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台灣小吃豬血營養素多,可修復肌肉並改善貧血 - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985

豬血蛋白質高達18.9%,蛋白質含量是豬肉的4倍,雞蛋5倍。豬血漿蛋白質含氨基酸達18種之多,包括人體不能含成的8種必需氨基酸,富含植物所缺少的精氨酸。豬血中還含有多種無機鹽和微量元素。如鈉、鉀、磷、鐵、鋅、 錳、銅、鈷等

每100克豬血含有16克蛋白質,高於牛肉和瘦豬肉的比例。 由於豬血蛋白中含有的氨基酸比例接近人體,因此非常容易使用。豬血性溫,有解毒清腸、補血的功效。含維生素B2、維生素C、蛋白質、、磷、、尼克酸等營養成分。由於豬血富含鐵,可改善貧血!



北京醫科大 學少兒衛生研究所曾用豬血製作出餅乾,發現對防治小學生缺鐵性貧血有很好的療效。豬血中含量元素的鉻,可防止動脈硬化豬血含有一定量的卵磷脂,可抑制低密度脂蛋白的有害作用,有助於預防和治療動脈粥樣硬化。對預防和治療老年癡呆症,睡眠不足,健忘或多夢或失眠等疾病也非常有益。














What are the health benefits and nutritional values of pig blood? Pig’s blood curd is rich in riboflavin, vitamin C, protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium, niacin and other minerals. Pig blood is rich in vitamin B2, vitamin C, protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium, niacin and other nutrients.

According to research, pig blood has the effects of strengthening body constitution, enriching blood, preventing hyperlipidemia, etc.


#Low calorie and  low-fat 
Pig blood contains very little fat, only 0.4g per 100g, which is 1/70 of the fat content of lean pork. Protein, iron, zinc, cobalt and other contents are very high in pig’s blood, and its fat content is very low.


Pig blood contains rich organic iron elements and is easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, which can provide raw materials for the synthesis of hemoglobin and improve the synthesis of blood.Besides, pig blood contains vitamin K, which promote blood coagulation.  Pig blood contains many inorganic salts, which is necessary for human body, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, as well as trace elements such as iron, zinc, copper and manganese.


#High-quality protein sources

Every 100g pig blood contains 16g protein, which is higher than the proportion of beef and lean pork and easy to digest and absorb. Since the proportion of amino acids contained in pig blood protein is close to that in human body, it is very easy to be used.


Since pig blood is rich in iron and protein, it is constructive to muscle repair. Research has proved that zinc and copper help improve our immune function. Pig blood also contains a certain amount of lecithin, which can inhibit the harmful effect of low-density lipoprotein and help prevent and treat atherosclerosis. As to the elderly and patients with coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia and cerebrovascular diseases, pig blood is beneficial for preventing and treating senile dementia, hypomnesis, amnesia, dreaminess and insomnia.


# Attention
The disadvantages of eating pig blood are also worthy of attention. Excessive consumption of pig blood will cause iron poisoning and affect the absorption of other minerals.  Also, pig blood contains metabolic wastes of pig body, such as hormones, drugs, urea. 



#hemoglobin 中文:血紅蛋白

# blood coagulation 中文: 血液凝固

#amino acids 胺基酸





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