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基督教有所謂的命中註定嗎?另一半的戀人夫婦由上帝決定? - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985


“ I define our Holy Spouse as the one that God intends for us to marry. Given that definition, it is clear that I believe God arranges marriages. Is there any biblical evidence to support my belief? Let’s look at the Book of Tobit […] Meeting our Holy Spouse will not be a coincidence. Beautiful scripture says that you and your Holy spouse were appointed unto each other from the beginning and that God in heaven has arranged your marriage.” BY THEVEILOFCHASTITY, Does God Arrange Marriages?(2012)

Tobit was a righteous Israelite of the Tribe of Naphtali who was blinded. Tobit had a son named Tobias. He sent Tobias to Media. Sarah was in faraway Media who is a young woman prayed for death. The demon of lust Asmodeus abducted and killed 7 man she married on their wedding night before the marriage can be consummated. In response to their prayer, God sent the Archangel Raphael, who disguised as a human, to heal Tobit’s blindness and to free Sarah from the demon. Thus, Tobias was accompanied by the Archangel Raphael and his dog. It’s a happy ending story. Tobit’s is able to see again and Sarah and Tobias get married. And Raphael was also ordered to expel the demon Asmodeus from Sarah.

“Pray to God which is merciful, who will have pity on you, and save you: fear not” Tobit 6:17

▲Book of Tobit多俾亞傳





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