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Uproot Chronic Constipation Effectively with the Right Diet Once and for All - Getting Closer to

Uproot Chronic Constipation Effectively with the Right Diet  Once and for All

by Ashlee Lavigne (文。簡碧儀)

constipation definition: It refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. The stool is often hard and dry.

For some people, constipation is a chronic condition that causes significant discomfort and constant worries. Constipation means that you’re not passing stools regularly or fail to completely empty your bowel. Constipation can also cause your stools to be hard, unusually large or small.

As I overserved, constipation is a constant worry for most women especially. The prevalence of constipation surprised me that those who eat more vegetable are usually the ones who suffer more seriously and frequently of the problem. Constipation has nothing to do with age but diet routine.

Besides, many people digest a lot of vegetables, fruits and water every single day and the same time they do exercise such as yoga on a daily basis. But still, they can never free from the trouble of constipation for years or decades.

Significantly, the latest research found the reasons why.

Constipation Causes and Treatment 

1 Few Oily Diet Comes with Problems

Many women aim to lose weight and thus they prefer far less oily diet or oil-free diet by getting a high amount of vegetables, fruits and water.

As to the elimination of fecal waste through the anus, the body demands lubricant, the oil to deliver the body waste. Whenever the body lacks sufficient oil, the body will have difficulty to eliminate the excretion from the body without lubricant.

★Solution1: Take more plant-based fats like peanut oil or olive oil in your daily diet.

Some doctors recommend you to add some vegetable oil when having a salad. For instance, I recommend you to paste sesame sauce or black sesame paste when enjoying a toast, bread or bagel. Sesame has natural abundant vegetable fat and calcium. I personally prefer to sprinkle some white sesame seeds and black sesame powder on rice as a daily routine to assure that I get enough calcium on a daily basis.

Solution 2: Avocado provides the best option of good fat.

Avocado, known as butter fruit. Some people call avocado a “cream in fruit”, which is mostly composed of oils and fats. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is able to lower bad cholesterol and improve good cholesterol.

The fat in avocado is absolutely much healthier than red meat and butter.

Most people obtained fat by flesh, cooking oil, such as various vegetable oils, or the oil in the seasoning. Fat in animals is saturated fat, which is bad for cardiovascular health. On the other hand, the oils used for cooking are over-processed refined oil, which barely has any nutrition.

As to food classification, avocado is classified as a fatty food. Avocado has a high-fat content that 74% of avocado’s calories come from fat. The main nutrients provided by fruits are sugars, but avocados contain low sugar content. Thus, avocado can be valued as the best fruit for the diabetics. Most fruit contains 0.1 to 0.2 grams of fat per 100 grams, but avocado contains 5.9 to 7.8 grams of fat per 100 grams.

2. Excessive Water-insoluble fiber Increase the Chance of Constipation

To promote defecation, many people consume lots of dietary fiber. Fruits and vegetables have lots of dietary fiber and it does for the health of the stomach. Most Vegetables are alkaline foods and it is definitely helpful to boost your metabolism rate and it can assure you to have higher body temperature and better blood circulation as well.

Nevertheless, most people have no idea about the difference and function of water-soluble fiber and water-insoluble fiber. Second, more dietary fiber demands more water.

According to the medical book “Allergic Intestines” published by Japanese doctor  水上健(みずかみたけし), excessive intake of dietary fiber increase the amount of waste gas in the intestines. As the volume of the excretion gets larger, it would be more easily get stuck in the intestine for its size and cause constipation. He asserts that most cases of constipation roots in excessive intake of dietary fiber.

Notes: The average daily intake of dietary fiber is 20 grams. In a nutshell, there would be adverse effects if the intake of dietary fiber exceeds the suggested number. There is a limited number of daily water intake.  Too much water cause bad effects on the body as well. 

Colon is located at the end of the intestine, which is responsible to digest and absorb the waste and discharge non-nutritive substances out of the body in the form of feces.

