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《影評》穿越時空愛情電影|(About time)中英文台詞對照|蝴蝶效應 「你人生當中那些真正的麻煩,總是那些你從來沒有擔心過的事。」 - Getting Closer to God's V

♥電影《真愛每一天》About time劇中經典台詞

The real troubles in your life will always be things that never crossed your worried mind. 人生當中那些正的麻煩總是那些從來沒有擔心過的事

  • cross one’s mind:腦海中一閃而過的念頭

I’d only give one piece of advice to anyone marrying. We’re all quite similar in the end. We all get old […] But try and marry someone kind.任何一個要結婚的人我都只給一個忠告最終我們都差不多我們都會變老[…]但試著嫁給一個善良的人。

  • kind adj.仁慈的,仁愛的,和藹的,親切的。英文解釋:1.showing or having a friendly, considerate or agreeable attitude. 2.being sympathetic and helpful to others or having a warm-hearted nature.3.cordial; courteous

[W]ith all the tensions and worries that stop us noticing how sweet the world can be.所有的焦慮和煩惱讓我們無法去注意這世界有有多麼地可愛。

  • at short notice 在短時間內,頃刻之間;得到命令後馬上立刻。 →without being given much time to do something; something happens quickly
  • escape one’s notice 逃過某人的注意。
  • get notice of 接到…的通知。
  • give notice (預先)通知 (解雇、辭退等)
  • without notice 沒有預先通知。

Life’s a mixed bag, no matter who you are. 不管你是誰,人生就是會經歷各種酸甜苦辣。

  • mixed bag: a varied or diverse collection of people or things.

She was then, and still is to me, the most beautiful thing in the world. 當時的她和現在的她,仍舊對我而言都是世上最美的事物





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