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18句熱門人氣影集經典台詞You didn’t love her. Because you don’t destroy people you love. - Wise Library 1985



1.影集《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照:You didn’t love her. You just didn’t want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was just good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn’t love her. Because you don’t destroy people you love. 你並不愛她,你只是不想隻身一人,又也許,她只是剛剛好能夠滿足你的自尊心。又或者,也許她讓你對自己悲慘的人生感到好過一點,但是你並不愛她,因為你不會摧毀你所愛的人。

▲I wanna marry you. I wanna have kids with you. I wanna build a house. I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime.


2.影集《追愛總動員》(How I Met Your Mother)經典台詞中英對照:If you’re not scared […] And if you’re not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing?如果你不害怕[…]倘若你沒有抓住機會,那麼,你到底在搞什麼鬼?

3.影集《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11:You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人。

4.英國影集推薦 《Skins》經典台詞中英對照:Don’t’ say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it. 不要說你愛我,除非你是認真的,因為我可能會做瘋狂的事~像是信了你說的話。


5.影集《越獄》(Prison Break)經典台詞中英對照:When I was a child, I couldn’t sleep at night because I thought there was a monster in the closet. But my brother told me there isn’t anything there but fear […] He said you just have to face it. You just have to open that door, and the monster would disappear. 當我還是個孩子,我晚上睡不著覺,因為我覺得衣櫃裡有個怪物。但是我的哥哥告訴我,那裡什麼都沒有只有恐懼[…]他說你只需要面對它,你只需要打開那扇門,那個怪物就會消失。

▲Prison Break images Michael & Sara HD wallpaper and background photos


6.影集《越獄》(Prison Break)經典台詞中英對照:You know, we spend so much of our lives not saying the things we want to say, the things we should say.你知道,我們人生花了很多時間不說我們想說的話、不說我們該說的話。

7.影集《六人行》(Friends)經典台詞中英對照:What is the obsessive need you have to make everyone agree with you? 是什麼樣偏執的需求,讓你會想要讓所有人都認同你?


8.影集《六人行》(Friends)經典台詞中英對照:Welcome to teh real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it. 歡迎來到真實的世界,它爛透了,你會愛上它的。


9.影集《凱莉日記》(The Carrie Diaries)經典台詞中英對照:I’d feel a lot better if I didn’t feel like everyone’s staring at me. 如果我不覺得每個人都在盯著我看,我心裡會好過很多。

10.影集《醫診情緣》(Private Practice)經典台詞中英對照:Funerals aren’t for the dead. They are for the living. They’re to help us survive when it feels like the grief might just kill us. 喪禮不是為了過世的人,是為了活著的人。喪禮是為了幫助活的人活下來,當我們覺得哀傷很可能會殺死我們的時候。

11.影集《醫診情緣》(Private Practice)經典台詞中英對照:If you don’t like your life, you do something about it […] What you don’t do is whine to me about it. 如果你不喜歡你的人生,你會採取行動![…] 你不該做的就是跟我訴苦。

▲I’m about one hundred years older than I look. 


12.《追愛總動員》(How I Met Your Mother)經典台詞中英對照:You may think your only choices are to swallow your anger or throw it in someone’s face. There’s a third option: you can just let it go 你或許會想你唯一的選擇是把你的憤怒吞下去,或把它砸在某個人的臉上,但其實還有第三種選擇:就讓它過去。

13.影集《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照:There’s an end to every storm每個暴風雨都有結束的時候

14.影集《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 – 克里斯蒂娜


15. 影集《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.我認為花時間告訴你愛的人你有多愛他們是很重要的,在他們可以聽見的時候。

司馬儀:劇中的另一句話是這麼說的:Cause you never think the last time is going to be the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you dont’. 

16.影集《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的[…]有時,改變是好的。


17.影集《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照:And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


18.《追愛總動員》(How I Met Your Mother)經典台詞中英對照:I love your story. Sure it’s messy, but it’s the story that got us here. 我喜歡你的故事。當然,它一蹋糊塗,但也是因為這個故事讓我們在一起。


1.obsessive 英文解釋1) motivated by a persistent overriding idea or impulse, often associated with anxiety and mental illness
2.) continually preoccupied with a particular activity, person, or thing

2.feel like : to have an inclination or desire for [2] be willing or anxious to do something

3.grief n. 英文解釋:deep or intense sorrow, as that arising from bereavement,annoyance or frustration

4.let someone/something go 英文解釋: allow someone or something to escape or go free; relinquish one’s grip on someone or something

Emily: What  do you do if someone you love lets you down, really fucks you over?

Thomas: You must try and stop loving them.














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