CEO=Chief Executive Officer執行長,(又稱首席執行官、行政總裁、行政總監或最高執行長)。 CEO主要職責便是對公司的重大經營運作事項進行決策,包括經營方向、樹立企業文化等等。
COO=Chief Operating Officer,統稱營運長,又稱為營運總監,是公司內部負責監督管理每日活動的高階主管,監測每日的公司運作,並直接報告CEO;理想的營運長必須了解一些商業管理理論,如TQM、Six Sigma。 大規模的企業會同時具備CEO及COO。
At the core, the chief operating officer (COO) should work on the day-to-day administration and operation of the business. Stereotypically, the COO reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) . In some corporations, the COO is also known as the Executive Vice President of Operations. To be more precisely, the CEO makes long-term business goals and the outlook for a company and the COO implements them by executing the company’s business plans according to its business model. As the CEO may be more involved with a long-term focus, the COO is more responsible for daily, quarterly or other periodic measured results.
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