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校園畢業主題電影《四個畢業生》(Reality Bites)|電影經典台詞|Do you ever have those moments in life where everything is

校園畢業主題電影《四個畢業生》(Reality Bites)

  • 導演:班·史提勒(Benjamin Stiller)
  • 編劇:海倫·切爾德利斯(Helen Childress)
  • 主要演員和腳色對照
  • 薇諾娜·瑞德(Winona Ryder) — 飾演莉蕾娜·皮爾斯(Lelaina Pierce)
  • 伊森·霍克(Ethan Hawke) —飾演特洛伊·戴爾(Troy Dyer)
  • 班·史提勒(Ben Stiller) —飾演麥克·格烈茲(Michael Grates)
  • 珍妮娜·葛羅佛(Janeane Garofalo)—飾演薇琪·麥納(Vickie Miner)


電影《四個畢業生》(Reality Bites)經典台詞:Do you ever have those moments in life where everything is okay?你人生中是否曾經有過什麼事都好好的順順利利的~那樣的時光?

  • okay adj. all right; satisfactory ; acceptable ; unremarkable but tolerable


電影《四個畢業生》(Reality Bites)經典台詞:sex is the quickest way to ruin a friendship.性是毀掉一段友情最快的方式。

  •  ruin v. cause irreparable damage or harm to; to injure or destroy smething irretrievably.

電影《四個畢業生》(Reality Bites)經典台詞:Don’t just dick around the same coffee house for five years. Don’t dick around with her or with me. I mean, try at something for once in your life[…] You better do it now, and you better do it fast, because the world doesn’t owe you any favors.不要只是在同一間咖啡店渾渾噩噩浪費五年的光陰,不要浪費時間在她或在我身上。我的意思是:就那麼一次,試著在你的人生當中做點什麼[…]你最好現在就做,而且你最好快點,因為這世界你不欠你什麼。 

  • dick around [片語] 1. to spend time wastefully or unprofitably 2. to be busy in a desultory[1] way

電影《四個畢業生》(Reality Bites)經典對話

Lelaina Pierce: I was really going to be somebody by the time I was 23.我過去想著到了二十三歲的時候我便真的會成為大人物。

Troy Dyer: Honey, all you have to be by the time you’re 23 is yourself.親愛的,你二十三歲的時候只需要做你自己就好。

Lelaina Pierce: I don’t know who that is anymore.我已經不知道那個人是誰了。

Troy Dyer: I do. And we all love her. I love her. She breaks my heart again and again, but I love her.我知道,而且我們都愛她,我愛她,她一次次讓我心碎,但我愛她。

by the time 使用說明:[2]

1)假如由by the time引導的子句是描述未來(動詞用現在式),主要子句便用未來完成式。

例句:By the time you come to see me, I will have transformed myself into a better man.

2) 假如由by the time引導的子句描述過去,主要子句便用過去完成式。

例句: By the time I met him after years of separation, he had married another woman.


[1][1] desultory adj.散漫的,雜亂的,無條理的

[2]相關句型:《By+未來時間+主詞+未來完成式… 》

Reality Bites|Film| Soundtrack|OST?|Theme Song |包含電影背景音樂、 主題曲、 插曲 、片尾曲共18首


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