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28 Inspirational Movie Quotes on Life, Wounds, Friendship and Love Relationships in Chinese and


1. BE grateful for your imperfections; they let you understand who truly care about you. 對你的不完美抱以感激,是它們讓你明白誰真正在乎你。——電影《食破天驚》 (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs), 2012★★★

2.Ernest Hemingway once wrote: “The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.”I agree with the second part.海明威曾寫道:「這世界是美好地方,值得為之奮鬥。」我只同意後半段。——電影《火線追緝令》(Seven),1995

3.We keep secrets from lots of people, including our self – and that we call forgetting.我們不讓很多人知道我們的祕密,包括我們自己。我們說「忘了。」——電影《遺忘索命記憶》(Trance ),2013

4. f your life has always been wonderful, you won’t be the strong person that you are today. 如果你的人生一直很美好,你就不會是今日這個堅強的你了。——電影《捍衛聯盟》(Rise of the Guardians), 2012

5. Whether some words are harmless or not should be decided by the ones listening, not by the ones talking. 一句話傷不傷人,應該由聽的人決定,而不是說的人決定。——電影《今晚誰當家》 (Carnage), 2011

6. Oftentimes the way we express our concern is the exact reason why people reject it. 很多時候,我們表達關心的方式,恰好是人們拒絕被關心的理由。——電影《大法官》 (The Judge), 2014[1]

7. Love can show up at anytime; make sure you grab it when it does. 幸福隨時都可能出現,確定它來的時候你會抓住它。——電影《對面的惡女看過來》(10 Things I Hate About You) ,1999

8.Some wounds may never heal, but we have to go on, even with the scars. 有些傷疤也許永遠不會療癒,但就算帶著疤也要走下去。——電影《飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢 終結戰》 (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2)

9.Take a close look at everyone around you; some can help you find yourself, and some are just emptying your soul. 試著看清所有你周遭的人,有些人能幫你找到自己,而有些人只會掏空你的靈魂。——電影《異形:聖約》(Alien: Covenant)

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10.Sometimes what makes a person brave comes from the other’s courage. 有時候是另一個人的勇氣,讓一個人變得勇敢。——電影《時空永恆的愛戀》 (The Age of Adaline), 2015  延伸閱讀:電影台詞中英對照|《時空永恆的愛戀》The Age Of Adaline|金句精選

11We all ask for trouble when we fall in love, but we also learned to find joy as we suffer. 我們在愛情裡自找苦吃,但我們都學了會苦中作樂。——電影《自殺突擊隊》 (Suicide Squad), 2016 Suicide Squad Extended Cut  Amazon 

12. I am someone else when I’m with you, someone more like myself. — Original Sin當我跟你在一起時,我變成了另一個人,一個更像我自己的人。——電影《原罪》Original Sin (2001)[2] 也被翻譯成《枕邊陷阱》

13.I was blessed to have you in my life. When I look back on these days, I’ll look and see your face.You were right there for me.我有幸生命裡有你,當我回顧那些日子,我便能看見你的臉龐,你總在那守候著我。——電影《珍珠港》(Pearl Harbor)[3]

14. Empathy, not sympathy, enables one to truly care for someone else. 讓一個人真正在乎另一個人的是同理心,而不是同情心。——電影《她和她的小鬼們》 (Short Term 12), 2013

15.It can be regretful when memory becomes the only place where you meet each other, but it’s also eternal. 回憶成了你們唯一相遇的地點,這也許讓人遺憾,卻它也是永恆的。——電影《咖啡.愛情》 (Café Society), 2016   預告Trailer 

《咖啡·愛情》是一部美國浪漫愛情喜劇片,由伍迪·艾倫執導和編劇。電影主演包括珍妮·柏林、史提夫·卡爾、傑西·艾森柏格、布蕾克·萊芙莉、帕可兒·波茜、克莉絲汀·史都華、寇瑞·史托爾和肯·史托。 票房: 4380 萬美元。提名紀錄: 俄國奧斯卡金鷹獎最佳外語片, 藝術指導公會獎最佳歷史類藝術指導。

16.With great power there must come great responsibility .能耐有多大,責任就有多大。 ——電影《蜘蛛俠》(Spider Man)

17.The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. 惡魔最高明的詭計就是讓人們相信他並不存在。——電影《刺激驚爆點》The Usual Suspect,1995

18.It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything. 只有當我們喪失一切以後,我們才有去做任何事的自由。——電影《鬥陣俱樂部》Fight Club,1999

19. There’s no right, there’s no wrong, there’s only popular opinion.沒有所謂對或錯,只有所謂大眾的觀點。——電影《未來總動員》(Twelve Monkeys),1995

20. [T]his is not a love story, but it is a story about love. About those who give in into it and the price they pay. And those who run away from it because they are afraid or because they do not believe they’re worthy of it. 這不是一個愛情故事,而是一個關於愛的故事。關於那些投入其中的人和他們所付出的代價。而那些逃離愛的人,是因為他們害怕或者因為他們不相信他們值得。——電影《原罪》(Original Sin)

21. Happiness is not about being immortal […]It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone’s love when you need love.幸福,不是長生不老,[…]是每一個微小的生活願望都能實踐,或是你肚子餓的時候有東西可以吃,或是當你需要愛的時候有人愛你。——電影《飛屋環遊記》

22. It’s in the blood. But who can see the lies?它就在血液裡頭,但誰能看到謊言?——電影《藥命關係 》Side Effects

23.And she realized not every story has a happy ending. 而她後來了解了,不是所有故事都有美好結局。―電影《擁抱愛與勇氣》(To Write Love on Her Arms) (2012) [4]

24.You can always tell who care about you the most by who comes first to visit you in the hospital. 你總是能夠從誰最先抵達醫院探望你來分辨誰最在乎你。 ——電影《謊言對決》(Body of Lies), 2008

25.God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.神決定了誰做你的親戚,但感謝上帝,我們可以選擇我們的朋友。—《加菲貓》(Garfield: The Movie)

26.Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. 要節約用水,盡量和女友一起洗澡。——動漫電影《加菲貓》(Garfield: The Movie)

27.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. 一個人總要走陌生的路,看陌生的風景,聽陌生的歌,然後某一天你發現,原本用力想要忘記的早就忘了。——《藍莓之夜》(My Blueberry Nights)[1]

28. It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.一個堅強的人能拯救他自己,而一個偉大的人能拯救他人。——電影《肖申克的救贖》(The Shawshank Redemption)

Café Society Official International Trailer #1 (2016) – Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart Movie HD



popular opinion: 即多數人的觀點。英文解釋:a viewpoint agreed or shared by most people★★★

immortal adj.不滅的; 不朽的;永生的

imperfection n. 不完美

harmless adj.無害的;沒有惡意的。

try hard: puts a large amount of effort to do something
strange adj.奇怪的,古怪的,陌生的。英文解釋:1. odd, unusual, 2. not known, seen, or experienced before

save v. 拯救

regretful adj.悔恨的,後悔的,惋惜的,抱憾的

shower v. 淋浴;陣雨似地傾注;大量給與;下陣雨;陣雨似地落下

[1] 關心的intention是好的,但如果表達的方式或用字遣詞不對,很可能讓玻璃心的當事人二度受傷。

[2] 同時被譯作《枕邊陷阱》,由安潔莉娜・裘莉(Angelina Jolie)主演

[3] 2001年上映,改編自二次世界大戰美國首次空襲日本本土的珍珠港事件。

[4] 同時被譯作《把愛寫在她的手臂上》



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