。然後他淹死了,去了天堂。 然後這個男人就對上帝說:「神,你為什麼不救我?」神說了:「我派了兩艘船給你,你這個蠢蛋!」


  • dummy n.經常沉默寡言的人。2.蠢蛋,傻瓜3.仿製品[1],冒牌貨,假貨。延伸意思:假動作或假傳球,掛名的傀儡,展示服裝的人體模型,拍電影用的假人[2]


[1] a counterfeit; a copy or imitation of an object

[2] a model or replica designed to resemble and serve as a substitute for the real thing, which lacks some essential feature of the original.


電影《當幸福來敲門》 劇中經典台詞中英對照:You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it.If you want something, go get it. 你有一個夢想,你就得捍衛它。有些事人們自己做不到,他們就會想告訴你「你辦不到」。如果你要某個東西,就努力去爭取。


  • protect保護(使其不受到危險或損害等),守護
  • protect someone from [against] danger:保護某人使其免遭危險。英文解釋:to shield or preserve someone from danger

電影《當幸福來敲門》 劇中經典台詞中英對照:Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.每天我們有很多機會生氣、受到壓力、受到冒犯,但當你讓自己沉溺在負面情緒裡面,你便是讓外部的力量操控自己的幸福。你可以選擇不讓那些小事惹惱你。


  • plenty of:許多,很多。延伸意思:大量
  • indulge v. 本意:沉迷或沉溺於~。
  • power over:意指透過權位或職位控制他人。英文解釋:exerciseing[1] control over another person by utilizing authority or position.
  • upset v.使心裡不快,使不悅,使煩亂


電影《當幸福來敲門》 劇中經典台詞中英對照: Miracles happen every day. 每天有奇蹟發生。

  • miracle 奇蹟。英文解釋: a marvelous, unusual and mysterious occurance which is inexplicablely by the laws of nature and commonly thought to be triggered by God’s idea or supernature power.



電影《當幸福來敲門》 劇中經典台詞中英對照:Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds. 永遠不要放棄,要對自己做的事有信心。或許會有艱困的時期,但是你面對的困難,將使你更加堅定去實現自己的目標並在形勢險峻的形況下獲得成功。

odds n. 1.勝算[2]。延伸意思:投注賠率2.優劣之差 3.不和。4.可能性。

–            against (all) the odds:困難重重勝率頗低、極為不利的情況下。[3]

–            despite the odds: 不論艱難、不論艱險☺

–            be at odds with:和…鬧別扭,與…不一致(不合),與…有矛盾

–            take the odds: 接受有利的條件

–            even-odds:勝敗機會相等

–            odds on:有一半以上的勝算

–            an odds-on bet:頗有勝算的打賭。

win v. (得)勝,贏得(愛情、名譽等) ,成功,奪得(獎品等)

–            win over: 把爭取(~)過來,將(~)拉攏過來

–         win out:勝出。英文解釋: to succeed after a lot of difficulty☺

–         win though :排除困難得勝或達到目標。英文解釋: to overcome difficulties and attain a desired target or outcome.

–            win one’s way:排除障礙成功。

–            win a battle:打一個勝仗。ðwin a victory 贏得勝利。

–            win back:贏回。

[1] exercise v. 行使(職權等),運用,發揮(力量),練習

[2] e.g. The odds are in our favor. 我們的勝算很大。 ☺

e.g. The odds are against you. 形勢對你不利。

[3] 英文解釋:If you achieve something against all the odds, you achieve your desired target in which is very likely to fail.



推薦電影《當幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happiness)

  • 導演:Gabriele Muccino
  • 編劇:Steven Conrad,取材自美國黑人投資專家Chris Gardner的真實勵志故事。




  • 克里斯·賈納(Chris Gardner):威爾·史密斯(Willard Smith)飾演。
  • 克里斯多佛(Christopher):傑登·史密斯(Jaden Smith)飾演。
  • 琳達(Linda):譚蒂·紐頓(Thandie Newton)飾演。


重溫電影《當幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happiness) 結局

電影《當幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happiness) 主題曲和背景音樂







soundtrack, theme 


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