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✈影集《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds|劇中經典名言中英對照|每天勢必要戰勝一個恐懼  - DARE TO BE DIFFERENT 愛你所愛

影集《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds

路線thriller[1]/crime drama

編劇: 傑夫·戴維斯(Jeff Davis)


  • Mandy Patinkin
  • Thomas Gibson
  • Lola Glaudini
  • Shemar Moore
  • Matthew Gray Gubler
  • Cook
  • Kirsten Vangsness
  • Paget Brewster
  • Joe Mantegna
  • Rachel Nichols
  • Jeanne Tripplehorn

影集《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds劇中經典名言: Nothing is permanent in this wicked world. Not even our troubles. 在這個令人憎惡的世界沒有什麼是永恆不變的即使我們遭遇的麻煩也是如此!

permanent adj. 永久的,耐久的,持久的,經久的。英文解釋: lasting without change in status, condition, etc. [1]

wicked adj.邪惡或令人憎惡的。英文解釋: evil or morally bad; sinful; unjustifiable; having a bad disposition; ill-natured; spiteful; vicious

trouble n. 麻煩,毛病 v. 使煩惱,使費心


影集《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds劇中經典名言:In order to learn the most important lessons in life, one must each day surmount a fear. 為了學習人生中最重要的課題每天勢必要戰勝一個恐懼。

surmount v. 戰勝(困難),超越(障礙等),登上,攀登,居於…之上[1]

lesson n.教訓,課程  v.教訓,訓斥,授課

fear n. v. 恐懼,擔心,害怕,畏懼

✈影集《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds劇中經典名言:

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world, remains and is immortal.我們替自己所做的作為會跟著自己一同死去我們為他人和這個世界所做的則能永不朽。

immortal adj.永恆不朽的 n. 不朽的人物;流芳百世的人物

remain v.留下,保持,剩餘,逗留

影集《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds劇中經典名言:

We forget half of what they teach us in school, but when it comes to the torment and the people who inflicted it, we’ve all got an elephant’s memory.他們在學校教的有一半都被我們忘記了。但很久很久以後我們還是能能輕易記得受過的折磨和使我們受苦痛的人。

have a memory like an elephant :能輕易記住很久以前發生的事

torment n.折磨,痛苦,刑罰 v. 使痛苦折磨

inflict v. 施以或強加某人沉重的打擊,使某人受折磨


✈影集《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds劇中經典名言:Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The massive characters are seared with scars. 是苦難孕育出最強韌的靈魂,偉大的人物都烙印著傷疤。

emerge v. 浮現(顯露),形成(使發生或出現)

sear v. 烤焦,使乾枯 (dry up),使凋萎(wither),烙印,給…留下極不愉快的感覺或記憶[1]


massive adj. 1.大而厚重的,堅固結實的,巨大的2.大規模的,大量的,可觀的[2] 3.氣勢宏偉的,壯觀的

out of 從…裡面;從…當中,來自,出於(出自),由於,用…製成

character n. 性格,人物(腳色),字元

–            in character與某人的言行一致[3]

–            out of character 與某人的言行不一致


▲Be Still – The Fray (Official Full Song)

✈影集《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds劇中經典名言:

Some of the best lessons are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom of the future. 一些最好的教訓都是過去犯過錯學習而過去的過錯會是將來的智慧。

  • lesson n.教訓,課程。教訓,訓斥,向…授課
  • error n. 失誤,【數學】誤差,【法律】誤審。


影集《犯罪心理》Criminal Minds劇中經典名言: 

I feel like there are two types of people in the world. The ones that get over their grief and move on and the ones that descend into some sort of endless misery. 我覺得世界上有兩種人,一種挺過悲傷向前邁進,還有一種向下沉倫,沉浸在某種無盡的不幸中。

feel like 1.覺得2.喜歡(feel like +Ving)

descend v.下降(go down),向下延伸[1]。延伸意思: 1.降格屈尊2.繼承 ðdescendant 後代; 後裔

pain n. 身體或心理上的痛苦或疼痛

get over 克服,把…忘懷,從中恢復過來,熬過,挺過

grief n. 悲傷,憂傷 ðgrief-stricken adj.

move on 繼續前進,繼續向前移動

[1] To progress or move downwards to a lower level, as in rank, pitch, or scale

[1] cause emotional pain or trauma to someone

[2] large in scale, amount, or degree

[3] 英解: In keeping with someone’s usual pattern of behaviour.


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