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Google 員工用走路來提高專注力?..... - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985

國外研究早就證實「一心多用的多工模式」會讓大腦逐漸喪失「專注力」。 近來大腦科學的研究也發現正面思考能提升專注力。由於妥善分配注意力的機制(與額葉及頂葉有關)及妥善處理衝突障礙的機制(與前扣帶皮層、島葉、基底核有關)會因正面思考而明顯提升。有研究結果顯示, 正面思考對 ADHD(A t t e n t i o n D e f i c i t Hyperactivity Disorder,注意力不足過動症)也有其效果。

Reference: The Influences of Emotion on Learning and Memory




Google 的員工訓練課程 SIY(Search Inside Yourself)有所謂的步行冥想

Walking proved to Improve concentration, focus and cognitive function. According to researchers from the Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience at the University of Illinois: Walking at one’s own pace for 40 minutes three times a week is able to enhance the connectivity of brain circuits, combat declines in brain function associated with aging and increase performance on cognitive tasks. (Reference: Study Shows That Walking Boosts Brain Function)

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Our brain is often described as something which can be trained like muscles. A wave of studies found that the runner’s high and the yogi’s tranquility have profound positive effects on our brain. 


#Boost our memory

The part of the brain that responds strongly to aerobic exercise is hippocampus. Studies show that brain structure grows as people get fitter. Since the hippocampus is at the core of the brain’s learning and memory systems. Exercise does have a more immediate impact on memory formation. German researchers showed that walking or cycling helped people learning new foreign languages.


Don’t push yourself too hard, though. Excessive workouts raise your stress levels, which can scupper your memory circuits.


#Improve our concentration

Other health benefits of walking barefoot include improvements in balance and body awareness in which help relieve pain. (Reference


#Improve your mental health and Slow cognitive decline





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