The water-insoluble fiber has the character of absorbing water, and per gram of dietary fiber is able to make the amount of fecal volume 20 times bigger. As you eat excessive dietary fiber, without sufficient water, the fiber would fail to expand, and the feces will become small, dry and hard. Since large intestine absorbs the water in the feces, the stool will be drier, and constipation will be more serious.

The recommended amount of water per day can be calculated by your weight. Each kg should be supplemented with 35c.c. water.

Water-soluble dietary fiber can be fermented by intestinal bacteria and produce short-chain fatty acids and inhibit the synthesis of

liver cholesterol. Water-soluble dietary fiber provides the energy source of intestinal bacteria, which help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

If your stool is sticky….

the dietitian suggests that you might take excessive animal protein. The solution is to increase the intake more water-insoluble crude fiber vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage. Next, change some white rice into brown rice or grain rice.

White rice barely has any fiber. In addition to brown rice or grain rice, you can also add red beans or job’s tears to increase the fiber percentage.

Dietitians also recommend that if you eat much fiber on a daily basis, it is better to increase the intake of fiber slowly and gradually in consideration of the stomach’s adaption.

Dietary fiber can be divided into two categories:

water-soluble fiber and water-insoluble fiber.

1 Water-insoluble fiber is able to stimulate the intestinal wall and facilitate intestinal peristalsis. The water-insoluble dietary fiber swell when it absorbs water and so it increases the size and amount of excretion.

2 Water-soluble fiber has the effect of preserving water, which is able to increase the moisture of the stool and lower the chance of constipation.

The best thing is that water-soluble fiber does not increase the volume and size of the stool. Usually, foods rich in water-soluble fibers mostly contain many water-insoluble fibers.  

Food with rich water-soluble fiber including fungus, carrot, loofah, melon, cucumber, and large cucumbers. Mushrooms, enoki mushrooms and other mushrooms all have a high percentage of water-soluble dietary fiber. Also, most fruits have rich water-soluble fiber. Additionally,  natto, kelp, kelp buds, seaweed and taro, and okra are all rich in water-soluble fibers.

Notes: The sugar contained in the fruit are highly ignored by people, which can easily increase the chance of obesity.

★Solution: Get more foods which have rich water-soluble fiber with awareness.

3. Young bananas will make your constipation worse

Lin Jiezhong, a gastroenterologist at the Children’s Hospital of China Medical University, pointed out that apples and bananas are rich in iron and are used as antidiarrheal agents in the past. Thus, he recommends that people with constipation symptoms should not eating apples and bananas, which will only aggravate the symptoms.

He adds that the bananas with all black skin, literally the overripe bananas do have the effect of softening the stools for the reason that the sugars of bananas are converted into fructose, in which helps to moisten the intestines.

Notes: People with constipation symptoms should choose pears, watermelons, papayas, melons, dragon fruit or tomatoes, all of which are the so-called cold fruits. Please aware that intake of excessive cold fruits can possibly cause diarrhea. For instance, the advantage of tomato is able to facilitate excretion, but too much acid food come with side effects as well.

Chinse Medicine Theory

Attention: Our body pass through large intestine from 5 am to 7 am. And therefore 5 am to 7 am is the best timing to go to the toilet.

Toxins in the stool account for 50% of the body’s toxins. In a sense, constipation will highly a person’s health. Laxatives are very harmful to the body for sure.

Q: for people who are easily constipated, what is recommended breakfast?

From 7 to 9 in the morning, the body passes stomach meridian, and thus it is the best timing for breakfast. How to improve intestinal health and what to eat?

Yogurt and fermented foods are highly recommended, such as natto, kimchi, pickled vegetables. It is recommended to take foods in different colors in the diet. Do not eat sweet on an empty stomach.

Attention: if you have constipation problems, try to avoid irony-rich fruits or eat less.

Reference: IBS(過敏性腸症候群)を治す本


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