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影集《慾望城市》Sex and the City 精選台詞| Are we forever haunted by... - Wise Library 1985

情景喜劇《慾望城市》(Sex and the City),共六季94集。獲得許多艾美獎和金球獎。Setting : New York city外景取景於曼哈頓。


配樂作曲:Douglas J. Cuomo/Tom Findlay

片頭曲”Sex and the City Theme”


♠影集《慾望城市》Sex and the City 精選中文台詞
1. 米蘭達:「談戀愛不是在玩遊戲,你不只要成熟、還要誠實。」[1]
2. 凱莉:「有時候『過去』就像是一個阻礙你前進的絆腳石,也許你該放掉過去的自己才能成為未來的自己。」
3. 「總有一個好一點的分手方式,但是絕對不包括”用便利貼”這招!」
4. 莎曼珊:「不要在喜歡的人面前太拿翹、老是玩欲擒故縱那招。」[2]
5. 夏綠蒂:「對A來說是垃圾的東西,對B來說也許是寶藏。」
6. Mr.Big:「經過一些日子以後,你會知道你只想要跟一個能夠帶給你快樂的人。」
7. 凱莉:「有時候我們要停止去分析過去、停止計畫未來、停止放大每個感受、停止思考這些、那些,一切順其自然就好了。」
8. 莎曼珊:「和前男友維持性關係不是件好主意,因為你不能要求更多,更糟的是,你和他真的也只剩性關係而已。」
9. 凱莉:「每件事最終都會有個圓滿的結局,等到那時候你就可以笑看以前的煩惱、更懂得人生,然後領悟每件事情必有它自己的道理。」


♥影集《慾望城市》Sex and the City 精選英文台詞

“I got to thinking about fate. That crazy concept that we’re not really responsible for the course our lives take. That it’s all predestined, written in the stars. Maybe that explains why, if you live in a city, where you can’t even see the stars, your love life tends to feel a little more random. And even if our every man, every kiss, every heartache, is pre-ordered from some cosmic catalogue, can we still take a wrong step and wander off our own personal milky way? I couldn’t help but wonder, can you make a mistake and miss your fate?

‘And then I realised something, twenty-something girls are just fabulous, until you see one with the man who broke your heart.’ Carrie


“It wasn’t logic, it was love.”~Carrie


“Women are for friendship. Men are for fucking”~ Samantha

‘He doesn’t even know me , the least he could do is get to know me before he rejects me.’ Miranda

‘The fact is, sometimes it’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun’. Carrie

“The longer I sat at that table, the more alone I felt. And it really hit me: I am 35 and alone!” ~Carrie

Gay men understand what’s important: clothes, compliments and cocks.’ Samantha

. ‘Easy?! You men have no idea what we’re dealing with. Teeth placement and jaw stress and suction and gag reflex. And all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don’t call it a job for nothing.’ Samantha

 ‘Oh please, there’s always a competition with an ex, it’s called ‘who’ll die miserable?’ Samantha


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