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英語教學|用英文談論自己的感情狀態|27句英文常用句(不定時更新) - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985


1. I am emotionally unavailable.我心有所屬了。(意指雖然沒有交往的對象,但已經有喜歡的人了)
2.  I am unavailable.我已經死會了。(表明非單身,意指有男女朋友或已婚)

unavailable adj.難以獲得的;不能利用的;得不到的;不可獲得的(that cannot be obtained),無法接近的,不在手頭的。unavailable 英文解釋:unable to get, see, meet or talk to

 -I’m afraid Amber is unavailable now.對不起,安柏現在不在。 

ž -Such luxury items were unavailable to ordinary people.那樣的奢侈品一般人是不可能得到的。


▲如果想要婉拒別人的追求,請不要直接說:我不喜歡你,建議你說:I am not attracted to you, but we still can be friends. 我對你沒有意思,但我們還是可以當朋友。

3.  I am ready for another relationship. 我已經準備好進入另一段關係。★
4.  I am already in another relationship.我已經身處另一段戀愛關係。

5.  Being Single is a choice. 單身是一種選擇。

6. Maybe I don’t deserve you. You deserve someone better.也許我真的配不上你,你值得更好的人。★
7.  He doesn’t deserve you. You can find someone better.他根本就配不上你,你可以找到更好的人。

8 We don’t match each other.我們兩個不適合;我們不配。

9.  I still have feelings for you.我對你還有感覺 (適用場合:挽留舊愛尋求復合)

10. Are you seeing anyone now? 你現在有約會的對象嗎?(詢問對方的感情狀態)

-  I’m in love with you. 我愛上你了。(英文告白台詞)

-  I’m infatuated with you. 我為你神魂顛倒。

- I fell in love with you at first sight. 我對你一見鍾情。

-  I can’t help falling in love with you. 我對你情不自禁。

- May I hold your hand? 我可以牽你的手嗎?

-I can’t help how I feel. I can’t help thinking about you.我無法克制我的感受。我禁不住想你。

ž   can’t help but + 原型動詞  「不由得 ; 禁不住」

ž   can’t help + Ving    「不由得 ; 禁不住」


-I miss you so badly. 我好想你。

▲很多人也說I miss you so bad. 《這句話其實不符合文法,但卻是老外普遍的口頭說法》如中文「這樣」縮寫為「醬」。

badly副詞(adv.),可修飾動詞,We played badly.我們打得很爛。


補充說明:go out (with someone)=是指交往前的約會,就是兩人還不是男女朋友關係,先一起出去吃飯看電影等等互相了解的階段。

be together是指已經成為男女朋友的關係,譬如 Amy and Chris have been together for 8 years since junior high. 


12 Do you get bored with me? 你對我感到乏味了嗎?
13.  You will get bored with anyone sooner or later.你遲早會對每個人感到厭倦。

14. Have you been cheating on me? 你曾經背叛我嗎?

cheat on someone →對愛人或伴侶不忠誠(unfaithful) 通姦( commit adultery)  emotionally cheat 精神出軌;精神外遇 e.g. He emotionally cheated on me.他精神出軌。 


15.  Maybe he is just not that into me anymore. 也許他只是不再那麼喜歡我了。

-be into something [口語用法],意思是對某____很感興趣

- I am really into jazz. 我很喜歡爵士。

16. It was hard to let go of the person you loved most. 要對自己最愛的人放手很難。

17. I can’t stand the sight of a woman who is heart-broken 我沒有辦法看女人心碎。
18.  Don’t take her efforts for granted. 不要把她的付出當作理所當然。


19. I will take whatever I can to win her heart. 我會盡一切可能贏得她的芳心。
-She is just not right for you. 她並不適合你。

21.  My greatest fear is to be in a relationship with a “compulsive liar.” 我最大的恐懼就是和一個慣性說謊者在一起。

 22. I had this belief that our love was strong enough to withstand all the struggles.我曾經相信我們的愛足夠讓我們對抗所有的困難。

withstand  v. 經得起; 承受得起; 耐得住

struggle v. 奮鬥; 使勁努力;奮力掙扎

struggle through (something) →to get through something in the best way possible.


23. .   “Trust is like a paper. Once it’s crumpled, it can’t be perfect again.” (Anonymous) 信任就像一張紙,一旦弄皺了,就不可能再完美了。(佚名)★
  crumple  v. 弄皺, 壓皺; (變皺)破裂;崩潰

24.  Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.情人眼裡出西施。
beholder n.觀看者,旁觀者

 25. Starting over is out of the question.不可能重新來過。

out of the question: Not worth considering, Impossible, not possible 

out of question 意思是: Beyond doubt, undoubtedly (毫無疑問) 但據說這個片語已經被許多老外認為是陳舊的(obsolete)的用法。

out of the question 則屬於常見用法,意思是:太困難所以不可能,不值得考慮 e.g.  Holding a party here tonight is absolutely out of the question.


26.  I am not ready for a commitment yet. 我還沒有準備做出承諾。

27. I am sure that I am not cut out for marriage. 我確定我不適合婚姻。

cut out for someone/ something: 適合某事(suited for something)適合做某種事的人( to be the right type of person to do something)






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